Pure Influence - Self Mastery, Sales, Dating, and Socializing Group

Plasma Flower, too. I wasn’t thinking so much about influence of others in my examples, but energetic influence being exerted by the fields. When it comes right down to it, every field Dream creates has an influence on us. :slight_smile:


Me too, please!

Also under the welcomed there is this little tidbit that perhaps I’m misunderstanding…

Yet, without influencing the people around you directly.

As, that is never really a good idea.

I’m genuinely curious not trying to dampen your efforts and ideas :blush:


sounds interesting. Would love to join.

None of the fields mentioned above are for influence.

None of them are directly about helping people overcome their natural obstacles to taking action or viewing a product as more valuable.

The actual use of influence is being defined as “awareness combined with behavioral flexibility.” These fields don’t address that.

They will all help, but that’s not their purpose.

Secondly, all of these are based on energetic principles. Our main goal has little to do with energetics (although I wouldn’t mind positive additions) but science.

For example, I would like to add natural mirroring and matching.

“Based on what you have learnt through this book, it seems that almost everything we do is largely learnt and patterned responses. This is absolutely correct and all these patterns also show in our used language. When you are talking with people, they are literally spelling out their own building blocks for reality. People are in the most literal terms telling how they want to be treated by you. As an example, in a study made in 2003, it was found that when waitresses mimicked their customers by repeating literally their order back, word-by-word, in exactly the same order, their tips almost doubled. What had happened was the waitress had echoed customers back their own reality, which instantly increased the feeling of sameness and made them feel understood. Later studies have managed to replicate these results and also got similar results in other service-related interactions (van Baaren, Holland, Steenaert & van Knippenberg, 2003; Jacob & Guéguen, 2013; Kulesza, Dolinski, Huisman, & Majewski, 2014).
In basic terms, if you echo a person’s patterns back to them, it indicates you two being similar. ”

That’s a great concept, scientifically validated, but natural integration of that into one’s life requires time and practice. This field would be a shortcut to that and make one naturally influential.

Or for example, positions of rapport is not something understood or generally practiced by most people. Its a learned skill that is immediately useful and can be practiced today. Try it!

“Choosing the Right Position for Interaction
The following strategy is credited to Tom Vizzini, who has seen it being taught by other people countless times without even mentioning him at all. When you learn to use this effective strategy, you are able to gain rapport with practically anyone you can meet in the matter of a few seconds.
In every interaction, each of us falls into a specific position of power: dominant, equal to the person with whom we are interacting, or student. While it might appear obvious that you would want to hold a dominant position among the people with whom you are interacting, this is not really the case—the position that gives the most influence over a person or group is the one you want to have.
For example, many people aren’t comfortable holding a subordinate position. When one of two people shift into a dominant position, the rapport between them commences to deteriorate because the person holding the subordinate position feels put down or suppressed. Before there is any confusion about use of the word dominant, it simply means that you are assigning tasks and leading other person. It doesn’t mean putting the other person down or anything like that, but taking charge of the situation. Even just suggesting that you two should go for a drink can be considered a dominant action in the context of this book. Alternatively, you just stage a different option to choose from. For instance, while in a restaurant, you could say that you really like this specific meal and suggest they try it too. By giving a person options, you are leading the interaction, but disarming his resistance for being led because you are still offering him freedom of choice. Nonetheless, taking the dominant position is actually very rarely required if you have done your job well, even though some people do respond very well to a benevolent dictator.

Far more common is to take an equal position with the people with whom you are interacting. When you are equal to another, both are able to participate equally and interactions tend to be more free-flowing. But depending on the person, this can also lead into a situation where the interaction is just running in place because nobody is setting a direction. In any case, a position of equality among others is typically a good starting point for most interactions.

The student position, on the other hand, is often undervalued but is actually a great position in which to be. The emphasis here is on the word “student” because the student position doesn’t equal being submissive or needy. It simply equates to being curious and wanting to learn more about a person. It can be about showing a little bit of vulnerability. Most people facing a curious student will give them all the information they could ever want and try to help them further in order to show what good teachers they are. The person helping you even typically spells out everything you need to do to influence him and this also works well in a professional context.

“Being a student also allows you to take the position of supportive leader. When you are a supportive leader, you superficially support the leader and consult with him, while pretty much calling all the shots. This position is primarily reserved for overbearing people who need to perceive themselves to be in control all the time. Perhaps they are accustomed to that role, or perhaps they are so afraid of losing control that they need to feel they are always in control. No matter what the reason is, in these situations, being a student can be the best thing you can be to get that person to do what you want.
Setting a supportive leader position becomes easy when you realize that people who have the need for absolute control over their current environment are weak. As long as they just perceive themselves as being in the control, it is enough.”

For effective influence, you’d need to be changing positions throughout the interaction.

Say you’re in sales, meeting a new customer.

You start off as equal and as you begin talking and they’re sharing their life, you go into curious student. When they’re finished and you have something personal to share, back to equal.

Then as you present the actual sales options, slightly dominant as you’re presenting facts and need to be seen as an authority, reliable and all the other things we’d associate with a little dominance.


Thanks for the intriguing idea @Beltloop!! I’d love to be involved.


I’d love to be a part as well

This is fascinating! I’d love to join and be a part of this project :grinning:

Would love to be a part of this.

Couple of interesting articles I came across when researching influence.

There are 4 main TYPES of influence:

  • Negative - it’s the most damaging. Those who have this type of influence tend to focus on their authority, power, or title. They are often egocentric and prideful. This isn’t something I would want to add to this creation.

  • Neutral - this type of influence tends to neither add nor take away from what those around are doing. If a person with this type of influence was in a group of people they would not necessary do anything that would cause them to stand out or be seen as a leader. They don’t proactively lead, help, or take charge. Another type that I would not add to this NFT.

  • Positive - this type of influence adds value and leaves the people you come in contact with better off as a result of this leader’s actions and attitude. They actively lead, build relationships with others, and are present; all in the attempts to inspire, coach, and lead people to producing better results. They want to make a positive impact in the lives of those they lead, helping them to be successful in all areas of their life. This is the type we should add to the NFT.

  • Life changing - This is the pinnacle and most valuable type of influence. There are few people who possess or reach this level of influence. Life changing influence is about impacting someone in a way were their life is permanently changed as a result of what you have done and said. Those you influence in this way remain positivity impacted long after you have left the team or organization. It requires investing your entire life and all of your attention to serve and help other people to win and become successful in life and at work. THIS is the highest value of influence and we should add this.

Then there is the STYLE of influencing. It would be great to include some of these into this creation.

  • Rationalizing: Do you use logic, facts, and reasoning to present your ideas? Do you leverage your facts, logic, expertise, and experience to persuade others?
  • Asserting: Do you rely on your personal confidence, rules, law, and authority to influence others? Do you insist that your ideas are heard and considered, even when others disagree? Do you challenge the ideas of others when they don’t agree with yours? Do you debate with or pressure others to get them to see your point of view?
  • Negotiating: Do you look for compromises and make concessions in order to reach an outcome that satisfies your greater interest? Do you make tradeoffs and exchanges in order to meet your larger interests? If necessary, will you delay the discussion until a more opportune time?
  • Inspiring: Do you encourage others toward your position by communicating a sense of shared mission and exciting possibility? Do you use inspirational appeals, stories, and metaphors to encourage a shared sense of purpose?
  • Bridging: Do you attempt to influence outcomes by uniting or connecting with others? Do you rely on reciprocity, engaging superior support, consultation, building coalitions, and using personal relationships to get people to agree with your position?

The question is, how do you want to influence people?

There is the approach, as per the fields @Rosechalice listed, where you create an environment for growth and abundance where people are put in a good mood, feel the flow of positive energy and thus are incentivised in a gentle way to “help you out”. When someone feels good somewhere and feels good about you, they’re more inclined to listen to you.
Another way is through social connections and building network, and those fields should also help with that. I think the unbreakable had a subfield that brings to you beneficial relationships/help (I’m paraphrasing, I don’t remember exactly).

Then there is influence by force and manipulation, where e.g. your will overpowers the other person, and they end up agreeing and some time later they regret it and aren’t even entirely sure why and how they agreed in the first place.


Based on the above^ I think the servitor should solely focused on ourselves and not others as that would be manipulating their free will….

All I see that would be just is things along the lines of discipline- waking up early is one of the best ways to do so- having the servitor help us perhaps reset our biorhythms and very basic things may help
Or a quench to be more understandin of others as others actions are just a result of their emotions - that we cannot control and if we do then we do exactly what this quote says, which is quite the opposite of self mastery in my opinion:
“Those whom cannot control their emotions will try to control other peoples behaviors”


We do have a social mastery tag
Dating sales all that could fit in there because it is communication for others

What I think is the crux here is ourselves… how can we bettee Influence ourselves- or communicate to ourselves in a better healthy manner which in turn will project outwards as you reflect what you are

More of a rehtorical question I suppose but I really do think these are important questions we ask ourselves as we are in the brainstorming grounds

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I Love this! :heart::heart::heart::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Like Harvey Specter! :wink::wink::wink::fire::fire::fire:

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Yes but without the narcissist traits. :joy: :joy:


can I join this please…

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if spots are still available i would love be in this

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I would like to join as well, please.

I think the right word here is charisma.

And also by self-vibing, you allow others to vibe in your vibration. That’s how I understand persuasion.


You got It!!! :wink::wink::wink::handshake::handshake::handshake: