Question about chakra spin

OMG that’s crazy! You must be someone really important if he’s trying to get a hold of you!


Naaw, I doubt - this guy feels like a weed junkie trying to make some bucks (20 bucks entrance fee haha - burgers & weed extra)



So do you think this closing down chakra thing is counterproductive in the long run? It feels not right, but the results I got from the field were great. My Prana, Jing, Chi, Shen, etc. was staying within longer rather than leaking and fields felt like they were integrating faster. I stopped the field incase though.


I think if someone deliberately manipulated the chakra and visualized force opening it, force spinning it, changing spin, etc., perhaps there is value in doing closing/slowing work? Just thinking out aloud…sort of like reset


I know what you mean. But I definitely didn’t force open them. I’ve always taken the natural approach.

One reason I was conflicted is I felt because the fact I’m working on building the Light Body, that it would help along with that.


Another field I absolutely love for energy work, weirdly, is Brain Regeneration (OM was the one who suggested this use - credit where its due). Ultimately it is all in the brain, and this field works damn well not only to balance energy in chakras, smooth out excesses, but also in enhancing results!


That is definitely fascinating. I’ve been using the original Brain Regeneration lately as it so happens. I often prefer it over Plasma Brain of Youth. I am going to pay attention to see if I notice that from now on.


Some of Doc’s (@Dr_Manhattan) new fields may already cover Brain Regen and more! I have not explored these well enough…

At this point, I’ve accumulated way too many great fields but have not been doing justice to them haha


Yeah I am eyeing some of them to eventually buy. I need to start using Arcturian Brain more often. It feels like it’s geared more towards psychic/consciousness expansion than regeneration though. Probably would complement Brain Regeneration nicely.


Lovely, thank you. I agree with this in general. And there are concepts, structures, forms, and forces that show up consistently, in different cultures, that could not have shared info. Torroidal physics of electric universe and of the chakra and the human aura in general is held as accurate in many modalities that are unrelated. I even asked Laura if she’d heard of electric universe and she hadn’t. She found the spin and shape (a cone is essentially an underdeveloped visualization of a lotus, is it not?) on her own by perceiving into the energy body itself!

So while it is true to say that these are often subjective and not absolute truth, they are also presenting across humanity and time in consistent form. That is significant.

We are non dual entities living in physical form. And within duality the construct has patterns. Even if these patterns are projected assumptions of humanity onto the cosmic universe, they are consistently projected in particular form. Useful to understand but of course, always orient to your own base “language” of understanding it.

Something I appreciated about Monroe and later Erik leiland’s work is they suggest to build your own understanding and model and then compare it to others and learn to translate your ideas into their models. This is an integrated perspective. Helpful to consider the use of ignoring the descriptions of others and also learning them.


Such an amazing guy… We don’t hear about him anymore…sadly…


Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute or a different one?



Please do report back after your burgers and weed chat with Demon Levay :joy:


Same guy!!

Nvm, he seems to have passed in 1995, I thought he was still around! RIP


As I’ve understood it, there is some degree of “openness” of the chakras that is a different energetic process/notion than “expanded energy centers”.

The energy center as a whole is healthy when it’s expanded, “open”, rotating, connected, and in position, but there seems to be a significant distinction between that and the chakra lotus/cone and it’s gateway being “open”.

The first is more like a healthy happy plant that is upright and reaching out and healthy, while the second is more like a literal door.

I know that in a number of cases, closing these doors while leaving the energy center expanded was essential before entity removal, demon exorcism, or energetic clearing could even stick because things were still flooding through the door.

EDIT: I should add that this matches what I’ve seen and tracked and in cases where I received energetic healing work the sensation of each is very different, and my vitality the following weeks and months was significantly higher with the centers expanded and the chakra-gates closed.


Ah sad.

Yes, Kurt Leland is working with and extending Robert Monroe’s work. I’ve just started to dig into some of it to see what there is to find.


To your point about western-adoption and convoluting the original models, Maoshan:


Yes! This distinction makes perfect sense and lines up with PI’s description after reading it again. He wasn’t clear about the distinction but I can pick up on it now that you stated it. Thank you for pointing this out. It could explain my results with the field.


Excellent. Curious to see how that improves things.

Curious to know more about PI’s views. where’s a good place to start?


Yeah I’m going to start using again and see how it goes. I stopped just to be cautious and find out more about it.

PI has a Patreon (which is only $1/month) and Gumroad. He doesn’t have a forum or anything but he’s a great dude, very helpful and responsive. His email is