This field is so nice, glad I got it. Main thing I noticed is way less hostility and competition from other males. Also clears a lot of blockages so other fields work better.
This makes me feel like less of a douchebag, and less toxic while retaining positive masculine qualities
Nice Bro , you play it after manly man or before ?
I think before is more logical, but idk
Same for me
Always first, I prefer.
Any more experiences with this?
Can it be used by females as well to foster already available masculine energies and traits? I can relate with masculine AND feminine traits, i am somewhere in between, or is this one gender specific and hormone related.
thank you for explaining that
I dont check the forums much but saw this, manly and muscle roar were released when I came to buy a couple of other fields and snagged them.
So far they’re very calming. I have put them into my normal stack, which I ended up changing up a bit to make room for them. I also listen to them a lot as I have them all on my sleep stack. Dreams have been rather wild but not unpleasant.
Only been listening to them for 2 days so far but the biggest effect I’ve noticed is I have zero room for compromise on things I’ve decided on. I tend to see things from multiple perspectives when I’m dealing with issues and can usually be reasoned with after the fact. Now there is a point where once I’ve decided its decided. Pretty interesting as even a week ago I’d have seen this as something I would dislike in my reasoning but now it’s silly to even consider a different way. This doesnt mean I dont see worth in others having and making their own decisions, but if it’s something that I am dealing with it’s not open for discussion after the decision is made.
Will update with effects that I will be able to pin to individual fields but wanted to drop this here as I love the patriarchy. I’ve been a member of the patriarchy for years and I’m excited to see other willing participants. The modern age has not been beneficial for masculinity in general, but it has also set the stage for some noteworthy protagonists. Brofist my brothers.
may I ask why some of the fields are not 320k?
like Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity and emotional release
is this natural?
If you got it officially, yes. It can be different frequencies for practical reasons
Hehe, I didn’t ask for a proof. I was just saying. Trust what you got. Others got the same and it works
yea I trust the result , thx for encouraging me Dr
That’s the wisest thing I’ve heard (or seen, as in this case) from someone in a while.
And so few people actually understand this. Almost everybody relies on external to achieve the state of “confidence”. Which is not a real confidence but merely a temporary compensation for unconfidence.
You gain confidence by being good at something. Not gonna be confident at throwing a Ball if im Bad at it. How is this untrue?
babies are confident about walking and they don’t know how to walk.
confidence does not rely on any external source for it to exist.
this happens because on babies primal agressive drives are raw and undefined/undetermined, so they have unrestricted agressive and sexual potency.
then, after repression and many other forms of supression, the toddler becomes more and more neurotic, and starts to feel impotent and place confidence on external sources, like approval from their parents.
we place confidence on external sources when we are afraid and unconfident deep down inside. but this sense of unconfidence and confidence is all artificial and virtual, created by socialization.
I like to think that one doesnt exclude the Other. You can also build that inner confidence by improving yourself and getting external results which will in turn build your inner confidence in other parts of your life, since you know that you are capable of doing things and if not atleast learning and improving yourself.