Random thoughts thread

That sounds like a nice idea.

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Ok here is my dumb random idea/question for the room.

What do people here think would actually happen if there was a system integration or system apocalypse? Like if our world was suddenly hit with a metric ton of magic and stuff everyone gaining video game-like screens and powers, maybe some kind of tutorial too, classes the whole nine yards (If you donā€™t know what I am talking about refer to the Gamer light novel/manwah or any Litrpg)
maybe this is too niche of a topic for here but I am just flowing with random thoughts right now and happened to see this threadā€¦ so yea im a nerd


No ideaā€¦ probably nothing good lol.

One thing that bugged me about some NFT designs is that some take the approach of just transplanting different abilities and capabilities.

In general, the reason why people donā€™t naturally have the ability is because the way they are living their life prevented it from manifesting. Hence, there are behavioral reasons for why people are where they are.

Sometimes people can be given a nudge ahead and good things happen. But thatā€™s not always the case. Which is why, for most things, I prefer that people apply their own efforts to get things. Help is good, but responsibility doesnā€™t tend to show up unless an ability was earned.

Iā€™m a bit of a killjoy with my outlook lol


Realistically speakingā€¦the world ends.

Those that get more power and can use it faster, would destroy everything.

It is that, or they organize and make a Council of Ricks xD

If the powers arenā€™t so extreme, I really donā€™t know. Peopls would look for their selfish goals, and possibly make some alliances.

On the other hand, milder stuff would be normalized. We would live life the same but maybe a bit easier for some (society wonā€™t organize itself so everyone can do the highest good they canā€¦and said people may not like their given roles if so).

We normalize a lot of stuff yknow. We are destroying our brains with technology, and I donā€™t see it slowing down or being solved but only getting worse.

Fun fact I sent a really bad message/review to my government recently, but anonymously (hopefully xD). Because of this technology making things worse that I mentioned (i mean technology is fine, government control and people ignorance isnt).

And yeah, we have morphic fields which the rest of society doesnā€™t and although they dont have visual effects like in the movies, they arenā€™t any lesser power. In fact it is a lot harder to make fields than a heal spell yknow.

So like I saidā€¦normal stuff.

On the other hand if what you want is a private project to make this happen count me in xD

LetĀ“s break the matrix, create a better one.

Make the matrix great again.



no killjoy, it is how it is

although morals and other ā€œlessonsā€ could help someone be responsible with a new unearned powerā€¦but generallyā€¦even earning them doesnā€™t make them more responsible

im talking about meā€¦i am them xD

if i got a power id be like ā€œwell i earned it so imma use it 24/7 to its maximum extent to my maximum benefitā€¦yall dont like it, stop me, get your powersā€ xD

i mean everyone already does that

people use their power, skills, resourcesā€¦


Probably it would just go rather bad, but if there were monsters or other threats to unify people even if temporarily it would be interesting to see if a power upheaval on that scale would give opportunity for people who want to improve things a chance to do so, at least on some scale.


Just came on the forum. @anon51404939 are you playing SGS? xD

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No i just woke



Say it ainā€™t so :sob:

Iā€™ll send my condolences to your friends and family lol


Bro, you donā€™t know my power.

I am so woke that people must obey my opinions like a law.

I am god (but only saying it because I saw it in the internet not that i have any clue)

And of course the best one. I eat tuna sandwich with eggs in it too.


what time you go to sleep man?

do you actively meditate, partially, or it became aautomatic by now?

what else you doing?


No today and yesterday because I worked out and also gone to a lot of duties I slept 7 hours

Now is 4:30 i woke 4 and I slept 9 yesterday

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Anyone hereeee?

Test test



Om :om:


Hey everyone,

Itā€™s Saturday again. On saturdays I drink red wine

Ask me anything

P.s. Iā€™m already entertained


it is sunday hereā€¦what hella time gap we have xD

i dunno if you read that message where i said you were the first one to pm me here to help meā€¦so thank you ^^


Itā€™s Sunday you fool

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She is drunk

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When does a normal joke become a Dad Joke?


I go buy cigarettes and I come please wait so we have fun together and be happy the rest of my day

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