Random thoughts thread

I totally believe it. It’s my fate to miss it. I’ve long dreamed that such an ability would be a gateway into many other things. Damn.

Not really upset as that sounds. More like “darn”. Still, I would have been more than enthusiastic for a field like that.


I don’t think I made use of it when it came out because I didn’t trust it lol

I think the VIsion of Clarity audio/mandala on Gumroad has that ability if you meditate with it for 30 days or something.

Psychic Empathy can basically teach any ability too, if you can learn to work with it


Where’s this field? … searched… it’s a private project.


It was my project… and my avatar pic lol

But I think I’ve seen a few copies in the trading thread— never mind, I don’t see it anymore


Oh right. I did get excited about Vision of Clarity because it has that in it. But it does so many things I didn’t try it. Like have 20 different morphic fields change everything about your eyes… I’m like leave my eyes alone I just want to see the spirit world. I don’t like changing a ton of things at once. I keep learning from making subs less is more. I feel that way about fields too. Personal opinion probably.


And now I read this after posting :arrow_up: :upside_down_face:

Hopefully I did not offend.

Oh you mean the private project one


No offense taken lol.

My projects seem to go unnoticed, which is fine by me lol.

Ah, the vision one was a public one, not by me


I just need to make more money already. Then I can be that one weird guy requesting custom NFTs that each do a single thing.


Fields are different than subs, though.

With subs, less might be more because they tend to rely on energetic effects that are made indirectly by the words. (too many words can start to create conflicts)

Fields bypass the words and can go straight to making things happen.

But, in those cases, I like the idea of having robust mechanisms. These days, after a few trades, I have more servitors than I expected. A well designed servitor can allow you to get an infinite range of potential effects without buying a million different projects—I like that dynamic.

Even if I am dependent on the servitor, having the servitor means I don’t need to continuously be dependent on new products from Dream for things


It’s like domino effects. Changing one thing changes so many other things. I like doing each thing one thing at a time.


Things have improved a lot because of Sapien Medicine in the last few years. Do you remember the days when you could buy spells on ebay? lol. That was such a strange time.

Some of that stuff may have been very legitimate. But that’s the thing. You never really knew who you were talking to. You just kind of hoped.


I don’t actually recall that people could buy spells on Ebay lol.

I know that possessed/haunted items and cursed objects couldn’t be sold (for some reason I read that somewhere), but I had no idea about spells being bought/sold


That was part of it. There were 3 general categories. Haunted items. Why in the world that was a thing I don’t know. Why not enchanted? “Haunted”

Then there were some you’d pay they’d mail you a scroll with some words on it and the name of an entity you never heard of. Just say this… and then say “thank you ___”

Others would just say, ok we performed the ritual for you. On whatever specific thing you asked for help with or that they advertised they could do a spell for.


19 days of silence. People preceiving so much they don’t want to talk about it?

I just now realized this says “global mental war”. Maybe that was edited in after the initial post. I wonder who requested this. I’ll go look into that.


There was a project called Shadow Men, but it didn’t get too far.

I think Zen might have had his own project, but it sounded like Dream already had this one in progress at that time.


At this point, I think the internet is probably the biggest locus of the “global mental war”, so I’ll probably decrease the time I spend online.

Some people have raised the idea that the internet is helping build a global consciousness that might counter the problems that exist… but then we have the big tech companies that funnel people down limited routes.

And, on an even bigger scale, I’ve been spending a lot of time looking into my own history to figure out why the current era feels wrong. Each generation, with more telecom technologies, has surrendered more of their energy body and mental space to other influences.
–If you compare people in the 70’s to people today, their imaginations had a far greater role; a greater natural connection to the astral layers. People these days, instead of connecting to astral and imaginal layers, mostly hard-wired to connect to icons and ideas they found somewhere on the internet… It’s the same sort of link that would form with remote viewing, even though most people don’t have that ability in a well-developed form. It seems to eat-up the natural layering of the human energy body.

The same sort of patterns can be traced through the early 2000’s. But once we’re into 2010 and beyond, people are on their phones and computers all the time and a lot of internal mental space has basically been turned over to things on the internet.


I didn’t own a computer for a while. I had a gaming pc or a few of them from up until 2008 or so. I lived I don’t remember half a year or a year with no pc. It wasn’t bad or anything. I just didn’t think about it.

I remember something telling me not to get a new one when I started thinking about doing so.

I wonder how the last 10 or so years of life would have been like if I had never bought another home computer.

Sapien Medicine would have been missed. There’s a few beneficial things I can think of that would have been missed. And a lot of time wasting that I either wouldn’t have wasted or would have wasted some other way like with tv seasons on dvd. Binging could be done before netflix.

Still I wonder how it might have changed things. It’s hard to try and imagine. I have the feeling I would be a different person today. But how different? And different how? Less knowledge. But there are books. I used to read much more.


I noticed the general population becoming far more toxic basically every year since 2010. Was never sure why.


Maybe the Great Recession sinking in lol

Telecommunications and WiFi polluting the atmosphere also probably played a role


I kind of doubt this. Though it makes some sense. But the younger people I’ve known making really good money are not any less unwell. Anything but.