Question about the tags

Good evening everyonešŸ˜Š, out of curiosity I wanted to ask what type of objectives Reach For the Stars (Enhanced Glory) can help because I would like to buy itšŸ˜Š


Buona sera @Carmen :wave:t2:

@PatronSaintBiceps: ā€œGloriaaaā€¦ Can you waddleā€¦ā€ ;))


Can be used for anything, but itā€™s specifically made for those ā€œbigā€ goalsā€¦


What if I consider it a big goal?

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than it will work for youā€¦ but again, make sure thatā€™s your MAIN goal.

Like origin said in the previous thread, after you accomplish ā€œschoolā€, what then?

School, in itself, is a means to an end for most peopleā€¦not the END goal, see?
ie, if you died right after graduation, would you say your life was ā€œcompleteā€??


I wanna go there for the experience. Iā€™ve always wanted to go there.

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Ok, quick personal story. I always thought I wanted to go to ā€œbest top of the lineā€ school as well.
Had the grades, extra-circulars, everything. Top of the class in all categories.

Some other dude with less ā€œcredentialsā€ also applied to this school.
He got in, I didnā€™t.
It made NO sense.
On a case by case basis, I won every ā€œcategoryā€ ā€¦better grades, better test scores, better athletic resume, better in-school achievements, etc.

Yeah I was bummed. But got a full-ride somewhere else.

It didnā€™t take long for me to realize after 1st semester, that I had some ā€œbest path in lifeā€ guides (before it existed) causing this to happen.

My life would have been completely different had I gone to my "dreamā€™ school and I would have probably been miserable.

The school I went to provided a HUGE experience and education within school and the outside environment that I would never trade, in retrospect.
It helped me achieve my BIG, MAIN goal (spiritual development) far more than going to my ā€œdreamā€ school would ever have.


Thanks for the story brother.
That was made me feel much better.
Perhaps going to my current school was the best choice for me.
The education at that school is one of the reasons, sure. But, I also wanted to go to this other school bc I feel like my current one is not a good fit for me. Itā€™s hard to even make friends here. The location and the culture at the other one makes me feel like I shouldā€™ve gone there instead, but Iā€™m miserable at my current one lol.


maybe :heart_eyes:

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so does it lead you towards the big goals in life but not the small ones Is there something even for small goals?

Does the energy of the metal tags feel hard like metal, or soft like rose quartz?

:heart: By the way, Iā€™ve tagged him because this is Mr. Bicepā€™s favorite one and he calls it Gloria :)




I do not know

I only have BPIL, so hard for me to say. It just feels like a soft feeling on my head