Random thoughts thread

I don’t think there is anyone that reads the Word like this to try and find

if anyone is here watching join in

You’re gonna summon egregores like that :P


lol what that means, why egregores are summoned?

got to go man, happy to talk



loves and kisses

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Take care Theo

Ur wellcome guys

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Aaaaannd… he’s gone again :cry:

When’s the next coming you think?

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No idea

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

… I shouldn’t quote like that on Sunday lol

That’s fine cause we’re just talking about Theophilos

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Constantly exposing oneself to fields and subliminals without rest creates stress in many people’s bodies and stress depletes brain chemicals, depleting brain chemistry makes people overly sensitive to stimuli and over-sensitivity creates more stress in the body and destroys the quality of life. It also reduces the results.
The body needs rest.
Listen to your body.


Is it the eclipses? Some astrology cycle? The “higher realms” (blue ray) shenanigans? Aliens? Is it just the effect of psychospiritual practices I never got in the past for some reason, but fields are as effective as proper practice?

People seem exhausted lately. I get long ass “downloads” every time I sleep and need more sleep (more frequent, but longer too) than usual.

Get a whole show every time I hit the bed and then I’m exhausted so I hit the bed soon once again.

Can’t do more than 3 fields without going through the long hypnogogic phase before I can sleep. And I’m way too aware too.

Om Gyanam Dhyanam Shantam Hari
Om Kleem Kamadevaay Namah

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I remember Dale (I think) mentioned that when one learns to think conceptually, dead people stalk you to send messages to their loved ones and stuff.

What if…Wisdom of the Dying…is just Dream’s way of getting rid of a lot of those annoying dead people and their “wisdom” and throwing it on us? xD

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Workout fields are doing god’s work…

I’ve been eating like 90% carbs for the past days yet I’m still getting stronger. My muscles don’t get sore after working out either.

My sleep has been terrible too

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and of course my dear plasma flaunt

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People need to realize that rahu ketu axis is about to change. This is huge change that any of human will experience.

And because of this. Yes worst thing can happen. Because element of fire and water. Mixed together creating extreme fog. That create tension all over the world. So you will see in the coming weeks at least until rahu settle in water sign. Things will get more scarier. As long as it’s close enough to the two fire and water sign. and once it’s settled in water sign. That’s where things get a bit better. A bit better but the agenda will be completely different. And so does the negative that will shows up.


Yup lol


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Thank you! :pray:
What might you… suggest, to deal with this – I guess internally first?
What / Which / What kind of ‘parties’ do you think water and fire might ‘represent’/‘embody’?

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You could stay and do a thread on your journey. It will help people. That’s why we’re here. To help the ones that ask for help. To direct them to the right field. To give them support and compassion.