General Discussion

Makes perfect sense now, lol

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That, and trying to verbalize something from a state of flow.

Language is a poor medium for it. I guess thatā€™s what artists were trying to do all the way back when.

Sigil construction is a nice way to turn a poison into an elixir, an alchemical process that is simple, but effective. Of course, a lot of people still mess it up with attachment, but itā€™s still much better than repeating something over and over again hoping you eventually land in the right state.

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Itā€™s the cult of fatness and unhealthy lifestyle ā€¦ :face_vomiting: (BTW, I reached around 110 kg/242 pounds in my early 20s, that was my high fat peakā€¦
And then I reached 67 kg/147 pounds, my low fat peakā€¦
Since then I put on weight, over close to a decade, now Iā€™m 191 pounds/87 kg - I need to lose weight againā€¦
I lost a couple kg/pounds already, but itā€™s hell on earthā€¦)
I guess, healthier people are harder to control, among other reasons for their unhealthy propagandaā€¦

Also, depression and mental/emotional illness or stress are the causes for weight imbalances, whether too much or too little (I was never too skinny, just skinny at my low fat peak), or rather how one manages themselves and their lifestyle through hardshipsā€¦

These people (fat people) NEED Help And The Establishment has other agendasā€¦


You need to be careful about posting any weight loss related videos. YouTube has been cracking down on many channels, especially subliminal channels posting any source of weight loss videos as it is considered ā€œmisinformationā€. Couple of channels got banned without any warning.


Fat matters :fist:


This isnā€™t related to any government agenda, YT always had bad rules applied and instated arbitrarily and uncaring about creators. This year they started to target subliminal community because it simply has grown large enough for YT to go after. Gaming community powered through same process and now YT isnā€™t as important for gaming video content anymore.

Specifically about weight I strongly recommend complete revision of outlook on this matter if you want to get further and in better state :slightly_smiling_face:

And thereā€™s no agenda at all about weight truly, nothing that wasnā€™t present for decades and more at least.

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The ā€œEstablishmentā€ wants everyone to be traumatized, because traumatized people are not in their own power and consume more and obey better.

Everything comes down to trauma and self-esteem healing.


iā€™d add that the establishment is composed by traumatized people and trauma is the ā€œnormalā€ thing to have, do, react and be.

thatā€™s why people study psychology for advertising and marketing, because itā€™s ā€œnormalā€ for society to use peopleā€™s trauma to sell them stuff.

as long as everyone believes in such ā€œnormalityā€ they will be stucked on loops.


The establishment is just a shadow cast out by our collective psyche. It doesnā€™t really ā€œexistā€ in the traditional sense of the word.

But things like these will not make sense unless experienced directly, because they converge starkly from the standardly purported and propagated viewpoint of the world.

Most people use lego pieces handed to them proclaiming: Lo! I shall build a castle to paradise!

Everyone wants to believe they found the Holy Grail, the Holy of Holies, the ā€œSecretā€ ā€¦ there is no such thing to be found. The only thing youā€™ve ever lost is your awareness of who you truly are.




I think this goes well hand in hand with what I wrote here:

The key to develop real free will is to no accept the externally given options and choices in the first place but look beyond the box.


October 14th.

Just leaving this as a memo, not addressed at anyone.

Is it okay to skip fields when necessary for a portion of the day? Iā€™ve been listening to fields consistently for a month but today after a healing session I just fell asleep for about 5 hours and missed some of my fields I normally listen to. I know about losing momentum but Iā€™m getting the feeling that my body is overwhelmed and need to give it rest.


Youā€™re fine. Everyone does need rest sometimes. Iā€™m of the opinion that consistency is more important than listening every single day or else stopping altogether. As long as you listen consistently, it will be fine. If this is a new physical field, try to listen daily at first, maybe the first month. After that you can space it out a little more. But if you need rest donā€™t ignore that. We are all different, itā€™s best to listen to your body.


Thank you. It was just two playlists: one was the quantum love playlist and one was woven worlds. Quantum love I just started so probably donā€™t have enough hours listened which is okay. Woven worlds i feel Iā€™ve looped enough to miss one day

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About Chakra Removal ā€¦ no such thing exists ā€¦ However, what I think this is referring to, is collapsing your Chakras into a singularity - which some may describe as a ā€œcore essenceā€ā€¦

This would correspond in Hinduism to Vibrational Resonance with Rudra.

While this is a very powerful technique to leverage in brief bursts, it can be tremendously taxing on a normal human body. Essentially your Chakras will collapse into a ā€œBlack Holeā€ at the Generative Center of your bodies (close to your heart), and radiate light outwards. Any idea or thought you dissolve and transform through this core will be tremendously charged ā€¦ however, the longer you keep your chakras in that state, the more entropy you introduce into your being.

If you use this often, do fast regularly, and start each fasting day with a prayer/request asking Elohim/Shiva or what have you based on your focal point nourish your bodies with Mana/Ether/Prana on that day. (this intention setting part and communion with your Highest Self is crucial for the repair process to take place)

You do not need complex training to do this, only to connect to the concept. Itā€™s as natural to do as breathing. Youā€™ll only grow more proficient at it with time, but you can make it work even with mediocre attempts - it is no different than flexing a muscleā€¦ Itā€™s a vestigial function of your subtle bodies.

It will look a bit like this:


Guys I got a get rich quick scheme,

So basically right, go online and place a bet that you will live to 120 years old. Then loop plasma flaunt.

I think the odds are higher then 1/100000 so u can turn ur 5 dollars in to millions.

Your welcome, itā€™s on the house


Nice, that way if that fly by night betting site doesnā€™t go belly up in in the next 100 years you can go balling in the bug restaurant with your devalued currency for your 121 yo birthday

@Dyslexic_Professor for the big win :trophy:

Let me know how it goes, if they take your bet, weā€™ll line up and do the same :slight_smile:

