General Discussion

Serotonin was last year. And, in fairness, it’s one class of medications. The study indicates that suppressing negative thoughts can improve mental health. If that study holds and indicates a larger truth, then psychotherapy is a risky approach.

Psychotherapy brings to fore unwanted thoughts. The idea is that this is worth the negative price because the patient will have a realization that dissolves their problem. But if the dissolution does not occur, the patient is just left with downsides of discussing negative experiences. And, in truth, these downside risks have been glossed over by the profession.

Those blessed by Lady Fortuna might as well be God’s favorites:

In fact, they are. She is the embodiment of the most divine aspect of the Divine Masculine in Feminine form.

Yes, it is, indeed, true flow.

This video verbalizes and encapsulates what Dream Senpai stated above in a more “digestible” way:

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He does a good job explaining the dynamics of philosophy and the other humanities, though it’s a bit dated on it’s dichotomies. Tthese days it’s more of a new unitary thing versus the old dualist thing, with the unitary thing being just oppressor/oppressed dichotomy being applied to every discipline.

master & slave dialectics are at the core of every imaginary and specular ego relationships.

only void and emptiness can escape dualistic movements.

but western philosophy is still materialistic at core and cannot understand vacuum and inexistence. it’s positive.

what derrida calls “metaphysics of presence” is this infinite attempt from western thinkers to understand everything through a positive lens, and negate abscense and nothingness. as if there is some kind of objective reality outside of ourselves that we can access and understand in a complete way.

this is because ego and identity is addicted to completion and existences. it wants completion although it cannot achieve it from its failed artificial incomplete and dualistic form, and that gets us desiring to the infinite.

For me, the philosophy divide was between analytic philosophy, which was a useful bag of tricks to use when breaking down certain problems and the continental philosophers, like your namesake, who were engaged in some world description enterprise with a constantly evolving vocabulary. The analytic types seemed happier.

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The aim was to apply the ideas to things outside of philosophy.

Right. I daily have to switch between theory and application in my job. I have a preference for theory, but experience is the acid test. Beautiful theories die every day (in people’s hearts) to ugly facts.

I just can’t commit to the words anymore beyond the communicative act. I read about karma, duality, non-duality, God, gods, etc. — it’s all through a glass darkly. I love theory, but it disappoints if held to tightly. People don’t understand that theory has to be held loosely, but I guess that’s just my temperament revealing itself.

Edit. People should watch the video. It illustrates the divide of our world and offers a fix of sorts—accept that we can’t quite capture reality in our thoughts but we can be caught by/connected to reality by opening ourselves to it. That’s a lot to cover in 10 minutes. I was just bemoaning the loss of the theory/experience divide (I still have friends in academia)


What about this?

Your choice.

I didn’t mean to be cryptic. I was wondering if you noticed a field there. It’s one of the most famous cuts in all of film, but I can’t tell if there’s a field there. Kubrick helps us travel millions of years in a blink and audiences have been stunned by that moment for decades, but does that create a field? Logically, I’m thinking it does, but I don’t pick up on energy from images, that is, well enough to draw any conclusions… I feel something from that image, but I’m not sure if that’s just because I love the scene or because everyone else’s love has put something there.

Give this a read, whenever, if ever. If you ever feel compelled to, of course.

Nothing “you” or “I” do is random, cause and effect permeates everything. It is the Law above all Laws. Every name, article title name, ad suggestion, action, food choice, avatar choice, decision etc. can be traced back across space-time to some form of cause, i.e: DNA, karmic carryover, thought-seed, macrocosmic cascade of events, etc.

That book is the best “ego dissolution” field I have yet to come across.

Everything around you is conscious, every thought you make creates a field. You can easily turn that image into one. It’s all fields of information nourished in the material world with “energy”.

Stop looking for mystical answers, you are the answer to everything in your world.

It’s all about mental frameworks, divine power is giving, the lower realms are all about receiving, focus on what you can give, to the world, to your family, to your body, to your environment, and grow that seed. The more you nourish it, the more divine you are, and the more the ALL will allow you to create by being an anchor for its power in the lower realms. (Edit: the Caveat being here, there is a Qliphoth Tree that is a Counter-part to the Sefirot Tree. The power of creation is not the only one at work)

As long as you use Awareness as a mediator between the within and the without, you will be in flow, and the whole universe will conspire to support your path.


Wilson!. I read the Illuminati Trilogy several times (amazingly gifted writer), but obviously his lessons have met some resistance in me. I will say, his writings gave me an extra boost of mental plasticity, which helped me come across morphic fields in the first instance. Still, the old habits of presuming separateness remain. Have to work on that.

Excited to see that wrote a non-fiction book and to reacquaint myself with his writings. Thanks.


RAW has said to avoid trusting BS (belief systems / bull$hit), both our own and others’.

The trick would be to neither presume separateness nor non-separateness.

Otherwise your mind can easily fool you.

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Language’s function is communication, not illumination.

I never said otherwise…

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You sure?

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Yep, I wasn’t referring to words I was referring to configurations of mental space lol

Presumption can be a word. It is also a mental act.

One that you just exemplified, by the way lol

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Hmmm… none of these words really mean anything to me.

I guess if I were to describe them as something, I would called them “viruses”. They configure nothing. Configurations assume a function - these words only corrupt.

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People frequently use words in a way that binds or psychically links them to different things.

I didn’t understand it at first. This seems to be one of the big mechanisms behind affirmations and things.

When I tried affirmations years and years ago, I just felt stupid. But when I saw some other people trying them, I would see different energy patterns lighting up in their energy bodies. They tend to form a non-conscious psychic link to things.

And the feedback they get from that type of connection tends to build a worldview of sorts.

That was what I was meaning with the mind fooling people.

Most will latch onto specific things, mis-identify them, and then go through their life in a tunnel that bounces off of that reference point.

Many religious and philosophical systems have words that guide people to bind themselves to different energy structures.

I dunno… I’ve mostly been a skeptic and was drawn to the solitary mountain hermit forms of Taoism. They don’t use symbols and only recently used writings. They mostly transmit direct experiences to people with clear minds.

It’s keeping the clarity that is the difficult part lol

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