Pure Influence (Community project) NFT: Testimonials

How is this field working for you? Can you give an update pls?

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I definitely have to provide a major update with this NFT.

How wise our captain is with these words, it has been a wonderful journey to this point.

Initially, you will need to watch it for several minutes a day to get the maximum benefits.

Now I feel that I have developed a broader sensitivity and with just the power of my intention the result is already in my words, in my body in my energy.

I recently had a test that put me in the middle of a very challenging situation, in a contest within the company, 40 people had to sell a product in a really short time.

I was really excited inside, since I usually prepare a sales presentation but this time the challenge was already on the table so go ahead lol.

Many got nervous and that was something that also made you think, I closed my eyes for a few moments, I established my intention and I was able to give a presentation that fell in love with the people in the auditorium, I spoke with so much love, energy and such eloquent words, it was sensational, a memorable experience that many later came to recognize.

I have improved in the following specific aspects as a result of the influence of this NFT:

  • When I physically call people from a distance to my position, they react more motivated to come to where I am, with just a sign from me.
  • People obey me much more, they see me as an authority when I tell them something, they feel it more strongly.
  • I am the center of attention in my work center and in the places where I am with my friends.
  • I have improved the work environment in my organization thanks to this NFT.
  • Lately I’m making people laugh a lot.
  • My improvisation has improved a lot when doing and saying things without thinking, everything flows instantly.

GIVE IT TIME and practice I LOVE YOU ALL!!! :heart::heart::heart::raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Welcome back miss you


Thanks brother!!! :heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am always here to serve you!!! only that I see many contributing so much that I only have to be here with some experiences of this NFT. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


I find that communication is an art, a very beautiful art that every time I do it with an open heart, I can express much more than just words, gestures and nuances of voice, I find that I can express my true essence, all this with a Sweet sauce of boldness and versatility. Why are you so cool my friend? @Dreamweaver Thank you so much!!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :heart: :heart:


It most certainly is.

Beautiful @GianLee !! So happy for you. :partying_face: I couldn’t agree more.

This Pure Influence NFT combined with Career Mentor and Art of War are with me throughout my workday. There have been amazing changes and opportunities that have opened up and presented themselves. My colleagues all respect and value me and my work. I’m surrounded by good people. I think about my work life and toxic managers and co-workers from 2 years ago and today, it’s a massive difference. Feel so so blessed! Can’t thank Captain enough. :sparkling_heart:


@GianLee btw
 have you noticed that when you start speaking, the room goes a bit quieter? Like everyone is interested in what you are saying? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


hehe heavens! I am so absorbed in some things that I have not noticed that influence in the environment to make it quieter, I will be much more attentive, but my intuition tells me that what you are saying is true, I will be more careful next time. What a beautiful jewel for life dear :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :grin: :grin: :grin: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I want to ask you something @Starlight , have you noticed that your jokes have improved? I have realized that now I am able to make a joke about another joke, I make people laugh at first and then finish with another joke on top, I have always admired that ability of comedians and they can never do it, however, now that ability has awakened in me .

By the way for those who have this NFT, when I’m speaking in public, I tell my NFT “Activate Lecturer mode” and my whole body wakes up.

Enjoy it! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


I don’t really tell jokes so can’t say. In general, I would say I’m more witty and at ease about it (maybe). lol! It’s a gift to tell great jokes and am happy to hear that you have unlocked it!


Can anyone shed some light on the design of the mandala? what does it represent?


@SirChiropractixalot A question only Captain can answer. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Personally, I love the abstract nature of the design.


How would one go about infusing something online like an e-mail. Has anyone who tried this with the NFT know if the infusing aspect is effective?


Dear @Dreamweaver :heart::heart::heart:, could you please consider making an audio for this NFT? Please, dear leader.:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::pray::pray::pray:


@GianLee how is this NFT working for you after a year? Would you kindly give us an update on how this one has been working in your life? I always love the enthusiasm and thoroughness you bring with your perspective!


Dear friend @wonderwandering Thank you for your sincere words.đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And to be honest with you also we will not see in this review anything extraordinary, just a legitimate reading of the results with this powerful NFT.

After a whole year with the passive use of this NFT, my interpersonal relationships are solid, I have learned to read behavior from behavior, as long as I am Face to Face, I understand people from their motivations, from their feelings, from her past experiences, I have become more contemplative and tend to know how to listen before speaking. See that doesn’t sound like anything fancy? but knowing how to read behaviors and knowing how to listen as improved skills have resulted in a greater connection with people.

That is why my interpersonal relationships have improved a lot, my natural tendency when talking to others is to highlight their qualities, I make intelligent compliments, my body language has become more dynamic, both in person and in videos, I have noticed a difference in my body language behavior.

In fact, as I write these lines, I feel the dictation of the NFT of everything that I could see at the level of changes in me. Funny :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

On the other hand, my energy levels when communicating have also improved, I am more explosive and people notice it. In my communication baseline, when I am not the protagonist, my body and energy are at rest and sometimes a bit slow. But when it’s time to communicate in public or with strategic people, everything explodes, my hands, my eyes, my posture light up.

I will truly cherish for life its benefits, it has blessed me, humbled me to listen, gives me a glow when introducing myself, fused with Prestige and Greatness this makes everything soar.

Thank you for asking and I hope that this review is only taken for what it is, a personal experience with the work of our beloved @Dreamweaver and that as always and after all the testimonials there is no doubt that his work CHANGES OUR LIVES.


This is awesome to hear. These subtle changes are very powerful and are often the difference between consistent success or continued poor results. The art and skill of listening to others is crucial and by this NFT’s powers, it seems you have been able to passively accrue these very important attributes that make your communication more effortless yet impactful.
It seems that in this life, if you want to get to the right places, with the right people, one must have the specific kind of actions that will align you with their interests. Having the ability to do this without too much thought allows a person to do this organically and without it looking or feeling forced.

I have also noticed that when I communicate, I’m not trying at all to persuade anymore really. I actually have a feeling of anti persuasion where I’m really not trying hard to get my way. If I notice that I am in a mindset of trying to get MY WAY, I reset my thoughts and figure out how to make this work for both parties. This is a great project and anyone who has it is very lucky. Influence is subtle and this NFT does give the actual “pure” side of it where the natural enthusiasm can come out and you want your communication to be fruitful, but never forced.

You were absolutely on point when you were talking about the energy conservation aspect. You save your energy so that everything is laser focused and nothing is wasted. Then when you’re not in contact you are in a resting state. Dream said earlier in the thread that you learn influence backwards and I’m starting to see how it is active with these energies. You don’t outright start becoming this supercharasmatic influential person. You see the tiny little mechanics at work that make one influential
or not.

I hope you have more success with this @GianLee. We always look for your views on things
you bring that extra sauce to your testimonies that feel good even when we ourselves don’t have it yet!


In fact! :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚

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Where i can buy this?

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