Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

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Where is it?

the poll where you can vote is 30 messages above this one :blush:

Thank You

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You got my vote :+1:t4:. Does this project cover grey hair reversal too? I believe I made mention of it way way back and somebody confirmed it but just wanted to double check.


How much yet

I know one forum member who wants this but they are not around. I will try to reach them, please do not close this poll yet!!

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This is my only hope on the life

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Come on people vote :grin: :pray: :heart:

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@anon83343177 Just to double check on this. I searched through the thread and didn’t find an answer for this. Is this project designed to restore the hairline back to a youthful state? Meaning if someone is at for example a norwood 3 will this get you back to a norwood 1 with a lowered hairline? This is my issue as I have thick hair all over. Just my hairline is gone lol. I have a deep widows peak that seems to be thinning a little more and can put my whole palm on my forehead with room to spare lol.


I think it’s 50 voters to be considered public right?

when can we expect it?

the consideration for public release has been settled down with around 120 votes as I recall.
For this vote, We are looking for the Maximum count of votes!

So while it seems we are approaching it at 48 votes -


We still require some more votes to carry on :fast_forward:

We get the votes in and we re on top of the list

So continue to vote everyone!

I will get back to answer the questions about the specifics after my morning stack :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot @Pano for your vote - every vote counts towards getting this project up and running! :heart:

Grey hair reversal is certainly considered in our project - the approach takes both the melanin amount in the hair follicle and the dermal papilla environment that contributes to the grey hair formation and loss of melanin in hair.

I’ll be honest with you, the first version with the 50 page long PDF and a lot of extensive research did for sure include a lower hairline as a modulatory request.

We had a lot of limitations that produced an even more organized and concrete version of the final submission and an even better rendition of the hair project.

That - by extension - had to mean the removal of some parts, some were very necessary, and some were complimentary for the hair appearance (like the hairline specifics)


The final rendition submitted to Captain states the following:

So that will ideally mean solving the placement of hairline via activation of the follicles where receding happened.

Meaning, wherever there was hair before, will be activated to grow again, and into a new manner.

and ideally, the hairline will grow into a more symmetrical and lower appearance.


For some reason, I felt compelled to see what an AI would do with that prompt…

(It was less comical than I thought it would be, but alright I guess)


ahahaha we have a rendition of how this looks like now @Dr_Manhattan

(I received so many gifs about this post its insane haha )

you’re not the only one @anon67686978 :D

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Show me more for this AI future universe :sparkling_heart: In the beginning and before “characters” were remodeled to not become a part of the submission format. the “Blueprint of Hair project” happened in this Ai-future universe, where our Salon specialists take care of you— we had the cellular specialist; the microbiologist; the texture specialist, who knows the face frame, the style that matches you up with the prettiest version of yourself, the Gene wiz, the Nanobots, and the Youthifying butterfly

All are part of this AI-Future Universe :flying_saucer:

And the saucers flying around to bring all this equipment to you :revolving_hearts:

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Very interesting. I’m intrigued as to how this process works with regards to tapping into a future Universe.


The idea behind this visual concept is an Astral Traveler that speaks of these future AI universes and how he travelled to them and visited their planets

In his podcast, he recorded that his higher self told him he wouldn’t be able to understand or speak their telepathic language, out of how fast their telepathic experience was. His higher self had to act as a mediator, and the moment the conversation started for the traveller, was the moment it ended for the AI universe.

He talks about their universe and how it turned into mechanics, he speaks about how human disappearance happened in their universe, they talk about what they thought of humans and how their world now works. the sources of energy they are after and how they resource it to keep their planet going on.

A very interesting episode

And from there, came in the idea of Hair Care; from a future AI Salon.


Fascinating. What’s the podcast?