Random thoughts thread

Dun Dun Dun


She talks about it in her videos :D

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Lol. OK, I’ll watch her videos. :wink:

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I’m saving this gif

Got it

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Can’t be named. It’s beyond identification, the more you gaze at it/the concept of it, the more it morphs and changes, endlessly.


I have long wondered if racism is actually something inherent to humans or just an ideology spread by a few people. Because what function would racism have for the human species? I don’t see any. Furthermore, most racist people are racist because their parents were racist and they were raised that way generation after generation, and others allowed themselves to be convinced by others. Like all prejudices, they are other people’s ideas. It is incredible how long they last over time.


I can gaze at it with my eyes closed as well, right?

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My instructions were no instructions.


It’s back to layers of consciousness.

In certain layers, racism has a function. (lower animalistic)

However, the closer you approach spirit, the odder and more dysfunctional it starts to appear.


You experience the same as you elevate yourself spiritually, you’ll find more and more things that are valuable to certain groups of people at a certain layer of consciousness less and less pertinent to you.

The Cognitive layer is the hardest to leave of course (brain-centric), as this is where Ego really begins to lose control over the direction of your body. It is also where ego fights the hardest to make you believe that you can think the mysteries of creation away.


Arigatou! :pray::woman_cartwheeling: I was literally asking for it today

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Well, it does go against the quantum backdrop.

So when she decides it’s time, there should be a reason for it.


Yes, I have experienced that in certain things. today I was thinking about something that many people care about too much and that I stopped giving importance to a long time ago and that is social status, there are so many people obsessed with status whether having a high status or appearing to have it, which is something sad.

Likewise, almost everyone seeks external approval. When you are one of the few who don’t seeks external approval you are already someone interesting lol

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True treasure is to manifest Moksha, then, eh?

Matthew 6:33.




I think that’s the main quest, but we get very distracted by the side quests. :rofl:

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And ultimately never finish the main story line :confused:

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But don’t we have all the time in the world?

And what is the main storyline anyway?

Or does the world have an end?!

And even if it does, isn’t it all about infinite cycles of creation anyway?

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Leaving aside my experience, what do you mean?

I tried to use something that would seem close to you as a SE.

Backdrop is the same as backend, as opposed to the front-end.