Radiant Sexuality

Haha does this work without visualisation too? Because I be running this 24/7

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It does work without visualization. But also… works even better with sexual stimulation of some sort.


I had a wet dream last night except it was dry :rofl:
I felt the sensations of the orgasm vividly but when I woke up and checked my underwear, nothing was there.
I’ve reread The Multi-orgasmic Man and listened to the field several times a day.
I have high hope for the days ahead.
It has been such a big struggle for me to manage sexual energy. Now I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel :pray::pray::pray:


It happened to me too the other night… :eyes:


how much times do you guys listen?


3-5 times most of the day. Sometimes I loop it for half ab hour.


Been listening for four days.

For the last two days, I feel an intense pressure at the crown and more creative.

A sense of being connected with all there is. (went for a walk and looked at a pile of soil and dead leafs at the side of the road, for a few seconds I could se all the microrganisms doing their thing in my minds eye.)

Also feel very balanced.

Pressure in my ovaries also from the first day.

Last night I could feel waves pulsing from my feet and up through my whole body.
The waves also went from my hands and up through my arms, towards my head.


Just a quick tip, even if you aren’t following my visualization advice… this field pairs well with sexual practice. Before or during sex it creates this rejuvenating energy flow that stimulates all your chakras and enhances everything in an empowering way.

Now here’s a cool and fun trick to enhance this field even more for yourself.

Listen to the audio while you stimulate yourself sexually. You can use porn images (of just the person) to get your imagination going or just use your imagination itself.

In your imagination, imagine yourself having sex with them of course. One thing porn tends to ruin is, our abulity to imagine ourselves being sexual with others. It’s important that you are able to imagine yourself doing so and in your imagination, being the best lover you can be. Doing so will start to bring more confidence and purity in desire to your sexual energy. The field and visualization will clear out inner doubts as you continually engage in doing so. (Even without this field, doing this does wonders for sexuality over time)

While you stimulate yourself, try to focus on the crown of your head. When you feel the urge to ejaculate, maintain your awareneess in your head. Stop the stimulation and keep focusing on the crown of your head. And then as the urge simmers down, then put your hands in your stomach/navel and breathe in and out there. When yiu breathe out, let out a moan. A pleasurable ‘ahhhh’ (the moan release built up sexual energy). Do this while circling your hands counter clockwise in your stomach.

Repeat this process a few times.

For one, this is an easy simplified practice of circulating your sexual energy around your microcosmic orbit. It is extremely pleasurable and as you practice it more, you’ll begin to have more and more bodily orgasms. These orgasms clear and open your chakras and revitalize your channels to a very grounded yet vigorous flow.

If you also have a mantra or certain goal, doing this practice while focusing or visualizing it, would create a very strong imprint that makes for faster manifestations or inner change.

When you finish, do the breathing in the stomach/navel and feel all the built up energy being sucked like a straw into this area. Just rub your navel for a while and focus on it. All the other energy you feel just feel it centralizing in your stomach. This will store the energy and transmute it for other tasks.

While this sounds difficult, it’s not. Just the intention alone and semblance of focus should be enough as the audio is doing all this anyways. Its just that fields work 100x better when you mentally engage with the process.

A simpler way of saying all this is… edging while listening to this audio yields excellent results. It’ll invigorate your energy flow and turn you into a powerhouse. Like adding a nitro battery to your body.

That said, just a few word of advice…

Don’t do this all of the time. That’s an easy way of draining your serotonin/dopamine.

Kegels are still recommended as the urge to ejaculate will likely win over some of you. Also, some of the practices I shared earlier to ensure your energy gets centralized to your navel and stored there. So I still recommend them.

I just had to share this because I’ve noticed most people use it casually and while perfectly fine and still circulating your sexual energy in powerful and healthy way… this field is very powerful and working to a very palpable capacity with sexual stimulation. So just had to share this lol.


Would this be okay to listen to every day without the exercises you suggested? If the answer is yes, how many times?
Can you prepare the work with Aureus Fortuna?

Yes it’s okay to listen everyday. Honestly, you can listen as much as you want unless you begin feeling overwhlemed. You’ll know if you should stop. Listening casually just ensures your body uses your sexual energy to energize you healthily and rejuvenate you, overtime clear/grow chakras, ext…

Don’t kmnow what you mean by 3rd question


Do you think listening to this before Aureus Fortuna can help improve results, if this cleanses/purifies the chakras?

I am on semen retention since some months maybe 3 ( I don’t really watch porn or masturbate) and I don’t feel any benefits from it. Would this help in something? I am in my 50s.

Drastic semen retention benefits would show up when u was very addicted and abusive in the first place (to ur friend down there) .For sure there are more things which go into the spiritual realm. I would say yes because this field is about strengthening muscles and making some things flow better. I just bought it today, ask me in few weeks again and maybe got a good answer.


hey guys i did this exercise today instead of watching P to run away from my emotions i did this and i feel a little bit better. not much but its something, thanks Sammy

it was very very intense, nothing like ive felt before in my life . how often would u say its okay to do?


btw havent had a wet dream in 2 weeks :ok_hand:
very useful field if ur practicing sr

would smoking cigarettes effect my results ? picked it up again recently due to to some circumcstance, I love them so much but i quit because of Sap med but feeling crap again so decided to pick it up again.


Throw away the cigs, ride out the highs and lows until you level out. You’re chasing pleasure. You have to go through the shit or you’ll never be free of it. Sorry to be so harsh.


not harsh at all boss. needed that



I ain’t your boss.

And, you’re welcome.


haha its just what people call people generally over here, kinda like Buddy/pal


I ain’t your friend!