Pure Influence (Community project) NFT: Testimonials

The ability to influence is an essential skill at work and in personal life.

To influence is to have an impact on the behaviors, attitudes, opinions and choices of others. Influence is not to be confused with power or control. It’s not about manipulating others to get your way. It’s about noticing what motivates another person’s commitment and using that knowledge to leverage positive results. A person’s ability to have influence with others is based on trust; in fact, our influence expands in proportion to the amount of trust that exists in a relationship.

Webster defines influence as the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. Through this definition, the difference between influence and dictatorial command is delineated.

Command says, “Do this because I said so and there are vile consequences if you don’t.”

Influence says, “I am helping you to see that this is the best course of action in terms of long-term benefits for the both of us.”

Command can initiate change of mind, but it is externally motivated. As soon as the external consequence is lifted, the status quo is quickly resumed. Influence creates an internal shift in a person’s mindset. Internal commitment is gained independent of external consequences.

The world’s most influential people don’t merely change other’s behavior; they shift their mindsets.

The idea here is simple: create a field with the goal of including the most important skills and mindsets for influence. This influence can be used on the job, to make sales, to have difficult conversations with others, etc.

Similar to the smart field behind “Rite of Passage”, this NFT will work differently and smartly for each individual based on their gender, race, background, age, industry, personal situation etc.

NOTE: Any ideas/concepts influencing the other should not violate their free will. The NFT owner will deeply understand the line between influence and manipulation and NOT cross it.

List of all NFT Abilities:

Communication Mastery
  • The NFT owner’s throat chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT owner will be able to clearly transmit relevant data conceptually to who they are speaking to that aids their communication. The NFT owner will also develop better and better understanding of conceptual communication.

  • The NFT owner will continue development of communication skills. It’s easy to start, continue, negotiate. Understanding when to stop.

  • The NFT owner’s speech is magically empowered and filled with warmth and connectability.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to be able to debate constructively and with positivity. Add skills and knowledge of the world’s best past and modern day debaters.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to quickly assess their prospect’s preferred style of communication to evoke visual imagery, sounds or kinesthetic feeling that works best with them.

  • The NFT owner will have effective influence becomes the default method of communication in verbal, written and non-verbal situations.

  • The NFT owner will be able to influence in their sleep.

  • The NFT owner will be able to dissect arguments with precision, make valid counter-arguments and see through another’s deceptive liguinistic tactics.

  • Automate the ability to use different styles of influencing when communicating with a person that best suits them- Rationalizing, Asserting, Persuasion, Negotiating, Inspiring, and Bridging (styles).

  • Automate the variation of the voice, sound, rhythm and tone when the speaker is interacting to help keep the listener in hook.

  • Matching breathing with interacting with others

  • The NFT owner will have the ability in acquiring languages and using them for influence.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to think in another language and overcome language and cultural barriers.

  • The NFT owner will be installed with broader vocabulary, like downloading the vocabulary mastery of William Shakespeare and other people who are famous for mastering the use of the language.

  • The NFT owner will become really great at expressing ourselves, communicating and influencing through all types of communication and influencing channels, like texting on the phone, or writing a book, or making a youtube video, or writing an e-mail or talking on the phone or on skype with video, or on facebook or twitter, etc.

  • The NFT owner influence is natural and effortless for them, natural born talent/star

  • The NFT owner will be able to speak organically. Using plain English and avoid uncommon or flowery language that seeks to impress. Communicating in an informal yet professional manner and with a casual tone of voice can help establish a connection that comes across as genuine and trustworthy.

  • The NFT owner will be able to enlist people to directly help the NFT owner or provide their resources (budget, information, people, etc.) by describing the NFT owner’s vision to them in a way they will want to help you. If effect, “You are letting others have things your way”

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to quickly understand what motivates an individual or the group that you are influencing so you can figure out what they really want or need as they may not be clear about it themselves.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to create a strong enough motive for themselves and others to influence

  • The NFT owner will learn to see situations from an outside perspective, tapping in to other people’s values and motivations; and framing their message accordingly.

  • The concept of influence consistency is that if you can get someone to do a little of something, you can get them to do more of it at a later time. Therefore, if the NFT owner begins by asking for a small resource commitment, it may be easier for the NFT owner to attain more substantial resources at a later time if the person thinks that the resources related to the NFT owner’s first request were used wisely.

  • The NFT owner will master remaining consistent throughout any process. Whether the NFT owner has 1 client or 100, they will be on top of consistently sending reminders, invoices, and moving the sales process forward.

  • The NFT owner will be dependable, consistent and follow thru on everything they say and do.

Mutual Gain and Reciprocity
  • The NFT owner will find a way that the change they wish to implement is not only of advantage to them, but also of value to the person they are trying to influence.

  • The NFT owner will create an environment for growth and abundance where people are put in a good mood, feel the flow of positive energy and thus are incentivized in a gentle way to “help you out”. When someone feels good somewhere and feels good about you, they’re more inclined to listen to you.

  • The NFT owner will be connected to the people who are ready and able to buy, or be influenced in any way without violating their free will.

  • The NFT owner will Infuse and fill people with positive, good vibes and unconditional love when interacting with them.

  • The NFT owner will influence others by performing tasks that needs to be done anyway, but doing it in a manner that causes the other person to react in a specified fashion.

  • The NFT owner will have deep understanding of Reciprocity, from an influence perspective. It means that if you do something good for someone, they will feel a social obligation to do something good for you.

Direct Request
  • The NFT owner will overcoming fears and blocks when it comes to asking for something. The best way to gain the needed resources is simply to ask.

  • The NFT owner will overcome fears of expressing themselves because of negative repercussions.

Emotional intelligence
  • The NFT owner will have deep knowledge, understanding and use of emotional intelligence. Each person looks at change from their own perspective. The better you understand their perspective, the easier it will be for you to influence them to change on your behalf. This is “empathy” which is a key component of emotional intelligence.

  • NFT owner will understand what are the other’s needs? What organizational forces affect them? What common ground do you share? What drives them? Considering the perspective of the other party is not only key to successful influencing, it also helps solidify that you have more than your own interests at heart.

  • The NFT owner will learn each person’s unique blueprint and way of seeing the world so you can make your offer in their language and ensure maximum understanding.

  • The NFT owner will utilize the principles and concepts of Emotional Intelligence to influence given situations

  • The NFT owner will recognize different personality types and relating the key communication styles that work with each one respectively;

Personal Connection
  • The NFT owner will be able to have all interpersonal interactions, including influence, change, therapy, negotiation and more, enhanced and for mutual benefits. The people they previously interacted with will have positive, trusting, interpersonal connection with them.

  • The NFT will reset all negative perceptions of the individual as much as possible, causing people to want to give the the NFT owner another chance or hear them out.

  • The NFT owner will be able to apply natural mirroring and matching abilities when interacting with others to put them at ease.

  • The NFT owner will have natural and easy rapport with others

  • The NFT owner will use all valuable techniques in the past, present and future to build rapport with their subjects and aligning them with their vision

  • The NFT owner will be self-vibing which will allow others to vibe in their vibration.

  • The listener always perceives the the NFT owner as positive, confident, ignoring wrongly spoken/formed sentences and still understand the message being brought across.

  • Others will want to exclusively work with or do business with the NFT owner

Master Storyteller
  • Stories, if done correctly, bring together information, setting, actions, emotions and other factors that involve many parts of your brain. This is why stories are so memorable and persuasive. The NFT owner will use storytelling to their advantage by telling people about the change that needs to made in the form of story, rather than a list of bullet points or numeric data. This story should include the current situation, why the change needs to be made, the desired outcome, and the process to get there.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to be a great storyteller with a great sense of humor, wit, and warmth

  • The NFT owner will have automation of the ideal voice setting, tone, inflection and influence techniques related to the sound of our voice when interacting with others

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to frequently change and match tones during a conversation helping keep the other person engaged and involved.

  • The NFT owner’s voice must be clear resonant, ability to project it throughout the room in which they speak

  • An Ability to have an automated workout that trains the NFT owner’s vocal cords and vocal setting. The should be activated by on / off on command.

  • The NFT owner will have the proper and correct diction. Correct diction is just as important. Elements that help us to have a better diction starting from the subconscious

  • The NFT owner will become an expert on framing their ideas in terms of others’ needs and problems.

Social proof
  • NFT owner will appear to be completely socially valid and that others already like the NFT owner, even if there’s no one there.

  • The NFT owner will be shielded from any negative perceptions and seen as an influencer and in positive light in all situations.

  • NFT owner will have top level influencers, business leaders, coworkers, clients, and masses endorse them, their work, their product or their service.

Magnetic Aura
  • The NFT owner will be surrounded by a “Magnetically Overwhelming” aura that means that they have a vibrating power that spreads around them, everyone notices it and is able to influence the decision of the people in front of them, knows how to work very well with the emotions of others.

  • The NFT owner will be able to express their magnetism through their eyes (power of eye contact) touch (hugs, handshakes) smile (:D) smell (pheromones/cologne. alluring smell can be used to put both men and women at ease. Smell is also the only sense that can not be guarded against. A unique, powerful scent that puts people at ease will make you stand out from everyone and also be associated to all emotions and perceptions of you.

  • Magnetism will also extend to things like clothing, cologne choice, and other powerful operators of influence. You treat someone in a suit much more differently than someone in pajamas.

  • The NFT owner will have the aura of individuality. Creating the feeling that everything is being done for the buyer. Everyone loves exceptional curated service.

  • The NFT owner will strengthen their ability to lead and inspire other people more effectively by building up an magnetic, charismatic, trustworthy aura around themselves;

  • The NFT owner will always be perceived as the most handsome/beautiful including having the most symmetrical body and face characteristics.

  • The NFT owner will have Protection (physical, mental, emotional, psychic, negative) and ability to make others leave them alone without appearing rude or otherwise ruining the influence we are cultivating.

  • Whenever the NFT owner must say no to a request, or deliver any sort of bad news, others will see the NFT owner as being the most innocent, positive person rather than defaulting to viewing them negatively.

  • The NFT owner will have Protection from the influence of others. To have a strong will unfazed by the will of others.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to go “invisible” as needed so we won’t be harassed

  • The NFT owner will have an Adaptive shielding for influence: a shield that will be able to change to match whatever needs one has for influence. If one is in a conflict that is hostile with someone they don’t care much about, it may be their preference to have a shield that is both protecting them and reflecting back negative energies. The person receiving the negative energy will feel their energy redirected, not that its coming from the NFT owner. This way they are left alone faster. In a similar scenario, but with a different person, it may be more suitable to transmute negative energies into positive and utilize them for influence.

  • The NFT owner will be able to create a “bubble” around themselves and whomever they are interacting with. This bubble will block out any negative energies, entities and others so influence can be better performed. This is an option for the NFT owner as this isn’t always the best, especially in group settings.

  • Extra protection for empaths from picking up emotions of others and other unhealthy habits that can ruin influence or create a bad experience.

Being uniquely categorized
  • By being put into your own unique category, you avoid a lot of resistance because people’s mind hasn’t yet put any obstacles in the way of them seeing you.

  • Everyone who has previously interacted with the NFT owner now begins to see the NFT owner in a new, positive, warm, smart, intelligent and unique way so you have more influence.

  • People will let go of their preconceived notions to the effects of your influence. Those who would be jealous at you winning will relax and see it as natural or okay.

  • Using the power of novelty: The NFT owner will learn to say things others rarely hear or have never heard. The ability to ask great questions and make great statements and observations that others find powerful and compelling.

  • People will experience and remember moments with the NFT owner as being particularly positive, memorable and something they would like to do again.

  • People will remain more present with the NFT owner, improving their decision making skills and the NFT owner’s sales chances. In the present moment, people won’t be hung up on things from the past that may have led to good or bad results, and focus now on the present.

Build Trust
  • Develop a trustworthy reputation so Like people and other important contacts will spread the positive word

  • The NFT owner will be introduced into social circles that are exclusive or hard to get into. This is a potent way of networking and gaining access to people you otherwise wouldn’t.

  • The NFT owner will become a master of introducing members of his network to other members of his network. By connecting friends to friends and becoming the go-to person for good contacts, others will seek to befriend the NFT owner and improve their reputation by helping him.

  • The NFT owner will connect deeper with themselves and to know and understand themselves better.

  • The NFT owner will build trust by being respectful and honest in each interaction which creates cumulative goodwill, which makes it easier to exert their influence going forward.

  • The NFT owner will be able to create emotional connections from face-to-face conversations, video, social media, emails, and any other digital platforms.

  • The NFT owner will help others out and be generous when needed.

  • The NFT owner will always create a slight feeling of familiarity with those around him, with many feeling that they’ve known the owner before, but can’t remember when or when. This will only be a slight feeling and will not mess up the unique categorization.

Remove Negative Aspects
  • the more you integrate the NFT and the more influence you get, the more responsibility you become aware of and take.

  • Remove ability to influence someone that violates their free will . The person has be to be willing and able.

  • The NFT owner will transmute any negative feedback or criticisms into positivity and unconditional love. They will not take things personally.

  • The user will grow more comfortable with responsibility that influence brings.

  • The NFT owner will not be able to use influence as manipulation of self or others

Learning and the Right Mindset

Learning and having the right mindset

  • The NFT owner will have a natural mindset for influence – everything flows from beginning to end

  • The NFT owner’s anxiety and any fears around influencing will be removed.

  • Removal of inner bad image and limitations and replace with positivity, self love and confidence

  • The NFT owner will keep learning and studying and mastering everything about influence all the time.

  • The NFT owner will see where they can improve (their weak spots) and help them to focus on those areas so they become strong in those areas.

  • The NFT owner will release the entitled mindset of reward without work.

  • The NFT owner will have Absolute self-reassurance. Be less in your own head and more in the moment. Freeing more flow to the actual communication.

  • The NFT owner will have Power to influence themselves (but only in positive ways, it will protect them from influencing themselves in any negative way, but they can still think critically about themselves in a productive manner), like you can use this with positive affirmations and they would work 100x more powerful than without this NFT, or just positive and motivational self-talk, etc.

  • The NFT owner will learn to take a genuine interest in others. They will naturally become more calm, understanding, and curious about people while maintaining hard boundaries.

  • Outcome independence mindset

  • The NFT owner will adjust their minds and have a No mistakes, only lessons // no failure, only feedback mindset.

  • The NFT owner will remain humble as his influence increases. He will better be able to remove himself from any influence identities and not get caught up in them. Ex. being the boss at work where you’re responsible for 100 people vs being just a son.

  • All loneliness and fear of missing out will be removed.

  • The user will find that his relationship to whatever he wants to obtain via influence is always tempered. He will never value any sale or interaction more than the process itself or his own personal worth.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to quickly understand and synthesize information they read or hear or speak.

  • The NFT owners will be quick to pick up on all verbal and non-verbal cues

Personal Power / Being Empowered
  • Developing your own personal power, as the NFT draws environmental energy and uses it to build your innate power. compresses these energies in your own solar plexus, as well as all relevant placings.

  • The NFT owner will understand the nature of charisma and be infused in their being and aura

  • The NFT owner will develop greater personal power

  • Be yourself. Consistently acting from a place of authenticity makes the NFT owner more likable, relatable, and credible.

  • The NFT owner will always be in a state of calm and preparedness

  • THe NFT owner will work actively to show their flexibility while holding firm on their beliefs. Be flexible.

Active Listening Skills
  • The NFT owner will have the ability to actively listen to what the other person is saying and show signs of being engaged, understanding on all levels (verbally, emotionally, through the body)

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to discern the underlying, true concept or real meaning into what someone has said. They will have a BS detector

  • The NFT owner will be infused with Divine Truth” to see people for how they really are. Free from imaginary thoughts and fantasies. To see through the ill/negative intent.

  • The NFT owner will always be in the right state of mind for listening: no judgment, not thinking of what to say next, being present and open to the message

  • The NFT owner will always use Active Listening to pick up on useful resources they can use later for influence in all situations. If someone comes in looking for a car, they may say they’re not sure what they want. If you’re listening, even a seemingly random detail could give you clues on what is important to them. Expecting a first child? Bigger car with more space. Long commute to work? Explore cars with high MPG. Base this on the principle that people are always giving you what you need to influence them, you just have to pay attention.

  • The NFT owner will Develop active listening and questioning skills;

Influence without Authority
  • The NFT owner will have the ability to influence their organization/ team/ group/another person even if they don’t hold a position of authority.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to get their message across and persuade people. It is key to becoming more prominent and important in the workplace.

  • The NFT owner will Foster a positive outlook and approach, which builds morale and leads to positive problem solving;

  • The NFT owner will present their thoughts and ideas with a high degree of confidence, indicating their convictions without being aggressive or arrogant. Any excessive degree of confidence could be mistaken for needless arrogance, which will compromise your perceived authority.

Create healthy boundaries
  • The NFT owner will have the ability to create healthy boundaries between work, clients, family, and friends.

  • The NFT owner won’t be able to trick, cheat, or lie to others when influencing others.

  • Integrate and Infuse the NFT owner with universal code of conduct and ethics

Soft Influence
  • The NFT owner will develop their ability to use the “Pull” method of soft influence to powerful effect

  • The NFT owner will realize why some people are more difficult to persuade, and how to put the message across in ways that will work for these people;

  • The NFT owner will use persuasion effectively, mapping out the three fundamental dimensions of consumer behavior: emotion, motivation, and ability.

Influential Knowledge and Techniques
  • Integrate all influence-based knowledge and techniques from all books and experts from past, present, and future into the NFT owners.

  • Integrate all NLP techniques into the NFT owner

  • Integrate and infuse the NFT owner with all knowledge and techniques for memory recall

  • The NFT owner will have exceptional memory retention and recall capabilities.

Negotiation Mastery
  • The NFT owner will be downloaded with all techniques and abilities from negotiation experts from all regions in the past, present and future.

  • The NFT owner will become a master negotiator with a win-win mentality

  • The NFT owner will be skilled at doing smart tradeoffs.

  • The NFT owner will be able to pause and remain silent at the right times during negotiations.

  • The NFT owner is able to walk away from anything without any regrets, remorseful feelings, ill will or negative impacts to themselves and others.

  • The NFT owner will have the ability to direct more favorable results in their direction

  • It’s important to understand the line between influence and manipulation. The main difference between the two lies not in the techniques we use, but in how and why we use them. In each situation, think about why you want to influence someone. The NFT owner will clearly define how their desired outcome would benefit the other party, as well as their organization and themselves

  • The NFT owner will easily visualize the end goal. They will be able to Identify the preferred outcome and map out a path to achieve it.

Brain Rewiring
  • The NFT owner will have their brain and nervous system rewired to master all forms of influence. This will assist in acquiring skills, utilizing them, and retaining them for life. Things such as being able to both listen, analyze, plan and more during a single interaction, at the same time, will be developed here.

  • The NFT owner will experience a form of brain refreshing and positive power before, after and during any forms of influence. This will assist with things like clearing the NFT owner’s head so they are in the best place for influence after a long day, or to free up space in a sense when working with multiple people/projects every day. This way you can influence on a completely clean slate and have all the memory and attention for the present moment.

  • The NFT owner will have much stronger positive connections during influence, creating more positive emotions whenever they take any step toward influence.

Influence For Others
  • If the NFT owner has a boss or a client, the boss and client will begin to especially see the NFT owner as valuable.

  • The NFT owner will be provided all the resources he needs to succeed and given the freedom to execute.

  • The NFT owner can use their influence for others such as businesses and even nonprofits, intending to infuse any communication made on their behalf with his energies of influence (such as when using their company account, photos, likeness etc). Perfect for copywriters and others who do client work.

  • Anyone who does influence on behalf of the NFT owner will have their influence empowered. Can be limited to specific scenarios, times, and only positive influence. For example, can infuse one’s lawyer with influence for a case. Or influence an employee to be more influential as they will be interacting with your customers. Or a partner is buying/selling something on your behalf and you’re not there, like a car.

  • The NFT owner always intuitively knows how to “break the ice” both directly and indirectly if need be, in order to open up for influence.

Relationship Mastery
  • The NFT owner will learn to master all-important relationships in his life and their most appropriate or best ways of interaction

  • The NFT owner will learn how to better retain relationships in his life and create growth in them. The NFT owner will become a master at sending birthday greetings, remembering anniversaries, names, small important details that nurture a relationship.

  • Influence in dating: the NFT owner will learn skills to aid dating. How to begin interactions, who to begin them with, what to say and do to create win-win dating situations for all.

  • Influence in friendship: the NFT owner will learn skills to aid their friendships. How to best schedule times for meetups, how to make new friends, get into new social circles and have people want to take next steps as friends.

  • Influence in relationships: the NFT owner will master things such as boundary creation, having fair and equal arguments, how to influence their partner to get on board with their plans in ways unique to them and their relationship

  • Influence in social media: The NFT owner will master aspects such as how to keep their fanbase engaged, creating perfect and relatable content, how to grow their follower base and successfully sell with social media.

  • Influence in marketing: The NFT owner will master aspects of marketing such as creating sales copy, writing perfect headlines, crafting perfect emails, and creating a strong presence either online or in person.

  • Influence in legal and corporate: whenever dealing with lawyers, judges, corporations and state/federal agencies the NFT owner will know exactly what to say or do to get their result, regardless of the many stringent rules these organizations can have. The NFT owner will find legal and other matters with entities going much faster or negative ones disappearing altogether. Hopefully no more having to wait to talk to tech support

Influencing The Self
  • The NFT owner will learn to master influencing himself as he does others. In the same way that he is able to create a path of influence to make something easier for someone else, he will also do this to himself: the NFT owner will find their ability to form helpful habits increases, their time management improves, they will be able to weave vivid imagery to get themselves motivated towards their goals.
Mastery of Banter
  • Download every needed knowledge from masters of bantering, comedian geniuses, everyone who ever mastered wittiness etc.

  • Know how thick everyone’s skin is, in the context that, you know what to say and what not to say in order to be perceived as playful, friendly and teasing.

  • Using banter to enhance the reciprocal and participative process. Using comedy and silliness if one wishes to underline the lightness of the chat.

  • By being the master of bantering, any serious situation can be defused if one wishes so, changing the tone of the conversation with a well-placed retort.

  • User will become masterful at changing subjects to those more mutually interesting.

  • Having the ability to come up with instant comical comebacks using wittiness, …

  • You are always centered in your own being with a strong sense of self. Meaning anyone trying to knock you off your bantering vibes, would only fuel you to be perceived even more amusing. Resulting in you bantering your way into the hearths of others.

  • Others you interact with will also find themselves quickly picking up the bantering mood and an more and more positive environment is created as you banter.

  • Bantering becomes natural, easy and fun. Those who hate small-talk will begin to see banter as much more viable.

Social Influencer
  • The NFT owner will become great at hosting and attending parties, meetings, events and other gatherings that help him achieve his goals. This can create the perfect environments for networking, dating, and having a good time.

  • The NFT owner will develop great skills at finding and making adventures. Will have knowledge of “it-spots” around town, best places to get food, where everyone usually hangs out, and even small private locations that may be scenic or just fun to explore.

  • Those that the NFT Owner likes will be encouraged to reach out to the NFT owner and invite them to any and all hangouts, events and gatherings that may interest the NFT Owner.

  • The social life of the influencer will become much greater. He will find friends of great warmth, character and fun being drawn to him.

Secure Attachment
  • The user will develop a more and more secure attachment style in all sorts of relationships. Especially effective in intimate relationships, this will also let the user go of any potential problems as they will more regularly be getting into deeper levels of commitment with others than most. So they can better handle their states.

  • Once the interaction is finished, all feelings and states not belonging to the NFT owner are transmuted into unconditional love.

Influencing Reality
  • As well as influencing himself and people around him, the greatest influencer would seek to influence reality itself to bring about his aims.

  • The NFT owner will live in a flow of good luck, attracting great fortune, opportunities and unlikely scenarios for himself.

  • The NFT owner will have all his/her relevant astrological houses empowered for better influence, charisma, and prosperity.

  • Automated manifestation energies are drawn towards the goals of the NFT in every interaction and overall. The manifestation energies will be used to help accelerate the current influence the NFT Owner is creating at that moment. By keeping an idea of the end state the manifestation energies will help manifest them. -m moved to end of document

  • When the NFT owner is not currently influencing anyone, the manifestation energies will be intended to assist in solidifying the influence the user has previously done. It will also help to manifest the goals of the NFT more readily. So the energies will help manifest a great social circle, network, more clients, or anything else the user needs.

Infusing Items

These can be done automatically within the NFT so no need for item maker

  • Infuse business cards, items, flyers, social media images, or other things we give to people or that can be accessed by them

  • Touch every aspect of a person’s life to exert maximum influence, from their profile pictures and everything else

  • Created items are always propagating information about your business being the right choice for the other person, and follows on the same concept with social relationships, (making a connection with you sounds like a successful and valuable idea) validity of semantics, conversations, words etc, and “self image” where they perceive you highly, as well as carries your own influence onto their mind shaping buying,making deals, partnering up, etc as a good idea to them

  • Integrate / Tap into all Masters of influence, debate, philosophy, oration in all styles of influencing in the past and present and future

  • The NFT owner will be able to use non-verbal and body language to support the spoken language / message.

  • NFT owner will be able to use the 3 tactics below that can be used to influence with ease:

  1. Logical Appeals (Head)**
  • Logical appeals tap into people’s rational and intellectual positions. You present an argument for the best choice of action based on organizational benefits, personal benefits, or both, appealing to people’s minds.
  1. Emotional Appeals (Heart)**
  • Emotional appeals connect your message, goal, or project to individual goals and values. An idea that promotes a person’s feelings of well-being, service, or sense of belonging tugs at the heartstrings and has a good chance of gaining support.
  1. Cooperative Appeals (Hands)**
  • Cooperative appeals involve collaboration (what will you do together?), consultation (what ideas do other people have?), and alliances (who already supports you or has the credibility you need?). Working together to accomplish a mutually important goal extends a hand to others in the organization and is an extremely effective way of influencing.

  • Developing your own personal power, as the NFT draws environmental energy and uses it to build your innate power. compresses these energies in your own solar plexus, as well as all relevant placings.

Gemstones / Crystals
  • Motivation - Carnelian + Tiger’s Eye

  • Prosperity/ Success - Pyrite + Jade + citrine

  • Protection -

  • Black Spinel ( Black spinel is often regarded as a protective gemstone that repels negativity while at the same time triggers empowerment and inspiration to its bearer).

  • Sunstone - Incredibly effective barrier against misfortune. It will filter out negative energy that can cause you harm.

  • Communication

  • Blue Fluorite - It inspires clear, focused communication both on the human and physical plane and into the spiritual realm as well.

  • Blue Apatite - helps with public speaking and communication. A stone of the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite helps with public speaking and enhances group communication.

  • Aquamarine - stone will insure you remain calm as you express yourself.

  • Blue Lace Agate - is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others, or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths

  • Blue Kyanite - good communication stone that can be useful during negotiations. Encourages self-expression

  • Turquoise - By opening your throat chakra, you are more empowered to connect with and voice your truth while simultaneously silencing those dreaded and unproductive self-criticisms that circulate in your mind from time to time

Strenght Tarot Card Integration
  • Strength Tarot Card Infusion into the NFT owner

  • In keeping up with the concepts of influence, this field borrows its powers from the 7th or 11th tarot card, strength.

  • Strength depicts a woman in a white gown caressing a tiger. It represents the use of cunning over brute strength, something that those who practice influence do to themselves and those around them. A great influencer can led an entire army or movement with just his pen.

  • The upright Strength tarot card represents – as the name already suggests – strength, courage, persuasion, and patience. The Strength tarot card encourages you to succeed through your inner strength.

  • You will need to act with grace and sensitivity, rather than just using brutal force. This is comparable to knowing what words to use, when to use them, and paying attention and demonstrating understanding rather than forcing an outcome.

  • The card also tells you that you have the capacity to stay positive and calm and think logically in stressful situations that test your patience and strength, something essential for difficult influence.

  • Be it through compassion(appeals to the heart), cunning (appeals to the mind), or understanding (cooperative appeals), Strength signifies that you can obtain true control of a situation, and not simply the power to forcefully impose your will.

  • The Strength tarot card indicates that you are a very persevering person and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You’re confident and do not have problems being yourself and speaking up. Essential aspects for an influencer.

Gods / Deities Attunement

Removing all trickster and negative aspects from these gods. Have direct connection and attunement to these gods:

  • Hermes - integrate and attune us with all the influence, communication, wealth, absolute luck, good fortune aspects on this greek god

  • Peitho - Peitho is the Greek goddess or spirit of seduction, charming speech and particularly of persuasion.

  • Mercury - Roman god of commerce

  • Veritas - Goddess of truth

  • Abundantia - Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity

  • Concordia - Roman Goddess of Harmony

  • Felicitas - Goddess of good luck and success


Initial experiences and testimonies of group members since Thurs 2/10 release. Many thanks to everyone in the group for their great ideas and collaboration on this amazing project!! :partying_face: :raised_hands:

I’ve been staring at the mandala for about 10 minutes +. All I can say for now is that it seems to be doing some very deep brain rewiring/restructuring. It actually feels quite pleasurable. I just feel freaking amazing right now. Confidence is through the roof too.

It does boost the mood for sure! Also a lot of mental expansion effects while feeling so, steady. my communication has had an instant better flow

Today I had my first experience with this NFT and I doubt very much that one day I will let it go, hehe, the electric sensation was immediate in my hands and in my hypothalamus. Today I had a sales presentation and I could notice the huge difference between my presentations, I usually have a fast, dynamic and agile body language to communicate my ideas. Today all that communication was on steroids, there was so much conviction in my eyes when I spoke to them, my non-verbal communication was more alpha, I felt that I dominated more, but not at the level of oppression over others, I mean at a level of “INFLUENCE TOTAL” that I had not felt before, my hands were looser and at the same time more turgid, I dominated the stage and everyone paid attention to me, I loved being in my shoes at that moment!!! It was my morning of glamour, impact, influence never experienced before!!!

my communication at work just flowed without any hesitations. I felt a steady command of my tone, my words

My confidence and game I’m spitting is A1 right now. About to influence all this box my wayyyy

I don’t usually send my personal reviews of the NFTs I’ve purchased only when I have strong results! and man this is a bomb as far as expression of communication is concerned! This NFT should be called INFLUENCE BEYOND LIMITS!!!

I felt this last night after finally printing it out! When I laid down to go to sleep, my sight felt so zoomed out. Feels like my perspective is a little different, more enhanced. My words are definitely having an effect on people

This morning, before getting up, I stared at the image for 10 mins or so. I definitely felt tingles in my head and mostly in my left hemisphere. :brain: It felt like when I play Brain Refresher.

My whole interaction with others have completely changed for the better. I’m able to interpret what those whom I interact with actually mean. I’m also able to speak more fluently and sentences are formed in a way that conveys the message to the point. I also seem to have gotten a broader vocabulary.

My voice seems much louder today and my coworkers and clients are noticing. It’s the projecting and using the diaphragm correctly I assume. I have no doubt this will help with my singing ability as well.

the quiet inner self-confidence that grew starting yesterday morning was definitely from Pure Influence and I believe that should greatly impact social interactions and even manifestation for a better result. I already look at things a bit differently, more of an expectation of things going well instead of wondering if it will go well.


Wow! Congratulations! :clap: :clap: :tada: :clinking_glasses:
What a powerful, beautiful creation! Everyone owning this is so blessed. I’m still reading through everything and it’s just :heart_eyes:


The NFT looks like a ticket to a great personality…


You are telling the purest and absolute truth!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::wink::wink::wink:



I would like to share my feelings about it, have you ever been familiar with high performance states?
This is precisely what happens to me with this NFT that our beloved captain has created! I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH THIS CREATION!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

I am already 2 days next to my favorite NFT and I have paired it without the influence of any of my labels (I have removed after several months Social Mastery, the voice of charisma, stopped using charisma and glamour and to experiment I stopped using blarney Stone, stopped using Tbe Welcome) As you know very powerful Articles and Audios for sales or any other interpersonal relationship purposes.

I have tried this NFT all by myself, and the results have completely overwhelmed me!!!

  • Thicker voice, I now have a higher range.
  • I know what to say, when to say it and how to say it at the right time.
  • My body language has changed, I am now much more dynamic than usual, even walking I feel the energy flowing through my whole body.
  • My arms move in a more energetic way when I speak with more professional movements, I notice the difference clearly.
  • I feel the emotions of others reflected in their body language and look.
  • I make others laugh with more eloquent jokes.
  • My speeches are more powerful.
  • My words influence others more, they pay more attention to me when I say something.
  • People surround me more often, they want to sit next to me more and are more comfortable in my company.
  • I look people in the eye with much more confidence.
  • My confidence level is way up and my social awkwardness is gone.
  • I am solid in my shoes and love my newfound power of influence.
  • I am eloquent, I am persuasive, I am convincing.
  • The power of influence is beyond wanting to win things just for myself, I make everyone around me win.
  • Control of emotions when interacting with others, I feel that I am more in control of all my emotional interactions.
  • I already have results in sales and other people have told me so and have told me
    and other people have told me so.
  • Wherever I am there is an atmosphere of love, peace, harmony, it is as if my presence brings a good mood to any place.
  • I feel more direct with people without them feeling bad about it, and I feel that they take it well, as if what I said was the best thing I could have said on that occasion and others understand it.


  • Today I hosted a real estate investor and an observing companion next to him, I felt my presentation was very powerful, I felt the influence run through my arms, my gaze, my voice.
    I ended up convincing him to buy not only a 120m2 lot (standard size for homes in my country) but to buy 4 lots of 150m2 and I influenced his companion to buy a 187m2 lot.

I even received some sincere congratulations from one of the people who accompanied me to the meeting and left it in writing: (Forgive me if it is only in Spanish).

I feel so humble and simple at this moment, I feel such a great gratitude for your creation dear captain, achieving these sales will bring blessings to my life and that of my humble family, I am so happy to live in this timeline and be blessed by these creations that are worth millions of dollars to achieve, paying for courses, seminars, conferences I would only learn a lot of useful theory, with this NFT all this has become a palpable reality, evident and you literally become what the NFT promises, I LOVE YOU 3 MILLION @Captain_Nemo!!! THANK YOU 3 MILLION DEAR GROUP OF PURE INFLUENCE.:heart::heart::heart::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Looks like an amazing project! :smiley: congrats everyone!


Thanks, @anon69666568! It is indeed a very fine project. Very useful in the world. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! Yes, It is a game-changer :partying_face:


@GianLee Wooo Hooo!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :muscle: :muscle: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

That is an amazing testimonial and experience! So so happy for you. This is great to see and wishing you more success in the future!!


Thank you, Kay! I feel truly blessed in having this one.

Thanks! :partying_face:


This looks great!


Thanks, @lawliet and welcome to the community! :wave:


Wow!!! thank you very much for your kind words, your description was so beautiful, as beautiful as you. :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:


In a sense it is almost a backward learning of the skill,
as you continue to flow with it, you understand the why.
why you spoke like that or your voice inflected a certain way.
these subtly things, the knowledge now revealed by the action.
Then practice with the understanding will continue to grow the skill


Welcome to the Group Stlouis!


Thank you for revealing that incredible secret Captain I am so lucky that you answer me, I would just like to add that my body language positions are changing in a subtle way but at the same time it is as if at that moment a lightning bolt crossed my head and body, words, pauses, silences, come to me automatically.

Today while I was speaking in public my hands used to settle in this position, when I googled it, I was surprised that it is used in classical oratory as a rest gesture and that it is normally used by television professionals and is known as posture pyramid body language
Everything automatically, I felt like Goku’s ultra instinct but to speak in public.


I am letting myself be guided by the ideas that appear in my mind and by the different rhythm that appears in my body, Thank you my dear @Captain_Nemo :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Yes we are becoming the Sigma Male lol. I also noticed that my body language is changing to be more like a boss. And yeah like our movements feel like there is more purpose and intent behind them. This must be from the aspect “the NFT draws environmental energy and uses it to build your innate power”.
On the train, people get closer to me to be in my magnetic aura from this, also probably to take in my divine pheromones from BoLove lol.

Yes!! Very well put, I feel the same way, almost like the Blarney stone or K2 Stone energy, wish we added that one too lol. I say things and they are accepted or treated with respect and understanding. My voice also has been more masculine and deep

All in all, I can see all the benefits and aspects of this creation coming through in different ways, they will only get stronger as the field grows and as we become more accustomed to it.
Honestly, influencing others and getting our way may be TOO EASY now lol. I do like a little challenge which means I’ll have to use this to it’s fullest potential when faced with people not easily charmed.


Wow, Gian Lee is already super awesome and now with this added …


I LOVE YOU MY DEAR @Maoshan_Wanderer !!! YOU ARE ALWAYS REALLY AWESOME!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: