Purpose of the Multiverse is to create something separate from itself? - - - Questions about Morality, Spirituality and Existence

        This shall be non-conventional (questions within questions or rather question stemming from other questions and I'll try to limit them to just a few of them), chaotic, yet still having/maintaining a logical pattern, somehow (I hope) ...    SO THE QUESTION IS WHO AND HOW, AS IN WHO MAKES THE RULES AND WHY (all the other questions are somehow related to this one)? 

I. Who decides what is right and wrong (and how)? - Nobody? A Divine Being? The Universe or Higher Self? The Absolute? Each Individual Soul?
Is there no Right and Wrong - how about “evolution”, “higher states”, etc., then what is High and what is Low, just conventions (perhaps of all souls or at least conventions between the “Higher Beings”, “Realities” and “Multiverse”)?

II. Why should you “learn” something in the first place? If this is against our collective and individual will, isn’t even 'The Absolute" Tyrannical? Why should we listen to any authority at all? Do they even know what they are doing or just imposing their will on this world (by them/they I mean the Higher Beings in charge of all this, whatever it is)? :slight_smile:

Ok, I can go on and on, and perhaps I’ll continue some other time, with other questions and only one question at a time, to not make it chaotic or so clustered (I will open other topics, this one is an experiment, sort of).
Since this place is so amazing and so diverse, I’ll read a lot of questions and answers about Spirituality, Existence, Ego, Universe, God, etc. to see new perspectives, new ideas and to gain more and more knowledge about myself, people and this world (and perhaps others as well :smiley:).



I like your questions.
What do you think George?

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My answers

On earthly level.
Everyone for themselves.
Which is usually followed by others based on an example that suits most. (Society)

If they know what they are doing it can be helpful, and if they are gold about their intentions.

Idk about any being being in charge.

For yourself. To expand yourself a bit.


OMG, Finally, I can reply!
First of all, I don’t have a definitive answer to any of those questions, so let’s start from that (even if I did, those answers might change with time and with new knowledge and experiences that I gain);
I wanted to give a long and boring answer, but I changed my mind and I’ll give a simple answer: I do and think and believe in whatever helps me at a given moment, right now I believe in some spiritual stuff, but I’m not sold to any religion or movement of any kind, I’m more of a guy searching for the meaning of my Life and Life in general and I might add that I’m starting to not even care anymore :joy: , so yeah, I might ask some questions, I might like some theories, I might have some ideas, but nothing which I believe to be The Absolute Truth (is there even such a thing, what if everything evolves, including the Divine); besides beliefs and ideas, nowadays I’m more focused on GROWTH, I want to experience Life and Spirituality much more than I want to read about it, so there you go, I have no answers, I’m just a seeker (and my answers might change) …

I really like your answers, they are grounded and sound minded.


Right and wrong are human constructs, a byproduct of a prefrontal cortex, conscious rational logic process, and ethical and moral development (integral amber stage is when it starts). Right and wrong became “real” when the species entered the amber stage, which would have been sometime pre civilization or right at the start.

Who decides? We decide. But then “we” code that into society via culture, and long enough in culture it gets adopted as a general principle, and if there long enough gets ingrained as a fundamental universal.

So right and wrong are both real and made up.

More on ethics from possibly the best perspective I’ve ever found here:


However I will add, natural law, aka the natural functions of the universe outside of consciousness and as an aspect of dual reality could be considered the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong. However at that point it’s very context dependent. Aka, you do a thing, and if the natural process of the universe rewards you, or you achieve some sort of gain, then it was “right”. Yet if you zoom out and a number of these wins results in a larger scale failure, then in the wider context it was “wrong”.

Example: Eating wild raspberries is right because it tastes good and rewards the body with easy access glucose. However, keep eating raspberries all the time every day constantly and you over-sugar your body and get diabetes. Therefore, wrong. In this sense, eating raspberries is right or wrong depending on context.

I tend to orient to natural law and Forrest landry’s Non-Relative Ethics and that has proven extremely fruitful and “good” in my life.


TYSM for you answer! I’ll read about that perspective from your link, a little later. I really like that answer/paradigm with the raspberries, same thing can be right or wrong, depending on the context.

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Out of the many threads that I made, I decided to go back to an earlier one, where the theme is questions…
(as if the other threads aren’t all about questions :roll_eyes:… Anyway)


Does everything exist because THE Absolute couldn’t contain itself?

As in, where you focus your mind, that’s where energy goes…

The Source being waaay too complex, it had to discover/explore itself, it couldn’t contain its “primordial oneness”, and from contemplating itself, Everything sprang out (?)…, including Duality, Concepts, Shapes, Forms, Dimensions, the Material Worlds, etc. (?)

I mean, the Divine could not contain itself, could not actually keep Himself/Herself away from creating (?), so Everything had to exist, as objects of God’s self observation and expansion?

Was Creation Inevitable?

Also, since Divine is and has Infinite Potential, then Creation is actually Infinite?

Disclaimer: these questions follow a certain model, I mean, if you don’t believe in a primordial cause, a primordial state or someone/something akin to a source, then this question may not be relevant at all to/for you - however, I welcome all replies and views, if anyone wants to answer.

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its my belief that in order for there to exist anything there has to be opposing forces light but also darkness. But as for the creator of all things “God” or Father of Lights, that is where my mind starts to become jello because i will never understand that. How did he exist first?? lol

I believe we started in heaven, its our free will which is why we are here now. Without free will we would be robots unable to love the creator. The bible says we wasted our eternal soul on riotous living, that host body system (flesh) i believe is that riotous living.

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Maybe the purpose of the Universe or the Multiverse is to create a new existance completely outside Itself…

Hear me out lol…

From the Perspective of the Whole, we are all one, or it’s own, one existance or it’s creation or children or…

However, why does it want to evolve?
Evolving by itself might be the purpose, but what if there are other purposes?

Like wanting something completely new?

Like an entirely different thing (something else), apart from itself…? :thinking:

If it can create that, then that would be the ultimate Creation, something which is not obedient to the Supreme Will, but it’s something else…
An entirely different thing, maybe another Multiverse or even something unknown even to the Multiverse…

Maybe we are the training ground, we are it’s testing subjects, since we have this idea of us being separate, it wants to see how we behave, what we do, how consciousness evolves, etc., to have an idea how an Entirely independent thing/being/consciousness might operate… (?)

{Edit: maybe it wants to evolve to see new possibilities and to reach a better Higher version of itself, where all of us are content, but there are countless other possibilities…}

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What is right is right on its own merit. Goodness is good because it’s what it is.

Now who decides that? It’s not decided.

It’s who they are.

God is a god of Love. Therefore, the highest right is that of love, goodness, harmony, peace, etc. by what it is.

You shouldn’t. The only authority is the god within, the Higher Self, the intuitive or superconscious mind.

Depending on what you mean…

Higher Beings are like graduates. Do you think graduates can help you in some way?

Some have never been to Earth but because they are kind and you are not kind and want to be kind, do you think they can help you in some way?

Then there is your creator. they made you. Your creator, not Absolute God but the actual creators, mold your body, mind and soul and gave you life.

So in a sense, it’s like your parent. Don’t you think parents know you best?

Lastly, you are never imposed to listen. You have free will to do what you want. But don’t go crying to mama if you touch fire and it burned your hand.

If there’s someone to teach you what to do with that fire, wouldn’t it be all the better?

Because we are here on Earth as a school. And we can’t leave unless we learn what we need.

If not, you get sucked back here like a magnet because your vibration is too weak to get out.

No, first the Absolute Original Source does not manifest. And we don’t know how it thinks. It first create helpers and the Manifested God is the one who creates.

It does so by breathing out and so manifested everything.

And it is the Manifested God who creates THIS universe and all its limitations and rules.

Just like when you breathe out, you release nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Pretty much. But each time it goes down the lower vibration it has more limitations.


Source always wins its own game.

Because it has already decided that it wants to win it.

And since you are part of Source and All-That-Is, you, sooner or later will make the same choice, out of your own free will, and join in the Source in what it has already decided lmao:

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