Question about the voice of reason

I recently bought this field to get rid of my stammering. But I dont think I have seen much improvements yet. How long does it usually take to work? Also I am from India so my card was declining on PayPal as I did not have Visa or Mastercard. So I paid for the field with my Aunt’s Card. That cant be the reason right? I have seen many people say that this field helps to get rid of the stammer. I bought it like a couple of weeks ago and I listen to it daily. Ps- Other Sapien fields works for me so I dont think its some subconscious issue.

It doesn’t matter how you pay, as long as you pay and claim it legally it works. Not sure how much Voice of Reason can help but you need to work with brain fields and fields that help nervous system.

Did you try Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Help (and other motor neuron conditions)?


Hello. Thanks a lot for the reply. I haven’t tried the ALS field yet. I wasn’t sure if it would work.

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Try and see, hopefully it works but use these 3x before you play ALS, conditions which have been there from childhood will take a long time to go because they become your identity, you need to work hard, also try Neville Goddard’s methods, imagine yourself speaking fluently without even a small second of break as you go to bed, work on the SATS, the condition will be gone.

Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0
The Torsion Field (æther)


Thank you so very much. I will definitely try it. I hope it works. And I will look into Neville Goddard’s methods. I haven’t heard about it before. Thank you again!

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no problem, it works, people have reversed serious health conditions with Neville’s methods, you can check on Neville Goddard sub on reddit.


Thank you so so very much. It means a lot to me!

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Have you noticed any improvement?

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I guess a little. I listen to “The Voice Of Reason.” And I feel like I am seeing improvements. I tried the ALS one but it did not really work so I stopped. And I went through the Neville Goddard Method but I haven’t been practising it every day. I fall asleep immediately at nights! :sweat_smile: Most of the times I am not even aware about it! :rofl: But yes voice of reason seems to help a bit.

Thank You so very much for checking up on me! It really really means a lot to me. And I am sorry for the late response. I haven’t checked the forum in days now.