Pure Influence (Community project) NFT: Testimonials

Testimony after 5 months of experience:

This NFT has been the catalyst for an incredible transformation in my public speaking skills. It has been my faithful ally on the path to becoming a master of eloquence. Since my childhood, I always longed to stand out and speak in public, but high school life had taken away my confidence. I had contracted an inner fear that was evident in my stuttering when speaking, paralyzing fear of presentations, and inability to maintain eye contact with other people.

However, when I acquired this NFT, I experienced an almost magical improvement in my public speaking ability. In less than a week, I shined at a university exhibition, leaving everyone amazed with my voice. This was just the beginning of an amazing metamorphosis. I actively participated in my classes, and my voice became captivating. My body language flowed naturally, a skill I thought I had lost years ago. I was praised as an oratorical prodigy, and it seemed like I could speak knowledgeably on any topic.

Interestingly, this NFT seemed to be further boosted in front of broader audiences. Now, after having internalized these improvements and accumulated valuable experiences, I face a personal challenge: letting go of this NFT. I am determined to prove that I have evolved and that I can face the world without depending on it. My path to becoming a master public speaker continues, but this time, I do it for myself.


nahhh this sounds so good wtf, your all lucky af


i donā€™t understand how I didnā€™t know about this nft when Iā€™ve been listening to sapien consitently for 6 months and Iā€™ve been surfing this forum a lot

one of my main goals is better communication lol wtf, I acutally think Iā€™ve switched timelines or something ??


This particular NFT appears rather formidable. I must inquire, how many copies of this NFT shall be made available, and what might account for the dearth of reviews surrounding it?


It most definitely is. :slight_smile:

This was a private community project so the total number of NFTs was pretty limited.

Dunno. People using the NFT and living their best lives so they donā€™t come back to reviewā€¦? Itā€™s one that I use daily at work.


This nfts was created a while ago, itā€™s too late to register but you can still acquire it in the purchase feed dedicated to nfts

does this help people who arenā€™t in a line of work that invovles influencing but just wanting better social skills?



Yoā€¦ yes, this will help with all social interactions.

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Only mandala or mandala+audio?

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Mandala only


The part about influence over the self alone is huge! One could possibly take it as far as influencing their brain, to influence their cells/DNA/RNA; to naturally, enthusiastically & easily create physical or emotional changes to themselves. I wonder if elements of Neural Linguistic Programing (NLP) are included, for direct communication? This could easily compound its affects with booster and ego fields. This could be a hidden gem for those enthusiastic about physical transformation!


It does :)

Integrate all NLP techniques into the NFT owner


Awesome project! It looks as if I had skimmed too quickly; to miss that detail LOL. That is exciting to know, by the way! Iā€™ve used NLP techniques (with hypnosis) on family. It is such a great toolset of modalities, for mental health. This reminds me to brush back up on those skills again. It has been some time since practicing. It is sad that I have only recently stumbled upon this masterpiece. One day, perhaps Iā€™ll cross paths with it. Take care!


Hi @socialbutterfly_29

Please check in the NFT sale/trade thread to find a copy of this NFT.

OMG this sub is pure power :drooling_face:


ā€œsubā€ ? :face_with_monocle:


I come from subliminal forums world so itā€™s a typo.I meant field.