General Discussion

October 14th.

Just leaving this as a memo, not addressed at anyone.

Is it okay to skip fields when necessary for a portion of the day? I’ve been listening to fields consistently for a month but today after a healing session I just fell asleep for about 5 hours and missed some of my fields I normally listen to. I know about losing momentum but I’m getting the feeling that my body is overwhelmed and need to give it rest.


You’re fine. Everyone does need rest sometimes. I’m of the opinion that consistency is more important than listening every single day or else stopping altogether. As long as you listen consistently, it will be fine. If this is a new physical field, try to listen daily at first, maybe the first month. After that you can space it out a little more. But if you need rest don’t ignore that. We are all different, it’s best to listen to your body.


Thank you. It was just two playlists: one was the quantum love playlist and one was woven worlds. Quantum love I just started so probably don’t have enough hours listened which is okay. Woven worlds i feel I’ve looped enough to miss one day

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About Chakra Removal … no such thing exists … However, what I think this is referring to, is collapsing your Chakras into a singularity - which some may describe as a “core essence”…

This would correspond in Hinduism to Vibrational Resonance with Rudra.

While this is a very powerful technique to leverage in brief bursts, it can be tremendously taxing on a normal human body. Essentially your Chakras will collapse into a “Black Hole” at the Generative Center of your bodies (close to your heart), and radiate light outwards. Any idea or thought you dissolve and transform through this core will be tremendously charged … however, the longer you keep your chakras in that state, the more entropy you introduce into your being.

If you use this often, do fast regularly, and start each fasting day with a prayer/request asking Elohim/Shiva or what have you based on your focal point nourish your bodies with Mana/Ether/Prana on that day. (this intention setting part and communion with your Highest Self is crucial for the repair process to take place)

You do not need complex training to do this, only to connect to the concept. It’s as natural to do as breathing. You’ll only grow more proficient at it with time, but you can make it work even with mediocre attempts - it is no different than flexing a muscle… It’s a vestigial function of your subtle bodies.

It will look a bit like this:


Guys I got a get rich quick scheme,

So basically right, go online and place a bet that you will live to 120 years old. Then loop plasma flaunt.

I think the odds are higher then 1/100000 so u can turn ur 5 dollars in to millions.

Your welcome, it’s on the house


Nice, that way if that fly by night betting site doesn’t go belly up in in the next 100 years you can go balling in the bug restaurant with your devalued currency for your 121 yo birthday

@Dyslexic_Professor for the big win :trophy:

Let me know how it goes, if they take your bet, we’ll line up and do the same :slight_smile:



Hmm. Maybe a bet on biomarkers could pay off sooner. Helps to be a bit unhealthy at the beginning.



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Hi guys! Does anyone know (of an ‘accurate’ resource) about 7 (particularly in relation to the Book of Revelation)?


I can’t say I performed this properly. I couldn’t even enter a meditative state. But just any related idea or intention seem to be really powerful.

It feels a bit as if holding empty lungs for a long time. My body reacted in the exact same way. It’s either that, or a sort of automatic uddiyana bandha…but it was more chaotic and spasmic than that.

Well…I sent Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra in there so hopefully nothing wrong will come of it.

I did something to balance out things afterwards, but forgot about the prayer part.

Now I’m high just from chanting a mantra to connect with Shiva and ask him. I’m not fasting anyway cause I just got the idea to do it while I was doing my mantras and ATo Vaikuntha Loka was playing…I didn’t have all this info very present in my mind in that moment.

Flow of peace is the one thing I looped for a long time that led to all this (and me being willing to forgive someone for the first time ever xD).

Anyway, great stuff as usual. Thanks for sharing ^^

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Do we upgrade our soul or (soul) template too, by upgrading our physical body?

As in, if we achieve fitness, good muscles, great health, good looks, a better brain, better mind, higher Self control, wisdom, certain knowledge, certain skills, etc., do we have them for the foreseeable future, wherever we are going after dying (for example, reincarnation here, in other place in this Universe or maybe in another dimension, etc.)?

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.


Thank You.
Then, as below, so above too? :grinning:
If So my soul will get some sweet upgrades this life, to last me for many lifetimes…

Even if I build just the base for My Ascension, it’s still good. It seems as if This Game of Life thing is for Ages or maybe limitless anyway…