JAAJ's Mystical Journal

< This post is an intro for the next post >

CONSCIOUSNESS, being the only truth and the only thing that really exists, USES the following FORCES as TOOLS to create “worlds” for realizing and experiencing itself:

The “Positive” Forces:

  • Negentropy
  • Love
  • Self Love
  • Appreciation (i.e. recognizing negentropy in creation)
  • Compassion (i.e. expanding negentropy from oneself onto others)
  • Beauty
  • Healing
  • Creating

All of these are conceptual synonyms!

The “Oppossing” Forces:

  • Entropy
  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Sickness
  • Destroying

All of these are also conceptual synonyms!

Factors which are above and beyond those forces:

  • The process of Consciousness manifesting Reality
  • Conscious having Free Will


"Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I’mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock
But the party don’t stop, no"

How are Angels so Compassionate?

After a long day and night of binge re-playing through one of my all time most favorite computer games, Dungeon Keeper 1, with some newly released 2024 modifications, I finally went to bed.

But still had too much energy to fall asleep lol.

So I started looping Angelic Intercession+ and called for the Angels.
They appeared by making me feel comforted and by channeling a stream of thoughts through me.

At first they made an inside joke based on Dungeon Keeper 1 which had me burst out laughing loud because it was so funny. I was literally shown a mental picture of the funny scene.
The Angels, for sure, are able to see the comedy in our human lives and are able to reflect it back to us in a way that is entertaining and funny. The sense for humor exists across all of creation and is not limited to human understanding.

Then I asked them why do humans, or certain souls in general, have the need for the feeling of safety, concealment, comfort and solace? And why do they, the Angels, not have any of those needs in the first place?

Then the answer came instantly as a conceptual download.
It happened pretty fast and within like just 20 seconds, as this was how long it took me to translated the download concept into human words in my head.
I was astonished that the answer was so obvious and how I didn’t see it before that by myself lol.

The answer:

Having personal needs is the main obstacle in easily having compassion towards others.

Compassion is easy when you have no personal needs.
When you don’t need to receive anything, you are in your natural state of giving and spreading negentropy onto others.

Compassion is hard when you have personal needs, and unless those needs are satisfied first, it is a real challenge to give to others unconditionally.

Which brings us to the human physical experience:

The physical plane is the most harsh and most entropic environment for a soul to practise compassion at.
It is the most challenging environment because here, the forces of entropy are at their highest.

The highest level of entropy = the highest levels of stress and the highest requirement to fight back against this entropy, with requires constant proactive and conscious efforts.

This physical environment of maximum entropy, which acts as the oppossing force to your own natural negentropy, creates all types of personal needs within you.

When you have personal needs, you are struggling to keep your own negentropy alive (so that you can continue to exist on this physical plane).
And only when your own “negentropic survival” is ensured, the idea of sharing with others and showing compassion for their struggles, enters the mind again.

Angels are always in a very low entropic environment, i.e. they exist surrounded by bliss, community, beauty and negentropy.
Thus, they have no personal needs like we humans do.
So they are free in expressing they own natural negentropic compassion.
They have compassion towards others at all times because they don’t have those entropy-created needs.

Angels also have compassion towards others, like e.g. us humans, because we are those parts of Universal Consciousness and Creation, which actually venture onto these fights against entropy in high-entropy environments like the physical plane.

It us, who enable the Source to ultimately experience those certain aspects of itself that otherwise would be impossible to explore.

Angels have a lot of compassion and love towards us because we are doing creation’s hard work of making the harsh experience of fightning max levels of entropy and at the same time growing immensly through developing negetropic skills (like the ability for even more compassion).

Through our physical-plane-high-entropy stress-test, the gain in experience that we get from as consciousness, is the super fast speed at which Source grows.
The biggest the stress, the faster the growth.
This applies for the Source as a whole too.
So by us souls doing our adventures in harsh environments and growing so fast, Source itself also grows fast. We are one of the aspects of the Whole, that does the speedruns for maximum overall growth speed.

When you show gratefulness for the Angels’ help, you are becoming part of the negentropic force, i.e. you are joining the “positive forces” who are in the fight against entropy.
With your gratefulness you are contributing in the raise of vibration, and the Angels love to help those souls, because you and them are working towards the same (towards negentropy) and you are basically becoming joint forces with them. This is the power of being grateful and appreciative.

On the other hand, people who are arrogantly demanding something from them, may not receive their help just like that. Why? Because by demanding and being arrogant, those people become part of the “non-appreciation” aspect, i.e. part of entropy. Angels will not help those who have “more entropy” on their agenda.




This is very insightful, thanks JAAJ. Plus I don’t know if you noticed but it’s 333rd post. It’s not a coincidence.


“Come find me when you wake up!”

— Rita Vrataski, Edge of Tomorrow

The concept of “Empathy” seems to be an intermediate stage to the actual goal: the concept of “Compassion”.

Empathy means you are able to consciously feel what someone else is feeling and you are the able to grasp this feeling within your own qualia.

Whereas compassion means that you are not simply able to feel what others are feeling, but that you are also making a conscious free-will based decision to take their feelings serious and to help alleviate them and to fill them up with joy.

So in spiritual development, the goals for everyone walking this path, seems to be to replace Empathy with Compassion in the longterm.

The challenge of empathy is to feel others shitty emotions and learn to deal with what you are perceiving.

The challenge of compassion is to master dealing with this and going beyond to the next step, where you are not only able to deal with others’ shitty emotions, but also be so good at dealing with it, that you are able to also love them and help them to become more negentropic.

Becoming an emotional management master of sorts.

It has to always start with yourself first – because, due to the emotional management challenge, you cannot become compassionate towards others unless your are compassionate towards yourself first.

There seem to be different routes leading to the same outcome, here are two that I am aware of:

Route #1:
You are an energy sensitive person → you automatically feel everyone’s shitty emotions → you are realizing the suffering of everyone, not just your own → you develop compassion

Route #2:
You are not an energy sensitive person → you do not automatically feel everyone’s shitty emotions, but you realize only your own suffering → at some point you realize that others have real souls and consciousness too and with that you realize that others go through the same suffering as you do → you decide that you don’t want to live in a world full of traumatized souls → you develop compassion

There are for sure other routes too.

So what’s the point of this writing here?
“Empathy” is just an intermediate stage for the next stage.
It is neither the end goal nor the final wisdom.
It is nice to have, but not enough if you want to learn all your Earthly lessons.

“My middle name is Rose.”

— Rita Vrataski, Edge of Tomorrow


There seems to be a big difference in “the amount” of Chi versus “the vibration” of the Chi energy.

Just because something has “a lot of energy”, does not automatically mean that is energy of “high vibration”.

The Chi that is present at a place seems to take on the vibration of its environment:

  • When it is inside a low vibe person, it will vibe at this person’s vibe.
  • When it is inside a high vibe person, it will vibe at this person’s vibe.
  • When it is inside a low vibe planet, like Earth, then the average here will be low vibe Chi.
  • When it is inside a higher vibe planet or star, like the Sun, then the average there will be high vibe Chi.

That’s why there are “positive” and “negative” vibe places on earth.

And depending on how much Chi is there at these place, one can measure it with Bovis units. The more Chi the more Bovis units.

A high vibe energy place with a lot of Chi (high Bovis count + high vibe) will lift you up and charge you up with Chi.

A low vibe energy place with a lot of Chi (high Bovis count but low vibe) will pull you down and charge you up with its low vibe Chi, which can make you sick. (“DOR” aka “Deadly Orgone”)

A low vibe energy place with a lack of Chi (low Bovis count and low vibe), like in a crowded city slum, will pull you down AND drain your Chi from you.

If you look at the pictures of most places on earth where people love to party, you will see that most people who are there are not high vibe at all.
Most of these people look super unhealthy and not really spiritual.
But they still feel well there at these party places because it is a place of a high Chi (high Bovis count) and a vibe level that fits these people and where they feel well.

Have you ever noticed how people choose restaurants and clubs based on their own vibration?
It is because they don’t feel comfortable in places that are higher or lower than their own vibration.

It is important to learn to feel the difference between “low Chi” vs “high Chi” and “low Vibration” vs “high Vibration”.

Chi (energy) can be a lot (high) or it can be only a little (low).
And Vibration of something can be high or it can be low.

For example a very old sage, can be low on Chi, but be of high vibration.
A young criminal boy, can be high on Chi, but be of low vibration.

People who lack Chi by themselves will be drawn to people with a lot of Chi.

People who are connected to their intuition and inner wisdom will be drawn to people of high vibration.

That’s how for example a low vibe woman with a lot of Chi, can still sexually attract a man and bind him. The man she is binding to herself is attracted to her high levels of Chi energy and is pulled to her. But because his is not spiritual he is not able to discern her low vibration and gets trapped.

A man who is spiritual and listens to his own inner wisdom, will feel a strong warning sign to stay away from such a “Jezebel” archetype woman because he will feel something is vibrationally wrong with her Chi.

In the “Interview With The Vampire” movie, Louis de Pointe du Lac stays emotionally the same wreck for Centuries, becoming trapped in his own loop, i.e. being “a damned one”.
All because he is desperate for Life Force, but is afraid of raising vibration.


Why do we want certain things?

Because it feels good.

So does this mean that we are actually victims of the Definitions of those feelings?

Some things are defined as creating good feelings and some things are defined as creating bad feelings.

Good feelings feel good because they are negentropic.
Bad feelings feel bad because they are entropic, chaotic and destructive.
And we are pushed to want to experience only good feelings.
Are we victims of those definitions?

Did the Source made those definitions?

Or is it because we ourselves are LIFE and life is negentropic, and therefore we are naturally drawn to everything negentropic?

If everything is Source and Source is playing with itself…

…Playing a game of where “Negentropy has to fight against the artificially created chaotic force of Entropy”…

…and with this to make sure that the game is always won in the end, the Source has to define the game rules in a way that all participating consciousness that is playing the game, is always drawn to the negentropic side.

ROFL :crazy_face: :rofl:

Those definitions of what feelings are negentropic were created by the Source to make sure that Source always wins its own game in the end!

In the end Negentropy always wins, because Source wants to win the game it is playing with itself.

It cannot be any other way, because how crazy would it be if Source would create a game where it would lose? LOL

Source has infinite self esteem, therefore losing a game and ceasing to exist by getting destroyed in entropy can never be an option…

While we as individual souls have Free Will and can decide to go against this push of seeking good negentropic feelings, when we utilize this free will and follow through with it, we will feel bad, i.e. feel entropic. A reminder from the Source that the game is won in the other direction.

So is Free Will actually free if you get punished by a bad feeling for making certain choices?

Well, it is actually free, because you DO HAVE this option.
You have the option for making an entropic destructive choice.
The option is absolutely there!
So yes, Free Will is there and is free.

But the Source’s own Free Will is bigger than your own soul’s Free Will and the Source already decided that it wants to win the game! LOL


Manifestation is always THE answer.

  • Manifestation makes competing obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes the “need to be special” obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes “self importance” and busyness obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes the arrogance of ignorance obsolete.


:leo: :leo: :leo:

"I see the moon, I see the moon, I see the moon
Oh, when you’re looking at the sun"


Over the last week I was conducting instense studies of astrology and natal charts while looping Conceptual Conglomerate and other helpful fields.

I am still a noob to astrology, however I think I finally understand the connection between astrology, consciousness and its influence on our lives.

I am finally seeing the bigger picture where everything is logically connected and makes sense.

Where it is no longer just something to “believe in”, but something that is as real as radioactivity, even when you cannot see it with your eyes.

For someone like me who comes from a family of scientists, this was a huge achievement for finally being able to integrate astrology into my mental world model.


So yeah, I was wrong about astrology in the past.
These things are real and they do really have an impact on the soul that is physically incarnated.

The influence of astrology onto the physical incarnation, is part of the incarnational game and another layer of the game that makes up this physical incarnation self development platform.

I also came to the conclusion that the natal chart is so far the most accurate “psychological test” out there. Forget the “Big 5” and other mainstream stuff, those are way too innacurate, because they are based on wrong assumptions about consciousness, souls and psyche. Companies who hire based on “Big 5” or similar „tests“ do themselves a big disfavor LMAO.


So now speaking about natal charts…

…the good news:

Yes, it is possible to change and rewrite and overwrite your natal chart – unlike what most astrologers think and say. Impossible is nothing. People who think that the stuff in the natal chart is “set in stone” are not realizing how it really works in my opinion. I am not saying that I completely understand it, but with what I realized now and the experiments that I conducted, it is not fixed and set in stone for eternity.

…the bad news, if you want to make actual deep changes in the natal chart:

The Requirement and the Sacrifice:

The Requirement:

Realizing and integrating most of the required conceptual realizations that one wanted to achieve in this incarnation as per original incarnation plan and with the current natal chart personality setup. We incarnate with a certain personality setup in order to learn certain lessons, realizations and collect certain experiences. Once those realizations have been made, the Higher Self releases certain aspects of our natal chart and these become flexible and can now be changed. Astrology itself is a tool for personal shadow work and conceptual realizations about onself and one’s life. Free will that is developed from overcoming natal chart challenges ultimately always overpowers what was previously been written down in the natal chart. Or in simpler words: when you have integrated the lessons from the natal chart, these natal chart aspects now become free to change.

The Sacrifice:

Completely giving up your current personality setup.
Since the natal chart, like a morphic field lol, overlaps your own soul consciuousness and by this adds a layer of personality traits to the whole personality setup, it is obvious that once you change ANYTHING in your natal chart, your whole personality always changes.
It changes because it was not real in the first place but just a tool for your consciousness to develop itself.
So being able to do changes in the natal chart comes at the sacrifice of giving up your old personality setup and adopting a new personality setup. Kind of a jump into the unknown and a leap of faith where what you decide with your own free will is then what you have live with.

I think most people would not be willing to give up their current personality setup for the freedom of acquiring a new personality – and so, they must live with and work with their current natal chart. Giving up one personality setup for a new one, is probably way too dreadful for the ego of the current personality.

So yeah, if you want something completely new, you have to complete the previous one AND then be willing to sacrifice it for a new one.


Also, by studying Dua Lipa’s natal chart, I was able to conceptualy understand and realize the “Secrets of Fame”. Some really deep level stuff that only makes sense once you realize it. Not gonna share these though, because this is just too valuable information.


Surprises are Fun

Why does the Source loves playing this whole game of self-exploration and self-simulation?

Playing it one iteration after another?
One simulation after the next?

Because at the beginning of the game, a big part of all the players are in “unconscious NPC mode”.

So the game starts with predefined parameters (different in each new iteration of the game of course) and all those players who are at first playing passive reactive NPC characters then during the game can awaken at any point in time and suddenly excercise their inherent free will.

Free will means that stuff is not predictable, i.e. there is always this element of surprise in the game with regards how things will turn out in the next moment. You never know which NPC is gonna awaken next and all of sudden make free will decisions and how it will influence the whole game world.

It is the surprises and the „what might happen next?“ that makes the game exciting for the Source.

In a sense, Source designed the game in a way so that it can surprise itself.

The re-activation of the “Free Will” factor from “previously turned consciousness into NPC mode” is what creates the randomness factor for the Source.


Something I wanted to share, because I see it in a different way.

Sharing it here in my journal as to not to disrupt the original thread of the Brain Guild and also because I don’t know Dr_Manhattan’s real opinion and whether he maybe simplified everything on purpose so that more people can understand what he means…

My different point of view is related to these statements:

In general, I agree what has been written in this thread, except on the quoted parts.

Because, I personally think it is actually the other way around:

The information about everything is not stored on a “2D surface” but is instead stored “conceptually” in a super complex universal morphic field.

So what we experience is not “the projection of a lower-dimensional reality” but instead the projection of a higher-dimensional super complex reality down into a limited 3D world.

It is not that something 2D is projected into 3D, but rather something 100D that is projected downwards into 3D.

The quality of this projection depends on the mechanism that Dr_Manhattan desribed in his post, i.e. neural networks etc.

Into the physical world (3D world) we can only project downards that much of our consciousness and concepts that our 3D neural network allows. That’s why enhancing the physical brain allows for better conceptual downloads from the higher dimensions.

So overall, what I said does not change the holographic nature of things, it is just that in my opinion the hologram and the projector are reversed than what was described by Dr_Manhattan.


People who were born blind (visual part of physical brains not functioning properly) can suddenly fully see when they astral project.

Not only can they see, but they see much better and in 360° field of view.

Because they switch their awareness from their 3D brain to their Astral Brain.

Since the Astral Brain is “one dimension higher” than the physical 3D brain, they are able to suddenly download much more information about reality from the universal conceptual morphic field.

The person is suddenly able to see everything, despite never having developed any 3D brain based physical neural connections for visual processing.

So it is not the physical brain that is projecting 2D information into a 3D hologram, but instead, the 3D brain trying to download a 100D concept.
And since the 3D brain is almost completely limited to 3D perception, all it can download is a 3D perception of reality and create a 3D hologram.

Reality is a way too complex concept to be stored on a “2D surface”.
Reality is conceptual and therefore qualia based.
And anything qualia based can only be stored conceptually.

So our consciousness is never “projecting 2D information into a hologram” but is downloading conceptual information “from the top” and tries to fit it in and express it through a 3D device (physical brain) – with the result of us experiencing a 3D hologram here.

We can only “download” and “translate” so much of the overall existing reality, as our current brain device allows. The brain device is not projecting consciousness and creating a hologram. Instead, the brain is downloading consciousness and concepts from higher dimensions and tries to translate it into a 3D hologram.

I hope this explanation makes sense.


I will try to explain my current main “mental” challenge:

Finding purpose in a process of constant core identity change.

When I speak about core identity change, I literally mean it like that:
The change of your whole character, personality, preferences, core identifications and beliefs, your ego construct, your role, your way of expression etc.

So basically, when your core identity changes, so does everything you assumed and believed about the world. So do your relationships to others, what you manifest in your personal reality, how you feel about everything, what you think about everything etc.

Core identity change = change of everything in your life.

When you change your current identity by 100%, then it is like incarnating into a completely new role,but without changing bodies lol.

But you also need to find and give yourself a new purpose.
This is now a process I am constantly in.
Changing my natal chart is just one of the many factors in this.

And in all of this I constantly have to do my best to find stability, balance and also, a real new purpose. This is the challenge I am speaking about. Change Management on a soul level.

The challenge of being a “Change Manager” on a soul level.

Since everything is always changing, what was purposeful yesterday, today may appear as obsolete and redundant.

I feel like this is the process the Higher Self constantly finds shimself in.

And also, my Higher Self says to me that this is a skill I need to develop in order to become my Higher Self in the future.
This makes sense to me, because you cannot become a Higher Self unless you also learn to manage your many incarnations lol.

The skill of being a “Role Manager” and “Change Manager” is not connected to any identity, but in fact, it is the skill of managing and being able to deal with all types of identity and personality setups.

So exactly what the Higher Self is already doing all the time!

The Higher Self, with its many incarnations, is a “Role Manager” shimself and does not rely on any particular “identity”.

For the Higher Self, identities are simply tools.

“I” can never go back to “blissful NPC mode”.
All my old roles and indentities were artificial anyways.
Just tools to learn, experience and realize stuff.

So in all of this, I am now in a constant process of having to proactively give myself this new purpose time and time again.
No one else can give it to me.
It is something I have to constantly reinvent and do by myself and for myself.

Every new identity needs a new purpose.
Without a purpose, an identity is just an experience collector.

For the Higher Self to collect certain realizations and experiences, you even need (!) to change identities.

It is almost impossible to collect all the relevant realizations from the Point of View of a single identity.

So identity switching seems to be a common occurence during the end game phase.

Reminds me of this quote from Dream under the Arcturian Meditation video:

And also, how Dream often puts the focus on seeing life as an “RPG”, which is nothing else than a “Role Playing Game”. So yeah, we are literally playing roles here. And with that, we are also free to choose new roles (identities) as we progress. Feels all logical to me.


The Speedrun Character Setup

People’s RPG Stats and Skills vary significantly.

When doing a speedrun I had to realize and say goodbye to old preconceived ideas about how a „Speedrun Character“ in this game would look like.

A speedrun character comes with a very unique, very specific set of skills and character trait combination.

This combination is adjusted for the species, the planet, the gender, the culture, the country, the age etc. the souls does the speedrun in.

These skills and character traits are very unexpected und surprising when viewed from the perspective of a normal game player. A normal game player is defined by how most souls play the same game on a regular basis.

For example, speaking in the analogy of human computer RPG games, a speedrun character is definitely NOT a „tank warrior with max armor and health“, is NOT a „sorceror with max mana, intelligence and mastery over the elements“, and is NEITHER a „silent crawling stealth character“.

A speedrun character is extremely different from the game’s regular archetypes.

A speedrun character has all his/hers skill points and character traits set to certain very specific aspect as in order to maximise the speed of the run during particular levels and points within the game. Particulalry, to those levels and points in the game that are the most crucial for skipping the largest parts of the normal game path.
The natal chart plays also a role here.

At times, it can appear that there a long phases where the speedrun character does the very same things that other regular players do as well and appear as a regular game player. But then, also the speedrun character suddenly encounters certain points in the game and makes massive progress and levels skips due to his/hers unique character setup.

So a speedrun character will probably have certain unexpected and not so obvious talents and character traits that will help this character at some very specific points during their incarnation, and where these points, when successfully mastered, will make the character skip most of the normal game.

In fact, many things in the setup in a speedrun character are only there just for the sole purpose of this character coming to some very specific realizations during their playthrough. And these realizations can be so profound, that they replaces a thousand other realizations that a normal game character would have to first live through until he/she gets there.

I’ve had many of such life changing realizations in my life.
They came unexpectedly and in an unpredicated way.
It’s like all of this time you had this plan to go from A to B to C to D.
But then everything changes and you go from B to K22 to V781.
Making B, C, and D redundant and not worth chasing after anymore.

Because of this mechanics, nothing is really randomly set up in a speedrunning character.
Absolutely every little single detail matters.
This includes all the strength and all the weaknesses of the speedrun character.

Especially the weaknesses.
Those are often there on purpose, because in the moments when those are mastered or transcended, these bring the biggest growth, the biggest realizations, the biggest skips of normal game levels.

If you are a speedrun character, then studying your natal chart can provide a lot of info into how you have setup your own speedrun before you incarnated here. It is not set in stone, but it can help the ego understand the plan and by this reduce its resistance and make it more openminded and appreciative for major shifts.

Some of you who will be reading this, ARE speedrun characters.
You did not discover things like Sapien Med field by chance or „just for fun“ and then started a deep dive on this forum.
Most normal game players do not make it into this forum because the moment they discover fields, they are instantly distracted by 220 different other YouTube recommendations.

These fields are powerful tools that were brought into the game by even more advanced game players (like Dream and PU) aka the “Master Speedrunners” as I call them.
It is as if a master generation of Speedrunners have only entered the game, to then, while within the game and all while still following the game rules, created even more powerful speedrunning tools that the next generation of speedrunners can use.

We are really blessed here and from this perspective the term Tool-Assisted Speedrun (TAS) acquires a whole new meaning.


In the Age of AI, how can people know what video and content really comes from the respective creator?

For the short-term, blockchain based authentification will do the job, but at some point in the future, humanity will need to go full psychic skills for authentification.

Because the blockhain will be hacked by quantum computing rather sooner than later, so no blockchain token will be able to proof ownership of something or originality of someone’s voice message or video recording.

So the only way forward to authentification of stuff is the collective development of conscious claircognizance.

Dream has already done it with the NFT token verification:
One cannot lie to one’s Subconscious Mind and all Subconscious Minds are always telepathically interconnected, therefore who really owns a NFT is always crystal clear to the Subconscious Mind and the morphic field tapping into it this thus, this ownership cannot be cheated or faked.

Arcturians do not pay Meta to have a blue checkmark on their “Instagrams” lol.
They simply “know” whether an information is authentic or not.


“That which is real is irreplaceable.”

— Dolores Abernathy, Westworld, Season 2: The Passenger

:x: Egoism: “Me first”

:x: Egotism: „I am the best“

:x: Narcissism: “I am the most important one”

:x: Selfishness: “Only I matter“

:x: Solipsism: "Only I am real and the world exists only for me“

:white_check_mark: Self Love: „I am complete“


"Freedom comes when you learn to let go
Creation comes when you learn to say no"

"You were my lesson I had to learn
I was your fortress you had to burn
Pain is a warning that something’s wrong
I pray to God that it won’t be long
Do ya wanna go higher?"

"And in the year of the golden light, it was so decreed that a great cathedral be raised. The cornerstone of this holy place was to be carved from the translucent stone Antyrael, named for the angel who shared his power with the Horadrim. In the year of drawing shadows, the ground shook and the cathedral shattered and fell. As the building of catacombs and castles began and man stood against the ravages of the Sin War, the ruins were scavenged for their stones. And so it was that the cornerstone vanished from the eyes of man.

The stone was of this world - and of all worlds - as the light is both within things and beyond all things. Light and unity are the products of this holy foundation, a unity of purpose and a unity of possession."

– The Cornerstone of the World, Diablo Hellfire

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Timelines are collective states of consciousness.

Rat races, at their core, are conceptual loops.

New concepts lead to new options.

How easy a specific concept is accessible depends on the timeline you are in.

Switch timeline + Access new concept → Play game with different rule set

Results without Energy Consumption

I was quick reading through a productivity book („Busy“ by Tony Crabbe), and while the book is super basic mainstream stuff with lots of fillers and does not see the forest for the trees, Conceptual Conglomerate kicked in with me and made me aware of some concepts behind the concepts (which the author didn’t see himself because he is a typical materialist who isn’t even aware about the Subconscious Mind).

So basically it comes down to this:

Why does the Subconscious Mind never require any energy in order to operate?

Because, as the name implies, it is part of your overall Consciousness and therefore exists beyond the structure of matter, energy, information and morphic fields.

As I often say, Consciousness is the only real thing, the true creative force and it is Consciousness that creates matter, energy and morphic fields in the first place.

However, what requires and consumes energy, is when the input from the Subconscious Mind or from your Waking Consciousness needs to be translated down into a physical 3d world:

All of a sudden, being projected into a 3d world and space-time, things require energy to express themselves, because obviously, we are in a energy-matter-based dimension here.

The prefrontal cortex of the physical brain requires the most energy to operate and enable your Waking Consicousness to experience itself in this 3d world.

And while the Subconscious Mind has pretty much infinite processing power and processing speed, everything is slowed down massively when it has to be expressed in and through space-time, through matter and energy.

The physical brain and its wiring is severely limited in it speed of how much information can be processed and all of the processing also requires energy.
The efficiency and effectiveness of this process can be enhanced by fields working on enhancing the physical brain machine.

While the Subconscious Mind can realize the most complex concepts and manifest the most crazy things, everything is limited and slowed down when it has to be done through a space-time construct of matter and energy.

This is the reason why thinking and being aware with your Waking Consciousness consumes so much energy (primarily the prefrontal cortex), while the Billion times more powerful Subconscious Mind doesn’t seem to require any energy at all in order to operate!

This energy consumption thing is another blind spot that materialist neuroscientists don’t see or understand. A materialist can never “see” or grasp the invisible force (Consciousness) that hold everything together.

Waking Consciousness through the prefrontal cortex:
Low processing speed and low processing power, but very high energy consumption at the same time

Subconscious Mind outside of space-time:
Almost infinite processing speed and infinite processing power, and almost zero energy consumptions at the same time

I find it crazy how neuroscientists never question this lol.
They live in cognitive dissonance.

Computers and physical and astral brains require energy in order to operate.
The Subconscious Mind does not.

This is also the key to “effortless productivity” by the way:

Not doing things with your waking consicousness, which requires channeling energy through the physical brain and space-time.

But to outsource the task to the Subconscious Mind that execute tasks without you physically and astrally requiring to provide all the energy resources.

Which is a completely different approach than what most of those useless productivity self-help books recommend LMAO.

Manifestation always trumps personal time, energy and attention management.

The Subconscios Mind never struggles with „decision fatigue“ or „lack of focus“, because it does not require physical energy to operate!


"Been looking around
I’ve finally found
The rhythm of love
The feeling of sound"

"It’s making a change
The feeling is strange"

"I’m up from my down
I turn it around
I’m making it back
I’m not gonna drown
I’m taking a stance
I won’t miss a chance
I want you to see
I’m not scared to dance
The way that you feel
Could never be real
I want you to know
I finished the deal
So I’m sayin’ to you
I’ll always be true
To the rhythm inside
To the beat of my
To the beat of my
To the beat of my heart"

Chapter 16 of 20: JAAJ – The Sorceress of Infinity :zap:
