Radiant Sexuality

So is this a field for transmutation or for oncreasing sexual energy?


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It does both. It increases through jing accumulation, and then purifies it and helps keep it spinning through the microsmic orbit. It’s a very mutli-purpose field. :slight_smile:

I have noticed an increase in, pardon me, so-called “morning wood” on this one and it’s only been two days. We’ll see how it goes further.


I bought the field, will use it daily for 1 week and I will post the results hopefully. Thanks Sapien medicine.


Someone has rated 1 :star2: in Gumroad! why?

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such early ratings are usually not a good indicator of a field’s value.
gumroad emails you a few days (don’t remember the exact time) after your purchase to remind you to review it. this doesn’t give much time for the field to show its potential

Edit: based on people’s replies, I don’t think I expressed myself well but I don’t know how to fix it


since when gumroad ratings matter?



I know as fact all of dreams fields will work the way they are supposed to hence why when I buy a field I give it 5 stars before it’s even been played lol

Everyone ones energy systems work differently ones results will differ from another’s it’s simple.

I first came here I would look at someone Like maos results with a field even tho I’m a beginner and he’s been around with dream for a decade plus i believe. Moral of the story i will not get the same feelings or results as him until I’ve put the work in lol


It is insignificant, as Sarumann33 wrote. I think not everyone is doing evaluations, references and so on. The testimonies of fields can be read on this forum.

Looking forward to the testimonies and picking this one up


It is what it is. People are entitled to their opinion and if they don’t like a field, they’ve the right to give a bad review.

That said, I’m not sure what anybody expects from a field in 2 days lol. Reminds me of one of the reasons dream stopped doing attraction/sexuality fields years ago and it’s cause a good number of those customers can be very angsty and impatient.

So I want to clear up any confusion that might be had about this field.

This is a field for revitalizing/expanding your sexual energy and mastering its flow. It isn’t a pure transmutation field because that would just immediately transform the energy and also make it non sexual. This field is also sexual enhancement.

It stimulates and invigorates your sexual energy flow and circulates it around your body in a healthy/ rejuvenating way. It enhances sexual passion and pleasure as well. The field works towards elevating your sexual energy to a much more fluid, pleasant and expansive flow that enhances your overall sexuality while also rejuvenating the body.

To do this, there is a process of removing sexual blockages which can take some of you some time. Even if you have been practicing SR, that doesn’t get rid of a lot of the sexual repression that men feel today. There tends to be a lack of confidence and overall allignment with one’s sexuality in many men.

This does actually affect your sexual confidence which in turn affect your confidence overall. Sexual confidence is a very base level of confidence that is felt subconsciously. Believing and loving your flow of energy projects a nourishing flow that can make you more radiant overall. And one of those reasons is the youtifying effect.

Any excess energy, which will happen, gets used to heal/youthify the body. So in a sense, the excess energy people get that sometimes makes people angsty or wet dreams, gets repurposed for regenerating the body. But for the most part, the energy you store in your navel storage center, can also get used for any task (work, sports/exercise, socializing, learning, ext)

Another vital thing the field does is work to allign the breath with your sexual energy in order to better direct its flow. And this brings me to my last point of today, to master sexual kung fu is a matter you direct the energy flow with your awareness.

Something very understated with fields such as this one is the power of visualization. Dream actually implements fields to allign with your breath/awareness so you can direct its flow. This means you can activate certain processes of a field through visualization.

So now I’ll be going into that.


So, in the radiate sexuality thread I created, I started by writing out the sexual kung fu practices you should practice to achieve mastery. I think they are necessary to achieve full mastery but honestly, I don’t do them anymore (except kegels). I just visualize and one of the things I was going to share with you all is how to visualize and activate these processes with the field.

BIG TIP: One of the hacks I found, is maintain focus on the brain. Keep your awareness on the brain. During sexual stimulation, just stay aware of the brain as truly, that is where sexual pleasure originates.

When you focus on your genitals when you feel the sexual energy rising, you begin getting ejaculatory build ups. This builds in you the urge to disperse your energy. But when you focus on the brain, your sexual energy automatically runs up the spine to your crown. You also begin to feel all the pleasure without the urge to ejaculate.

Without further ado, these are visualizations/activations for raising sexual energy, microcosmic and storing(transmuting) the energy.

Raising Sexual Energy

Honestly, the field does enough of this that it doesn’t need visualization.

But it does help/amplify to imagine a spiral spinning left in your pelvis area while listening to the audio. If you kegel even better because you’d likely be able to easily make yourself erect at this moment. Because even if you get the energy and blood flow, often you need to contract the pc muscle to get the erection. For women, contracting the pc muscle while doing the visualization also raises your sexual energy intensely.

Tip: Trick people dont know is staring at a gif like that while keeping awareness on stomach will have the visualization process there. Remember, energy follows awareness! (Also, your brain is creating this visualization for you to process it, so in essence, your awareness is actively doing that ‘visualization’. So you can rpeurpose thst visualization with intention.)


Tip #2: It’s okay to look at sexually stimulating images or use your imagination to get yourself going. Until you have very strong pc muslces which the field does work on building over time, it’s hard to get sexually aroused by just imagining energy down there.

Microcosmic Sexuality

So the trick here is to keep your awareness on your head during sexual stimulation of any sort (sexual energy rising, intercourse, self pleasure). Thid means do not keep maintain your awareness on your penis/vagina. Whatever feeling/sensation you have there, feel it in your brain instead… which makes sense cause thats where the feeling originates.

So during sexual stimulation of any sort, focus on your head. When you breathe in, feel the back of your head. When you breathe out, feel the front of your head. Energy follows awareness, so centralizing focus like this brings energy up the spine and downwards through front of body. This simplifies the process.

After at least 5-10 breaths, when you breathe in, feel your spine and the back of your head/crown. When you breathe out, feel the front of of your head and stomach/navel. After 50 or so breaths, you will have created quite a bit of momentum in the pattern that your breath naturally circulates your sexual energy.

As you do this circular breath of back to front, moan on your exhales. Really let go and relax everything on your exhales. When you feel the urge to orgasm, if you have been keeping your focus on the brain and everything, this orgasm feels centralized in the body rather than your penis/vagina.

The urge to orgasm is a contraction… so breathe in that contraction in the brain and then… release within the brain/front of the body with a moan and let all the energy go into the flow of the front of your body. What you’ll feel is a body orgasm, where you orgasm without ejaculation.

It feels just very similiar, if not just about the same, except that you don’t ejaculate any fluids when you do and instead increase and expand your sexual flow even more from the orgasm. You can have sex/masturbate for hours and just have pleasure compounding more and more. As complicated as this sounds, once you master it, it is something you naturally do with your breath and doesn’t take any effort at all.

Tip: Field already circulates your energy flow like this . Focusing on just your brain will help most people and some people will be able to energetically orgasm by just managing to maintain that focus. The practice of the breath/visualization will garner more effective/consistent results.

Tip: While building momentum on the sexual energy flow with the breaths, after getting the momentum going, you can do guided belly pranayama! Do like 30 fast mouth breaths and then 30 half deeper nose breaths (while focusing on head), and then on the hold, focus on head. And release, let out a big moan while focusing on navel. This is a powerfullllllll practice and will elevate your chakras/energy syste. to the next level over time. I can go on and on about how powerful this is.

Tip: If you master this, just be careful in overdoing it. You can easily use up a ton of your dopamine/serotonin by just going all out to a over the top degree.

Tip: Make sure your tongue is touching the cieling of your mouth (this opens the microcosmic orbit channel).

Tip: kegels are important because your pc muscles are likely to involuntarily react for you and make you ejaculate anyways. You need to tame those muscles so you don’t get involuntarily reactions.

Storing/Transmuting Sexual Energy

When you are done, just focus on your navel. Imagine your navel as a vaccum or even a straw sucking up all the energy from your spine/head into the navel. Breathing in all the sexual energy into the navel and release it into it. Do it for 30-50 breaths at least (going to be different for everyone, feel yourself out of course).

After being stored in your navel, the energy will be repurposed towards your intentions (exercise, healing, studying, ext…). Any excess energy that doesn’t make it to your navel (this is going to happen sometimes), will be repurposed for healing/youthifying the body.

Tip: When storing energy in the navel, you can imagine a torus in your navel, and feel all the sexual energy in your body absorbing into it.

Remember, all of these visualizations work perfectly with the field because these are energetic processes it already activates in you. You becoming an active participant, is what works best and gets you the most results as you are attuning to fields work. The conscious/subconscious working together is what creates new permanent changes within you. Never forget that as this goes with any field honestly.

Please, try to be more active in your pursuit for change. And ask any questions as I’ll be glad to answer.


@heidegger @Powren I didn’t delete your posts cause they were bad. Just wanted to have these posts go one after the other. You’re free to repost your commentd.


I bought the field within the day of it launching and have noticed some great benefits immediately listening.

I will definitely wait a bit longer before posting a testimonial, but to anyone wondering if it works… it does. And it does exactly what’s in the description.

Personally I do believe the field works a bit better for me as I am on SR, so I’ve got energy stored up. But I would assume it would still work for those not practicing retention.


good field to play before bed to transmute excess energy or is it too energising?

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So far in my experience it doesn’t energize too much, so it should be okay to listen before/during sleep. Your mileage may vary, as always. :smiley:

Also, now that SammyG has explained it, I know why Dreamweaver does not focus on attraction/sexuality-related fields all that much. I guess I now know the reason why we can’t have nice things. ;)


first if all. thank you for the gem of a field. it tackles the deepest possible issues.

i for one have deep fears of sexuality and primal things. felt it work on that and felt the microcosmic part first two sets of listens.

i find beforehand is wise to use the vodoo detangled audio a couple of loops

in all i feel this field is huge.

and Sammy is correct. it takes time.

i am enjoying the healing of it lots. and am patient with results.



I think the 1 star is because they can’t get refunds anyways.
A few people love to buy, and then charge back, make claims and get refunds. So they can get it without actually ‘paying’. If you understand what I am saying.
We have a strict no refunds policy implemented and is shown while you buy.
Gumroad is also playing ball with us and the policy.

So, I am pretty sure. These people are are trying to… well I am not sure really what they are trying, cause it doesn’t bother me.
I am quite glad to see the chargebacks and refunds reduce.

I frankly don’t understand the mindset, but whatever. *shrug.

Other than that. I am glad for the help and development it is providing.

Thank you, to the honest users and buyers.
Be forever blessed for your support.


How many listens for each series?

Yes, I was thinking that too, that field is really special and has many uses.


Always my man :muscle:t4:


four times each. 1x 2x daily