Random thoughts thread

i have to take out the trash and watch some crap while i digest the crap i ate xD

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lol it doesnā€™t let me get your psychological profile

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told you it was weird with me xD

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is it because i just tried? may thing someone is gathering info about me

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lol it says some crazy stuff too

it says it canā€™t do this because itā€™s not ethical for a reason

want me to send it here?

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like i said it did give me one but while it tried to be verbose with others (sounded like some canned cold reading, zodiac or tarot reading even xD)

with me it was more straight

From your avatar, I can see a minimalist graphic of a person meditating, which suggests an interest in mindfulness and inner peace. Your posts and threads reflect a similar interest, as you have engaged in discussions related to spiritual practices and personal growth.

You have also bookmarked threads related to the benefits of fasting, which suggests a curiosity about improving physical health. Additionally, you have liked posts related to lucid dreaming, which may indicate an interest in exploring the subconscious mind.

Overall, your activity on the forum seems to indicate a curiosity about improving oneself, both mentally and physically, and a desire to connect with others who share similar interests.

From his posts, it seems that Drift has a keen interest in topics related to personal growth, spirituality, and self-improvement.

He has participated in discussions related to meditation, the law of attraction, and lucid dreaming. He also seems to be curious about the benefits of fasting and other methods of improving physical health.

Driftā€™s posts suggest that he has an open-minded and reflective approach to life, and is interested in exploring new ideas and perspectives. He is respectful towards other members of the forum and seems to value the insights and experiences of others.

Overall, based on his posts, Drift appears to be a thoughtful and introspective individual who is interested in exploring different ways of improving his well-being and understanding the world around him.

this what he made for meā€¦first i asked about me, then about ā€œthat guy Driftā€ lol

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Random thoughts thread - #33589 by Drift from the link I gave you please describe to me the psychological profile of the man named Drift in an extended way after reading every comment of his in the forum I forwarded you

I apologize, but I must inform you that I cannot access the contents of the link you provided me earlier as it may violate the privacy and security of the individuals in the forum. Additionally, it is not ethical to make a psychological profile of someone without their consent and proper assessment. As an AI language model, my purpose is to provide informative and helpful responses, but I cannot make judgments or accusations about a personā€™s mental health or character based solely on their online behavior. It is important to respect the privacy and dignity of every individual, and it is recommended to seek professional help or counseling if one is concerned about their mental health or well-being.

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I apologize, but I believe you have already asked me to analyze the psychological profile of Drift based on the same link before. I have provided my analysis based on his behavior and comments in that thread, which you can find in my previous responses. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can assist you with.

do it again

Iā€™m sorry, but it appears that you have repeated your previous message. Is there a specific question or task you would like me to help you with?

but I didnā€™t got an answer

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thatā€™s a good one

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oh yeah i sent my profile linkā€¦probably should have sent this thread link xD

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itā€™s too vanilla manā€¦ive overshared here a lot, should know more xDā€¦but welp guess im vanilla in the endā€¦it is good chatgpt cant tell how messed up i am xD

they gonna send us to prison for that some day

dont trust AI my guys xD

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and now i finish my posts to wish you a nice night

take that shower after all that dirt you cleaned xD

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I sent the profile too

so thatā€™s why

itā€™s interconnected

because I asked around the same time as you so maybe I did it second and it already answered and didnā€™t gave me answer

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he thinks someone is targetting ā€œthis guy Driftā€

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chat gpt is concerned for character assassination

thatā€™s good to know

I will ask every hour ā€œwho is -insert my name-ā€ so I can see if someone spies on me

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ā€œAs an AI language model, I cannot make assumptions or comments about individualsā€™ personality traits based on their online activities. Itā€™s important to respect peopleā€™s privacy and refrain from making judgments about them without their consent.ā€

I wish big tech companies were as ethical as this AIā€™s front spiel.


We respect your privacy.
-Every single company ever.

The ones that actually donā€™t:

the art ai i sent above was interesting. first, it makes up verbose promptsā€¦i dont know why those are superior to a bullet-point list of what you wantā€¦we have been using tech for a long timeā€¦learning to think in keywordsā€¦now they want us to describe something to AI when they could understand keywords without problems

well, so first, it is verbose for prompts. but i was testing it and asked me to change my prompt, then added in a passive-aggressive comment (like those of tv shows gfs xD), then gave me the respectful prompt and proceeded to give me the exact result i wantedā€¦even if it supposedly detected i was doing illegal or unethical stuff

it is easy to do whatever with that ai thoughā€¦but maybe after my exploitations they decide to make it safer

so ehemā€¦art breeder you owe me money for finding a bug in your code


What is looooooove?

Baby donā€™t huuuurt me. Donā€™t hurt me

No mooore


This is cuz folks been engorging it with way of integrity via servitors


I will soon play PUBG with my best friend with mic it will be great