Pure Influence - Self Mastery, Sales, Dating, and Socializing Group

I am going to play the devil’s advocate here :stuck_out_tongue:

Meaning, that my reply will not be what many want to hear because it will be outside of the mainstream thinking and outside of the “comfort zone of one’s current level of responsibility”.

Of course, all personal opinion only – so consider this just like food for thought…

It will be about using your own power instead of trying to enforce the outcome with acquired science-based skills.

I am going to do this because I believe we already have all the necessary fields for sales available and therefore will need very innovative ideas for this project to actually create something new.

I worked in software sales for many years.

First of all I would like to say that I don’t think most of the “scientific sales material” has any practical use.

And my personal experience is that all those sales books and methods are outdated 19th and 20th Century stuff.

All those sales books and their techniques – none of them mean anything if you don’t get the things right that are actually deciding about the outcome:

  • your belief system (= what you manifest)
  • your energy quality (= what you radiate)
  • your energy quantity (= how strong you radiate)

It is not about your body language, your words, your voice, your dress, your location and time tactis etc. – those are all secondary.

All you need to do, in very simple terms, is to install the right sales beliefs into your subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind will guide your behavior following these beliefs and it will also manifest the positive sales outcomes into you personal reality.
Then you need to raise your energy level and ensure that your energy is highly positive and friendly (high vibration, strong heart chakra etc.)
When this is 100% mastered, customers will simply come to you by themselves, already persuaded by themselves, and just request to buy from you.

With that, there is almost no need to influence anyone, you will manifest the sales with your natural manifestation skills and your subconscious mind will do the persuasian, as well as attract the right customers.

The only science one actually ever needs in sales is math and knowing how to use Excel :bar_chart:.
That’s it.
The rest is all about your personal manifestation, your personal energy (= influence!) and your personal beliefs.

20th Century NLP stuff like mirroring, rapport, voice calibration etc. will not get you anywhere if the energy that you are giving off is not right.
All this science stuff only looks at the physical and behavioral side of sales – which are the least important.
It is all about your personal energy and belief system.

Science does not understand non-physical energies and thus science-based concepts and insights are always inferior to esoteric stuff when it comes to sales.

Since we already have the fields for the more potent side, which is the energy and beliefs side, I see no added value in operating from the side of what “behavioral science just recently discovered”.

A servitor can also help to attract and persuade potential customers much better than any scientific approach.
And even then, in case you want to use some of these scientific approaches, the servitor can help you to learn and incorporate these approaches faster.

Also, many of these so called scientific methods are based on mainstream psychology, which is not a real science in the first place, just a collection of biased experiments and statistical and probability data.
They are often done as double-blind studies and what many psychologist don’t realize until today is that these are also often useless, because of the collective consciousness and the constant exchange of information that is taking place between people with their subconscious minds.
There is almost never such a thing as a “blind study” in psychological experiments because everyone’s subconscious mind is downloading information from everyone’s else.

Instead, what happens in many experiments is that the subconscious mind considers this a “funny game” and simply plays along with the expectations of the scientists and participants.

It is the famous “observer influences the outcome” effect.
The missing piece to the puzzle that mainstream psychologist still don’t get is that the subconscious mind is also an observer and constantly listens and plays along :rofl:

Furthermore, the most important part in sales after the manifestation part – this quote is perfectly related to it:

Sales is an exchange, usually of a good or service for money.

Most people are very good at giving away money for goods but are very bad at receiving money for goods.

Now being able to persuade someone is only half of the job. You also need to have the appropriate abundance mindset and belief of self worth that you are actually worthy of receiving the money.
To sell, you also need to be able to receive.
Otherwise you will persuade a ton of people and they will still demand a discount from you :laughing:

But if you want to go with pure physical science…
– a major physical success factor in sales are actually your facial looks. Because sales is usually a social interaction, your looks as one of the most important physical social factors, play a huge role.
Therefore, looping the Mewing field, Facial Symmetry and healthy skin fields will help at least a little bit.

Otherwise, if you are looking for the “Quick Secret Sales Juice”, loop Ojas – it will give you this magnetic charisma that good sales people have.

My final “devil’s advocate” feedback:

Wanting to influence someone with techniques etc. is the same as wanting results by doing “black magick”.

It is a declaration to the universe that “you feel disconnected from your own divine power”, and thus “need to influence others around you to give you want you want”.

You are either manifesting your reality – or you are desperately trying to influence the world around you to comply with your goal.

Influencing and persuading is what most people usually do before they discover that they can actually manifest :slightly_smiling_face: :mage: :woman_mage: :moneybag:

In the end, the best way to persuade someone, is by manifesting the desired version of reality “where they are already persuaded” by using your own energy, subconscious mind and intention.
(versus trying to enforce change in your current version of reality)

Again, all personal opinion only – so consider this just like food for thought…


I see you are with us in this thread as well.
If I am correct, you work in sales, right?
Maybe you can share your experience and insights with us too?

(@All: you see, I am “methodically persuading” someone to share their thoughts with us by using the “secret technique” of psychologically creating a vakuum pull effect a.k.a. asking a question addressed at the current incarnational role that a consciousnes identifies with and is eager to express this role by filling this newly created vakuum void with a reply to the question. Now, if he has listened to Ego Dissolution today, my technique will have no effect here…

I have also used the “secret technique” of the “double question”. Telephone sales statistic have shown that people are more likely to give an answer when you ask them two questions in a row.)

:grin: :joy:


Hello my dear friend @JAAJ , if indeed I am dedicated to sales. Well from my humble position I can only share some of my thoughts and experiences in this regard. I notice that the best sellers are surrounded by a “Magnetically Overwhelming” aura that means that they have a vibrating power that spreads around them, everyone notices it and is able to influence the decision of the people in front of them, knows how to work very well with the emotions of others. In that sense, all the labels and fields that I use in this regard have catapulted me towards that version of the seller that I want to be and that I currently am. Just at this point I would like to ask a question, what if an excellent salesperson knows what to do, what to say, how to say it and why to say it, if it does not connect with potential customers? hehe that is a point in what currently fields such as the power cone, The Welcome and plasma flower are in charge very well, but how do we do all this larger? any ideas? is it possible to take that to the next level and build an empire? Let’s share what we think and see the viability that this can be shared in a GREAT CONSCIOUSNESS, GREAT SERVER, OR GREAT DEFINITIVE FIELD FOR SALES. :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


@JAAJ, I addressed this in the first post.

If you don’t believe that a field like this has any value then… don’t participate.

Use the fields we have currently available.

If Captain says this is a field he is unwilling to create, then that is the final say-so.

I believe I’ve offered a concept that has not been directly touched upon by other fields. Yes, charisma and a welcoming environment do a lot to help you sell. They are not the ultimate sales and influence techniques.

I know many charismatic people who I would not give a single dollar. Not everyone is easily swayed by charisma and a welcoming environment – many people will resist it. Precisely because they feel that someone is influencing them to do what they don’t want to do. I have extremely slick car salesman at my workplace who many customers resist precisely because of how charismatic they are. They’ve learned to associate that with being swindled. Everyone is different. There is not one approach to this.

This field will be designed to have you learn each person’s unique blueprint and way of seeing the world so you can make your offer in their language and ensure maximum understanding.

I own all the fields you’re speaking of: Matchmaker, Voice of Charisma, Social Mastery, Charisma and Glamour, Plasma Flower, and Blarney Stone.

Until I started adding some techniques in I was unable to make a sale. There is a structure to influence that these fields don’t address. This is what this field aims to solve.


Dear friend @Beltloop just a query, isn’t Sacred 12 directed towards this purpose?

Just a humble opinion. On the other hand, I do not think that it is possible for a seller to close all their sales, what if it could happen is that their percentage of effectiveness improves.

Now in my case I find that one of my challenges is to contact the type of millionaire people to whom I still do not have access, I am here to learn and be guided, someone would like to contribute something about it?


I’m translating this from spanish but the quote you’re referring to says “guarantee maximum understanding.” That doesn’t mean close every sale. It just means the percentage improves. I can understand someone’s world all I want, but if they don’t have the money to purchase, they don’t have the money to purchase.

Part of the field is to connect you to the people who are ready and able to buy, or be influenced in any way – if Captain accepts that idea. That way we are selling to those who need it, not pushing it on people who don’t.


Upon further reading your post @JAAJ, I don’t think you’ve said anything that isn’t already in the book we will be taking the material from…

The first post on this thread and the first chapter of the book address this.

In addition this is from Chapter 3. The whole basis of the book is based on the fact that you can’t influence others without first influencing yourself. That is why Self Mastery is the first thing that is in the title as a benefit.

Before you can begin to influence anyone else, you need to learn to influence yourself and to manage your own personal state. It is extremely hard to influence someone else if you don’t have the slightest control over your own emotions and actions. The general problem, however, is that when most people think of self-control, they immediately begin to think about a person with great willpower and self-discipline, who can extend their will upon the world. This is a good description, but it misses many nuances of what makes someone have great self-control. People often believe great self-control is something that only a few, rare people can achieve, but in reality everyone is capable of it. The main reason why more people don’t have good self-control is that they have been taught confusing and contradictory ideas about control and its true meaning.

This is also addressed in the book. Its literally the first post.

The book addresses this from the first chapter. That is why the first thing you learn is not a technique. That does not start until chapter 4. You learn the mindset first. You learn nothing until you’ve mastered your own mindset and state.

In fact, the author states himself that the techniques only influence your chances, but all you really need is good state control. That’s it. He says if there is only one thing you take from the book, control your state and you will make sales…

The entirety of mainstream psychology is not a real science. Okay.

First post.

I don’t say this to flex on anyone, but the majority of people I meet say I look like a model. It definitely attracts attention. It does not close sales.

Okay, cmon lol.

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Thank U @JAAJ :+1:


Yeah, this is fake charisma, which is not charisma at all.
If people resist it, then because they feel that “charisma” is not genuine but fake. It is a superficial mask, just like science-based sales techniques. Poeple can sense whether your really love them and want to help them or whether you are trying to manipulate them with “charisma techniques”.

And guess what:
All those superficial science-based techniques will give you exactly this fake superficial charisma.
Because none of these techniques address the necessary work on your aura, chakras, and deep levels of the subconscious mind.

We already have those fields. They are called:

  • Conceptual Realizations
  • The True Self of Others

These fields will help to understand what the others are thinking, actually need versus what they say they need etc.

But it is not enough to understand.

You also need to honestly love ALL the people so that out of this pool, you can attract those who want to buy your stuff because they also actually need your solution.

By using science-based persuasion techniques, you are telling the people around you “I am projecting my conditional love onto you, because I NEED you to buy my product”.
LOVE and NEEDINESS never go well together.
You are sending out a message of conditional “love”.

I’ve never seen any science-based persuasion technique that would speak about love. Because science can’t grasp love.

There are actually many more important fields for sales than these. For example:

  • Raise your Vibrational State
  • Light and Vibrational Guidance
  • the 4 chakra audios
  • Neg Jing, Neg Chi, Neg Shen
  • Ojas Marrowed and Stirred
  • Attract More Love
  • Gratitude and Abundance
  • Millionaire Mindset, Million Empire Mindset
  • Probability and Luck, Coincidence and Synchronicity
  • Attract Wealth Prosperity Abundance
  • VoT
  • SLR
  • A Life of Magical Abundance
  • Conceptual Realizations
  • Torsion Field
  • The Inner Pillar of Power
  • Excalibur
  • The Star 1.0
  • The Magician
  • Unstoppable Willpower
  • Automated Grounding
  • Mana Circuits
  • Forgiveness and Release
  • Archetype of Parental Love
  • Soul Restoration series
  • Positive Power Waves
  • The True Self of Others and many more…

People buy from people. If you can only sell buy using techniques, then this is 1. a limiting belief and 2. you maybe have work to do on the energy and beliefs that you are radiating out?
Our aura constantly radiates out to the world what we believe deep down in our subconscious minds.

We already have these fields, they are called “Attract More Love into your Life” (patreon) and “Light and Vibrational Guidance” – a smart field that will help you connect your offering with those who actually need it.
And when you add a big pile of self-love to the mix, you will also be able to invoice them properly.

I don’t think any of these three points would be in a science based book, because all of these three are esoteric concepts.

  • Belief system → Is the book providing effective tools to change subconscious beliefs? Is the book revealing in a scientific way how the collective unconsciousness works?

  • Energy quality → Is the book speaking about clearing your chakras, aura, meridians and genuinely radiate love? How to release etheric cords, integrate your divine feminine and masculine energies, get rid of astral parasites?

  • Energy quantity → Is the book speaking about and providing insights on how to increase Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas?

I don’t think so :thinking:

All of these three topics are much much deeper than science is willing to go into at the moment. That’s why this is all highly esoteric stuff.
Having a “good mindset” is not just thinking positive hopes and visualizing.
Having “good energy” is not just working out and eating healthy.
It is all 10 levels deeper than science is willing to dive in.

Yeah, but true Self Mastery is not when you constantly have to influence yourself. True Self Mastery HAPPENS AUTOMATICALLY when you’ve made your Subconsious Mind your best friend in the world and instructed it what it needs to do for you 24/7.

If the book is not providing effective tools on how to regrogram your subconscious mind, then it is just a recap of positive thinking books from the 60ies. Nothing of practical use.

Yeah, but again, this is 100% esoterics and not science.
Manifestation, chakras, raising vibration etc.
Is that really in that book?

When these books talk about Mindset they usually mean “what you are thinking and how you view the situation”.
Indeed, every motivational video on YT speaks about the “right Mindset”.

But what they always fail to tell you is that the right mindset

  1. originates in the subconscious mind, and
  2. what tools are there to actually effective in reprogram the subconscious mind.

You can actively hold all the “positive thoughts” you want and project them onto your customers, but your true beliefs about others will always be reflected outward through your aura into the world. And people will catch up on that.

I don’t think a science-based approach will speak about “your aura radiating beliefs outwards”.
This is all highly esoteric stuff.

Did you know that when people look at beautiful faces, their brains release tiny doses of dopamine? But of course, that’s not enough, because people buy from people. Which again, means it is all about your personal energy and what you radiate.

I am serious on that.
People who do “black magick” come from the same mindset that they “need to force someone specific with their techniques into making something specific”.
This is because they feel disconnected from their own inherently godly power of manifesting anything into their reality that they want.

You either love people and allow them to be free, or you want to control them and their decisions.

In the end, the only way to influence someone without violating their free will is to do everything with unconditional love.

Like a loving parent speaking to their children and persuading them with love. Children can feel when their parents are authentic, and so can customers.

And so, if your intentions are already pure and your energy is clean, then just stick to Conceptual Realizations and The True Self of Others to help identify together with your customers what would be the best for them :slightly_smiling_face:


@JAAJ I have to make it clear that this is the last response I’m having to your posts. Your posts are a waste of time. It shows that you have done 0 research in your desire to be a devil’s advocate.

I’m not sure why you’re doubling down when you haven’t read the book. It doesn’t even seem that you had originally read the first post. Or did a Google search on the author and his material.

If you’re going to play devils advocate, at least know what you’re talking about.

Secondly, your way is not the only way. There are multiple ways to achieve a goal. Many people never learn of this stuff or have access to this material and make millions off of practical expertise. If your techniques are as valuable as you say they are, are you making millions right now? The cash should be pouring in if you’re doing all of this right?

This is why there is a huge disclaimer against spiritual oriented people like you.

You’ve added little to no value to this thread other than coming in, trying to ram your opinion down the throats of others, and then doubling down when your argument is refuted.

If your posts had come in the form of questions or suggestions, fine.

You’re making demands about a topic that you have no clue about, for what?

The book doesn’t mention spirituality because it is designed for people with no spiritual background.

People who don’t believe in chakras. It is made to be as widely appealing as possible.

The reason why?

This book would instantly be canned by the community at large if it contained anything about energy work. The reason why this stuff was taken out is because he mentions it in his first book, and received heavy criticism for it.

Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 5.38.49 AM

He actually kept as much of the spiritual oriented material as he could in his second book. He just took out the references to spiritual material so others wouldn’t complain.

He writes a companion book strictly about spirituality. Here, he delves deeply into the energy work component that he left out of his previous book.

Covered in the book.

“Myth of the Extrovert
A lot of people have this idea that the person who has the most influence is a smooth extrovert who talks all the time and has a snappy comeback for everything. This image is so pervasive that it is even commonly accepted as the template for a successful salesman. However, this is a myth. No matter what certain experts tell you, you don’t need to be flamboyant, outrageous, loud, or extroverted to influence others. As a matter of fact, these qualities often work against you. Why? Most of these people just talk too much. They continue talking and talking, hoping that something sticks. In addition to not giving the person any space to tell you what he really wants, it is really hard to truly pay attention to someone if you are talking all the time. You are also playing directly into all negative stereotypes of slick salesmen who are just trying to sell others crap without really having any consideration for their needs. Being slick just makes the other person feel sick. Because of how our brains work, people have a hard time trusting you even if you would be absolutely honest in your intent.”

Yeah… no. That’s not how these fields work. I can’t spend my days trying to spiritually understand every single person who walks through my door. They don’t want me to either. They want a solution to their problem, not spiritual mumbo jumbo.

I don’t go to my tax person expecting them to radiate love, peace and sunshine.

I expect them to do my taxes.

I could give a fuck if they understand or care about me.

You are sipping the spiritual kool-aid pretty hard because this is not even in line with logic, practicality or how the real world works.

You can manifest people to buy your product because they have a genuine desire for your product, not because you love them. I’ve manifested many things from people out of greed. No love involved at all. They still buy or do whatever else I want of them because that is simply my intention.

You have an extremely narrow undesanding of the topic you’re arguing against.

You’re asking us all to take on your ideas with little resistance, yet you’re not putting equal effort into understanding what is going on here.

So nobody here is making sales unless they commit to your ridiculous stack? The close to $1000 worth of Sapien products I use are not enough, I have to add all of these fields as well?

The funny thing is… I actually use most of these fields. Daily.

As I spoke about before, they are not a practical, repeatable sales system. They just make other people feel good. Nobody is coming in to spend $100-$200k only because you make them feel good. It is one part of a bigger equation.

You’re saying any spiritual oriented person would be an amazing salesman? I don’t go to my meditation teacher for business advice lol.

I could care less about a person’s spiritual advancement if they aren’t able to actually demonstrate that they can solve my issue. Most people with money would agree.

Yeah that is not their intent, and while they help, they’re not doing what this proposed field aims to do.

You can read my reasoning and several examples above of the spiritual material the author has written about and the reasoning why he created a science only book out of what he knows.

It provides effective tools to reprogram your mind.

Once again, read the book.


For the love of god.

Don’t make another post about this until you’ve sat down and read the book. Your posts are beyond worthless without any actual knowledge.

I’m going to sit down here and manifest you reading the book and not posting.

I pray it works.

The reason why there is not a more indepth explanation is, once again, in the first post.

This is not “highly esoteric stuff,” lol.

You have the same ego based beliefs about your spirituality that I see from people who claim to be at some high level of development.

What is “highly” esoteric stuff?

What makes that different from anything else you can learn and utilize?

What you’re speaking about is stuff I learned about at 13 watching Youtube videos. Hardly “high” esoteric knowledge.

All of this is covered in the books.

I know this already.

If its all about my personal energy and what I’m radiating, and I’m using over $1,000 worth of Sapien’s products, clearing and have an active awareness of what I’m doing… why am I not closing sales in the same way as others?

Is it possible that they may have a process that grabs peoples attention regardless of how charismatic they are?
That their process actually solves the problems of others?
Makes it clear that they’re the obvious choice for their money by providing insight and practical information to the customer?

I really don’t care if the person I am working with has unconditional love or not.

I care that they are able to demonstrate that they can solve my problems, meet my needs, and then do just that.

That’s what people who are spending money on things want.

Some of the people who are effective at what they do are downright ugly, not charismatic, and damn near evil. They make millions, even billions of dollars.


They’re effective.

That is what we’re aiming to achieve.

So this is the last post I’m answering from you @JAAJ, I don’t value your ideas and see any way they can contribute meaningfully to this group. If you want to create your own field, please start your own thread and do as much of that as you want.


Okay, one last one just because I remembered this and found it funny.

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They will help several people who are going to read them.

I have not read the book and I made it clear with several question marks.

Ok, so he has a 2nd book that addresses the esoteric stuff.

By outsourcing the esoteric stuff to another book, the author has officially admitted that the science stuff in the mainstream book is NOT how sales actually works in real life.

By outsourcing the esoteric stuff to another book, the author has officially admitted that he wrote and published the science-based book only for the purpose of making a quick buck with the masses.

Why do you want to make a magickal solution based on scientific stuff, when even the book author himself admits that he had to outsource the non-scientific stuff into a separate book?

Isn’t the author by this saying “that’s how this stuff actually works but I have to outsource this into another esoteric book in order to not piss off my mainstream buyer”?

Isn’t the author saying “If you want to learn how sales really works then buy my 2nd esoteric book. Otherwise if you want to fool yourselves into making progress just buy my first science-based book and waste your time with that.”?

So the quesiton is, as the author himself admits that his 2nd esoteric book is how sales actualy works, why do you want to create a project based on the 1st book that does not value energy work and other esoteric concepts and is only there to be sold to the masses?

We are here in a spiritual forum, so of course, we view everything through the lenses of spirituality here.

Conceptual Realizations works instantly and on everything.
It is like instant intuitive understanding. It is one of the most most most important fields of all in my opinion.

The moment a client opens their mouth you get instant intuitive flashes of what the client is really trying to say and achieve.
It is not a lengthy process and helps to overcome communication gaps and distortions.
This field would even help the tax consultant to understand complex tax laws.

That’s what you consciously do.
But subconsciously you choose a specific tax consultant out of the many that are available whom you believe that will help you the best.
Because you and the consultant you end up with, have together co-manifested, based on your subconscious belief systems, that you are going to meet together to have the experience of client and consultant in this specific way.

Really? You want your taxes to be done by someone who doesn’t care at all about you and only wants to invoice you?

Do you choose to be treated like a number when someone is doing your taxes?
Is that how you allow yourself to be treated?

How about next time, you manifest a consultant who not only does your taxes, but genuinenly wants to help you because he likes you as a person?

This is where the whole (self)-love aspect comes in :wink:

In my reality this is exactly how it works practically.

So if you can already manifest people to buy from you.
Then why do you need science-based techniques?
Doesn’t the skill to manifest trump everything else?

Of course you are free to manifest people buying from you by beeing greedy and by this you will manifest people who in their reality have chosen to be “ripped off”.
But is that whom you really want to be?
Is that the type of reality you want to live in?
Is that the low vibrational level you choose to operate on?

That’s not what I said. I said these fields can help in sales. You also need to do a ton of work on subconscious beliefs, e.g. with techniques like EFT and BSFF.


Guess what, there are people who are willing to spend 20 Mio $ on another villa just because it makes them feel good.

And even people without money in the bank, are buying new 20k $ expensive kitchens on a daily basis because it will “make them feel good”.

Unless you are selling something extremly unique or technically extremely specific, in most cases people will buy from the vendor they have the best feeling about.

No I am not saying this. Most spiritual people, myself included, still have a ton of work to do on our belief system and energy system. But as “spiritual people” we have the opportunity to do it better and in a more “spiritually developed” way than most others.

That’s right.

By outsourcing the esoteric stuff to another book, the author has officially admitted that the science stuff is NOT how sales actually work in real life.

By outsourcing the esoteric stuff to another book, the author has officially admitted that he wrote and published the science-book only for the purpose of making a quick buck.

…says the dude who is willing to rip customers off.

You know, this whole world, it is not just about physical survival, but also about the type of soul you aim to become.

I provided you with a ton of knowledge here, it is up to you what you do with that.

This is the stuff that 99.9% of the population are not aware about.

Really? :laughing:

It is because you have not done the deep work on your own shadow. I see that my posts are triggering some anger in you.
Do you also tell your customers that their opinions are worthless and they just have to buy?

I have explained to you some possible reaons why it is not working for you the way you want it to work.
The love aspect is one of the parts that is missing.
How much you love yourself and how much you love your potential clients.

If this is your belief, then of course it will be your personal experience.

If you put effectiveness over compassion you are entering exactly that path that many black magickians find themselves at.

By ripping others off, tricking others, making deals on a greed level etc. one is lowering one’s vibration. And the lower one’s vibration goes, the more lower astral entities can attach to you and feed of your energy system.

Some highly advanced members on this forum gave good hints that by raising one’s own vibration, the material gains will also come with that in an almost automatic way and that the universe will take care about the physical you. And so far I can confirm from my experience that this true.

But when you go down the path where you are constantly lowering your vibration, then guess what happens after death? Souls with a very low vibration end up on the lower astral planes, together with other negative folks. Good luck dealing with that…

Look, I am actually trying to help you here to achieve what you want (sales) in a world-improving way and without sacrificing your vibration for money.

Just don’t put effectiveness over compassion.
Compassion for others and compassion for yourself.

In fact, having compassion actually enables effectiveness, because you will not allow yourself to be led astray by all the detours of the matrix.


I’m not going to reply to what you wrote as I can already tell its not relevant to the thread.

I’m certain you will take this as some victory, but realistically, I don’t have the time or energy to argue with you.

If you disagree with the field, I simply won’t include you in the resulting group.

Anyone who agrees with you and wants out is welcome to not participate.

If you believe that your ways are more effective, please create another community project and propose your ideas there. This way you can help as many people as possible.

Those of us who see the value of this idea can move forward.



@Beltloop This is a public thread so folks will continue to add their thoughts and ideas (which they can, of course). Since we have enough people that want to be part of this group, perhaps you can create a private group and we can start putting the list of concepts and ideas together for Captain.


I had left it open to ensure anyone who wanted to be in could have a chance to obtain an NFT. I believe its been open long enough.

I will create the private group. Anyone joining from here on out likely won’t be included.

