Question for all the psychically gifted here

That’s actually pretty accurate. Also made me think about why I dont want to get hurt… trying to find the root of that so thank you :slightly_smiling_face:.

Makes me wonder you have the ipf right? Where do you “feel” these things? Dunno how to word it properly sorry. I think it’s interesting and want to do the same as accurate as you


You like to show people, friends especially, something I’ll call “inner beauty”, a kind of charm or charmingness. You do it because it makes you feel good. It’s not an act of charity. It’s not an act of manipulativeness nor malice. You like to feel this way about life, or you would like to. Somewhere between liking to and wishing to. Like life is something charming too. Like it has something pleasant and interesting to offer.


This is going to sound strange but Philip’s vibe is a bit more playful. Don’t know why I get this because Samurai makes some excellent jokes that make me laugh but still, he’s a bit more…detached, serious and transcends humanity (somewhat)

Philip is still very much human.

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That’s what she said.

Also wait your turn, I asked first :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You’re harder to read. Winning is very important to you. You like humor but almost because it helps you shrug off setbacks and get more expediently towards your goals. Helps you deal with hard shit in life better. A lot of determination in you. You’re like the guy that one song is about, The Distance, by Cake. You’re going to win, even if the race is already over and you lost, you’re still going to win. Even if it takes you forever and you’ve got almost no motivation, you’re still going to do it because that tiny bit of motivation remaining is never going away.


Let go your earthly tether,
Empty, and become wind,
Empty, and enter the void.


But on a serious note, if you really wanna know my philosophy, deep down:

Go watch the Legend of Korra.

The villain from Season 3 is pretty much me minus the stupid ending.



Wow that’s pretty accurate man! Yes my humour is more of a coping mechanism actually. Which is why it can sometimes be a bit risque and offensive.

I wouldn’t say winning is necessarily as important to me as much as getting what I’m set on and what I want. But I suppose getting what I want could be interpreted as winning :slight_smile:

And yes, when you said harder to read, it made perfect sense. I’m almost a contradiction, feeling one way one moment and then the complete opposite the next moment.

This is so very true. I’m currently trying something that’s somewhat difficult (no fap) and feel like I’m losing (in terms of not feeling the benefits) but I’m still going strong because I am stubborn and WANT to see the results.


Overall, gotta say, what an accurate description of me in such a short paragraph! I’m very grateful man.

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I do bend a lot of rules. I don’t believe in idealism and would even say that I despise it.

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I wasn’t thinking that but it could be. I’m looking at your name and picture. And then I erase everything else I know about you, everything you’ve ever posted. Then look at the name and picture. Erase every thought that the name and picture creates. Then see an image that they point me to behind all those thoughts. That image has a feeling. That feeling has another image. Then that image has a message, I write that message down as a “reading” and post it.


I know you said it’s not accurate but do you want to do the same thing as atreides? You mention often that you can see right through people… makes me wonder if there are deeper layers that you can percieve? Could also help me to learn more of myself


Thank you! I’ll use this technique both here and in real life to improve my psychic skills.

See what I just posted about the “how to”. Where do I feel these things? No where. I don’t feel them. I see a feeling.



No offense to Atreides but these readings, as he said, is more of a “feel”.

When you “feel”, you start to “assume” and it gets filtered trough your own ego and it gets based on your perception.

Not really accurate.

But here’s a secret ;

There is no “you” thats ‘meant to be’ or ‘I am who I am’.

You can be whoever you wanna be, and change every single thing about you.

OM has a post about ego death, find it and read the part about “reinstalling” carefully.


I suppose these readings are more about who we are at this particular moment then.

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Part of the reason I despise psychic readings is because they are similar to doctors.

“You have x disease and its not curable”

So the person believes it really isnt curable and fks himself over mentally, and over time, physically.

No one decides but you, every, damn, thing.



That’s interesting thanks :slightly_smiling_face:.


Found it thanks. For everyone else that’s interested it’s in the ascension and destroying ego thread.


Didn’t you say stay away? Lol. Ok. I’ll try one more then I need to lay down.

Adventure is the one word that comes up. I hate how vague that is though. Still looking…

You like taking risks that are not too extreme, but are risky nonetheless. More than the average person. It’s almost fun for you, but it does have some inherent danger in it. Or else it wouldn’t be “risk”.

You do it for a pay off. But it’s not what most people would consider a pay off. It’s not for recognition or reward. The payoff is how you enjoyed feeling more alive.

There is something altruistic about you. But it’s not the nice-guy archetype. Not a white knight. Your willingness to take risk makes you able to achieve things others can’t or won’t. And it’s fun for you to share those achievements with others.

You threw caution to the wind long ago. Fear offered itself to you and you said “no, fuck off mate”, this is my life and I’m going to enjoy it.


I’ll take that with a grain of salt. It’s more seeing a feeling than feeling a feeling, closer to conceptual information. Anyways, you’re right, the challenge to seeing true things is getting all the seemingly true things out of the way.

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