General Discussion

Hmm. Maybe a bet on biomarkers could pay off sooner. Helps to be a bit unhealthy at the beginning.



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Hi guys! Does anyone know (of an ‘accurate’ resource) about 7 (particularly in relation to the Book of Revelation)?


I can’t say I performed this properly. I couldn’t even enter a meditative state. But just any related idea or intention seem to be really powerful.

It feels a bit as if holding empty lungs for a long time. My body reacted in the exact same way. It’s either that, or a sort of automatic uddiyana bandha…but it was more chaotic and spasmic than that.

Well…I sent Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra in there so hopefully nothing wrong will come of it.

I did something to balance out things afterwards, but forgot about the prayer part.

Now I’m high just from chanting a mantra to connect with Shiva and ask him. I’m not fasting anyway cause I just got the idea to do it while I was doing my mantras and ATo Vaikuntha Loka was playing…I didn’t have all this info very present in my mind in that moment.

Flow of peace is the one thing I looped for a long time that led to all this (and me being willing to forgive someone for the first time ever xD).

Anyway, great stuff as usual. Thanks for sharing ^^

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Do we upgrade our soul or (soul) template too, by upgrading our physical body?

As in, if we achieve fitness, good muscles, great health, good looks, a better brain, better mind, higher Self control, wisdom, certain knowledge, certain skills, etc., do we have them for the foreseeable future, wherever we are going after dying (for example, reincarnation here, in other place in this Universe or maybe in another dimension, etc.)?

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.


Thank You.
Then, as below, so above too? :grinning:
If So my soul will get some sweet upgrades this life, to last me for many lifetimes…

Even if I build just the base for My Ascension, it’s still good. It seems as if This Game of Life thing is for Ages or maybe limitless anyway…

I was looking at the my playlist, and not a single one of my audios is meant to help with the biggest issues in my life. The whole time i was focused on brain fields, and my mental health, stress and laziness is at an all time low. My playlist needs a good scrap and start again.


Wouldn’t your issues be fixed if you knew how to fix them?
Aren’t brain fields meant to help you learn and integrate every kind of knowledge?
Wouldn’t you feel less stressed if you knew how to fix your problems?
Wouldn’t you enjoy doing stuff that you are good at?
To me it doesn’t seem that your focus has been missdirected

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That type of thinking I think really did not help me. I thought if I was smarter I would be happier, results take time and it was my impatience that valued myself on how much I have improved on brain fields.

And when I got smarter I wasn’t happier. In fact it made me more sad, things like ego diss and cc have made me more miserable

I see, well whatever you choose I suggest sticking to it without second guessing.


Wasn’t Cellular Regeneration reuploaded already on Sapien Medicine YT? They are identical files in MP4 format, same size and MD5 hash.

Is it just me or is this October extra paranormal?
Like the veil between the realms feels a lot
more, I don’t know, more transparent than usual? A lot less subtle.
I really can’t pinpoint it

@Imogen any astrological reasoning??

Pretty much.

Also is there any similarity between October ‘17 and this October ‘23?
Astrology wise, or honestly anything

Like I feel buzzed borederline drunk. Last time it hapened was six years ago
And its like a euphoric tingling throughout my body / veins
I dont think it’s medical lol, but it’s def not the honey nectar sensation of amrita either