Yet again, doing the Job of people to deal with their own emotions with no elaboration what are the means you’re using to use this things: People beware of someone who claims that can heal all things, without telling you how, while at the same time mentioning a transcendence towards a heavenly state which he cannot even elaborate fully.
Yet again, doing the Job of people to deal with their own emotions
They are tools, that’s it. You must still walk the path to get better. You take medicine to help with diabetes, doesn’t mean the medicine solves all your problems. It’s a tool to help with the issue.
People beware of someone who claims that can heal all things, without telling you how
We have multiple articles on our website that go into details on how these Fields work, and a community (you should join) where everyone speaks about their own personal experience and help others, constructively.
while at the same time mentioning a transcendence towards a heavenly state which he cannot even elaborate fully.
This audio has nothing to do with transcendence, but if you would like more information on the matter you’re welcome to join the forum and seek some answers. At the end of the day, no matter what anyone says you should be the one to validate those experiences, some can’t due to the lack of focus and spiritual work but hey, doesn’t make it invalid, everyone walks the path on their own pace.
Take care.