Random thoughts thread

finito la musica pasata la fiesta

si? comprendie?

mamacita mamacita buenaaaa


So i download everything from piratebay, do i get bad karma?


hahahhahahahahhaha xDDDD


Ok i never actually watched the video.
Hahahah daamn
It was just playing in gta 5 radio, all the time.


you get free music that’s for sure for sure

and no you don’t get bad karma because artists sell their soul to satan so you actively don’t support them

let it be known that everyone that downloads from pirate bay is not only a good man (and of course a pirate) but he is also a great karmarer (good karma acummulator)


Ok good.
Well i wouldnt care anyway.


what is @Drift writting that takes him that long?


Drugzss iszzs baad.


Things are always good and bad.
Nothing else.


whole forum coming here

“you living in matrix bro, sub limits removal”
“wow so it’s black and white all?”
“you should be ashamed for telling that”


you do them?


Opinion is Shiva is the only God I ever resonated with or felt was real. Opinion.

Now, it seems I was wrong.

Another opinion is I resonate with Saraswati. TM mantras are Saraswati mantras…I like the mantras I’m supposed to do when I’m older, not now, but whatever…they were a sect anyway xD

Another opinion is if Kali doesn’t kick your ass, then you can get into anything you want. You started the house by the roof so xD

And another opinion is Yoga Sutras of Pantajali and even Hatha Yoga Pradipika are good. Sri Aurobindo writings too. Those are my references but I have a list somwhere, of high consciousness books written by gurus.

The Cloud of Unknowing is one such book…but coming from a medieval christian mystic. But cool stuff…and easy to remember vs the sanskrit or hindi name of the other books xD

Also as a kid I read everything I could on yoga. Now I forgot cause of bad memory and stuff. Hinduism is massive, hard to understand. You’re gonna have to take the jump.

I get you though. Many people actually feel the same. You can see it in any ashram. People know they followed instructions and were initiated and they are in more control of their life and themselves…but not quite understanding why yet.

The dissonance will stay there until you become the gruruji yknow.

Nope…couldn’t commit to anything right now. Besides I’m using fields…it is already a lot as it is…don’t wanna mix more.

I have this conflict of rejecting deities and disliking them (for about a year) then I feel like they are welcoming again and I get interested in them (for about another year). And so goes my life.

Last time I was in bad suffering…I don’t think I felt any comfort coming from the gods and I relied on them cause I had nothing else then.

The problem is you can’t rely in your own consciousness or awareness when you’re messed…you’re stuck with your mind. So you need an external power. So being in good terms with deities is always good.

I think fields work every time, Dream did some alchemy or magick. So even if deities are testing you, at least we can alway use the yagnas and homans, etc.


Only weed.


weed good

instead of touching grass is smoking grass

good for lungs, it grounds them


if field isnt smart you will be looking like Tarzan xD


did you watch the show?

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you know she had some alien dna mods…it was Montauk come on


@Atreides how it goes with knight?

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Yeah I don’t know her that well and I don’t come from that background
But I still have a lot of respect for her (even conceptually).
At one point I suspected I was going through a kundalini awakening and I even ‘invoked’ her and asked her to kindly not let me get f* up.

Well I come from a christian background and I’ve been sort of at odds with ‘God’.
I do perceive ‘gods’ and such as ‘stepping stones’, as even Sadhguru would put it.
A higher consciousness/archetype that one can ‘access’ perhaps, to help in their journey.
Though ultimately, not ‘the ultimate truth’.
But let’s say… a more evolved aspect that one might ‘tap into’ when needed (if deemed worthy perhaps). Not to be worshiped though, imo. Hence the internal dilemma. Fear of falling for dogma again. While at the same time, deities can be of help, as evolved aspects of… something something about us ultimately.