Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

It’s probably nothing, but I’m using auto immune reversal, so a “stronger” immune system sounds scary.
Stronger because it is smarter and more harmonious or more immune cells ?

Seems to be talking about a biological increase…
Lol, the higher the stakes the more hesitation even on simple decisions :man_facepalming:


I’d say this. I don’t have it yet but in my opinion love can be compared to negentropy in a sense. It brings order.

So it could maybe even heal your disorder over time.

Just my thoughts not speaking from experience


That’s my opinion too. But IF not…


As usual i loved all your review!

But specially this part!

I totally agree, and yes it is important to clarify for others than is not about "ha look at my exes all lining up looking for a new chance :smirk: " or “omg yay! Im getting all the attention left and right” no, because then this field wouldnt be working :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2:

What amazed me and makes me happy is that an as you said, its being a vacuum sucking out and freeing us from of all the past history of ANY kind of relationship and interaction we might have gotten a needle pinch in our heart, mind, soul :heart:

I also think is super beautiful that we are in a way helping our exes to heal as well and move forward, imagine how powerful this field is, but also heart healing and change is that this is transcending time, space and distance to heal those that were part of the interaction. It needs two to tango and as we release what they did to us we are also releasing the subconscious hope of them paying for it or have the lesson, forgetting than we for sure most have cause them discomfort one way or another at times.

By healing ourselves we are freeing them and that is not only wholesome but it also allow them to free us as well.

While being open to interact with men (in our case) without deciding from hello if we should even have a nice conversation with them or not if we dont want any romance (that was my problem lol)

I now see them approaching me to talk or reaching out (and i know they are interested in me) and i allow myself interacting with them without fears like "better no because then they will think they have a chance and i dont wanna hurt them or i dont want them keeping trying) i find it cute and by me let them express themselves i am also allowing them to blossom and release blockages that women are unappreciative of their effort.



Maybe buy it and try it 1 time and see how you react to it and slowly increase?

Dunno but I think if you had a good coherence from the beginning your immune system wouldn’t attack itself.


Henlooo frendz :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t3:

Tho i am absolutely nobody to tell you what to do…

Im still gonna take the chance aaaand tell you ALL of you, that this field here is a MUST MUST MUST HAVE.

Get it! :grimacing::kissing_heart:

That is all :running_woman:t2:


:100: using the Golden Age of a civilization as an example. Love is at its peak. Then, when a civilization begins to crumble, hate is at its peak. Love is generation/negentropy, hate is degeneration/entropy. Also, take an old man who falls in love. His glands and hormones begin to generate again and he becomes more youthful. Love is the force that keeps planets spinning around the sun, electrons spinning around the nucleus, etc. There are many examples of how love is a negentropic force. Then, all you have to do is look at the famous Rice Experiment on the contrary to see that hate is decay/entropy.


This one is beautiful. In London, UK we are having some ‘exotic’ weather, such a blessing - thank god. I been going out after work on bike rides, running, long drives through forest roads etc while playing beautiful music, this has just made me connect with EVERYTHING in bliss. In our daily activities we see so much to ‘feel’ great about but our silly mind never lets that happen.

Get this.


Is there any need for this field if we already possess Full Body Negentropic Coherence? I know this is specifically the heart whereas the full body is more for energy systems/meridians.


I want to know this also.


@mtoner26 @anon75109749

No, i dont think youd need this if you have Mythic.

Mythic has Heart Coherence Negentropic this one doesnt.

And the HCN from the description “applied to all parts of your energy system and centers”

I dont have Mythic yet, but maybe this could also be a case of like sometimes you just wanna feel cozy radiating good and love with Plasma Flower, without directly connecting to others, but then sometimes you do want to feel that loving connection to other people so you play Plasma Flower Node Connector.

Maybe some days you just want the coherence feeling to be focused on heart and mind, and some other times spread it all out through and through.

So i guess if you already have Mythic just keep reading peoples comments in this one while experimenting with the Mythic one and see if theres a difference that you want to feel separately or not.


Same ponder, both definitely feel different.

The heart being our biggest emf, and often depicted as the most important, I’m personally using the two.

Though, not sure if this is so smart, cause the Mythic field being intelligent and Negentropic, it must know what to target specifically and in priority.
(cf. sometimes we may need more belly than heart)


Since they are smart fields, they are going to allow for different experiences to different people on different days.

My experience thus far:

  • Heart Coherence is extremely yin and nourishing. Light, air-y, similar to the feeling you’d get waking up without an alarm, as the warmth from the first rays of sun hug you. Serene.

  • Body Coherence is yin+ (not quite yang). At least for me, there’s an increased serverload of available resources, so it’s physical and dense (in a great way).

Both are off the charts and will amplify everything else you listen to and absorb. Cannot go wrong.


An example of “everything” is watching literally anything narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

I caught five minutes of Blue Planet and was in a constant stream of awe and appreciation; mesmerized by the moon, sea turtles and Humboldt squid.

Experiencing via the heart, not analyzing via the brain.


Ah, I always love your testimonials WuWei.

Thanks for sharing :pray:


You as well, my friend.

It’s Captain’s amusement park, I’m just grateful to experience a few of the rides.


I very much agree with LunaMoon here, and I’ll go ever further. If there is only one field you can ever buy, make it this one. If you’re in a poor country and fields like this cost a month’s wages, I’d suggest saving up for a year and buy just this one field as I feel it’s that important.

I’ve done heart-brain coherence practices as taught by Gregg Braden in the past, and this field expands on that framework incredibly! The two can hardly be compared…something about how this field was made and what additional benefits were added in make it invaluable.

I have been using this field to do some truly fantastic, amazing things that I’m still trying to figure out how to explain - things I didn’t even think were possible before, let alone by a single person!

You could say that in a sense this field unlocks your full power, or maybe more accurately it enables you to be in and operate from your power so much more fully than you ever thought possible. You can use the capabilities this field will provide to you to do things that were previously out of your reach, and it’ll seem easy when you do it.

In a way, if you look at the various testimonials from @anon46520955 & @Bronyraur, that’s basically what they’re describing IMHO - easily overcoming things that were previously extremely difficult to manage or nearly unachievable before. I bet neither of them would ever consider nor want to go back to how things were before they worked with this field. That’s the hallmark of a true paradigm shift.

Buy. This. Field.

:muscle: :grinning: :+1:


Yasss 100% on point.



This just gave me a huge ‘aha’ moment. Thank you! :pray: :sparkles:


You can manifest anything with this field, sit and watch…


Accurate bet, thank you for the feedback. “Paradigm shift” fits the context.

When it strictly comes to morphic fields (because there are a few other materials/events that have contributed as well, including a “local talent’s” heart-magnetic-field-meditations… although saying this is a little nonsensical since at the end of the day, everything is “fielded”), I’d say that in my case, such big shifts have occurred as follows (chronologically):

  • Subconscious Limits Removal
  • Soul/Core Energy Restoration
  • Vibration of Creation
  • Torsion Field
  • Plasma Light
  • Blueprint of Life

Those have been the stepping stones for me. With frenzy loops of Alchemy of Love, Heart Chakra and Moldavite in between. Fossile-cleaners if you will.

There’s even been a tarot reader once who told me (like 3-4 years ago), “uggghhh where did you get this energetic poison my dear? There’s been a time when you weren’t like that, I can see it… but apparently you hung out too much with blood suckers”.

:joy: and of course my reaction was “ok, another woo-woo who’d better shut up”. Honestly that was even my most frequent reaction when I first discovered this community. I was like “those guys are desperate but Dreamweaver and Sammy are cute, so I’ll carry on”.

Anyway. Simply put, this field wouldn’t have made sense for me without its predecessors, you know. I could still have understood the principle in an “intellectual” or logical way but that’s it. Or it would have been like reading the final chapter of a book without knowing the rest of the plot.

I can imagine, only from my own angle. Or draw or compose :)) but even those would be too fragmented to explain how it fully feels like.