Random thoughts thread

Air pics or didn’t happen

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Look at it!..

Now respect it

Oh yeah I’m that guy, da man up stairs, da man wit da plan

P.s. They play better music here in the radio than in Miami

The number 108 is considered sacred by the Dharmic Religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.


In Hindu tradition, the Mukhya Shivaganas (attendants of Shiva) are 108 in number and hence Shaiva religions, particularly Lingayats, use malas of 108 beads for prayer and meditation.

Similarly, in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Lord Krishna in Brindavan had 108 followers known as gopis. Recital of their names, often accompanied by the counting of a 108-beaded mala, is often done during religious ceremonies.

The Sri Vaishnavite Tradition has 108 Divya Desams (temples of Vishnu) that are revered by the 12 Alvars in the Divya Prabandha, a collection of 4,000 Tamil verses. There are also 18 pithas (sacred places).[citation needed]

The Sudarshana Chakra is a spinning, discus weapon with 108 serrated edges, generally portrayed on the right rear hand of the four hands of Vishnu.


In Jainism, the total number of ways of Karma influx (Aasrav). 4 Kashays (anger, pride, conceit, greed) x 3 karanas (mind, speech, bodily action) x 3 stages of planning (planning, procurement, commencement) x 3 ways of execution (own action, getting it done, supporting or approval of action).[citation needed]


In Buddhism, according to Bhante Gunaratana[3] this number is reached by multiplying the senses smell, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and consciousness by whether they are painful, pleasant or neutral, and then again by whether these are internally generated or externally occurring, and yet again by past, present and future, finally we get 108 feelings. 6 × 3 × 2 × 3 = 108.

Tibetan Buddhist malas or rosaries (Tib. ཕྲེང་བ Wyl. phreng ba, “Trengwa”) are usually 108 beads;[4] sometimes 111 including the guru bead(s), reflecting the words of the Buddha called in Tibetan the Kangyur (Wylie: Bka’-'gyur) in 108 volumes. Zen priests wear juzu (a ring of prayer beads) around their wrists, which consists of 108 beads.[5]

The Lankavatara Sutra has a section where the Bodhisattva Mahamati asks Buddha 108 questions[6] and another section where Buddha lists 108 statements of negation in the form of “A statement concerning X is not a statement concerning X.”[7] In a footnote, D.T. Suzuki explains that the Sanskrit word translated as “statement” is pada which can also mean “foot-step” or “a position.” This confusion over the word “pada” explains why some have mistakenly held that the reference to 108 statements in the Lankavatara refer to the 108 steps that many temples have.[8]

In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times in Buddhist temples to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations (Bonnō) a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.


Astronomer, mathematician, and physicist Galileo Galilei made an interesting statement. He said that the universe is written “in mathematical language”. He maintained that the mysteries of creation itself could be solved through numbers and mathematical equations. Mystics of all traditions around the world, found that numbers offered more than scientific insight—they offered a secret language for awakening, a key to our own intuition and higher aspects of our being. Yogis found the number 108 to be such a key.

The number 108 has always been a highly revered number for thousands of years, coveted by many spiritual traditions and ascribed special significance in meditation and prayer. Considered to be the most auspicious number of all, 108 also happens to be the number of stitches on a baseball.

In yoga, the number 108 refers to spiritual completion. That’s the reason why malas used for japa (silent repetition of a mantra) are composed of 108 beads – with an additional “meru” bead, which when reached, prompts the practitioner to count the mala beads in reverse order. Pranayama cycles are often repeated in 108 cycles and even sun salutations are often completed in nine rounds of the 12 postures, which when multiplied, adds up to 108. Ancient yogis believed that we can attune ourselves to the rhythms of creation by completing practices in rounds of this sacred number.

108 seems to be a mysterious number that connects the ancient world to the modern world and also connects the physical realm to the metaphysical realm. The number 108 is sacred in mathematics, geometry, astrology, numerology and in many world religions and spiritual traditions.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why 108 is considered to be a sacred number:

  1. It represents the unity and wholeness of existence

According to the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, who was born around A.D. 1170 and after whom the Fibonacci sequence is (nick)named, it is believed that the number 108 has a way of representing the wholeness of existence. The Fibonacci sequence is also related to the golden ratio. The spiral arrangement of leaves or petals on some plants follows the golden ratio. Pinecones exhibit a golden spiral, as do the seeds in a sunflower, according to “Phyllotaxis: A Systemic Study in Plant Morphogenesis” (Cambridge University Press, 1994).

The Fibonacci sequence is one of the most prominent mathematical formulas.

Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. So, the sequence goes: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on. The mathematical equation describing it, is Xn+2= Xn+1 + Xn

It’s been called “nature’s secret code,” and “nature’s universal rule.” It is said to govern the dimensions of everything from the Great Pyramid at Giza to the iconic seashell called Nautilus.


Good stuff, this is your notes?

You are looking at the right things, i like

You know I purposely moved over to locker 108 so i can i take the picture specifically because it’s 108? haha Glad I did

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It’s not but I tend to get fascinated by numbers often

Although the stuff in my notes is not too far different from that

And yes, I know, I have the psychic something audio

Increased psychic functioning


I used to be infatuated with numbers… I used to think they where synchronicities wayyy more than they actually where… Now i know exactly when it’s a coincidence and when it’s a sync thankfully, as i ask my goddess :)

If that’s all ya got and you’re doing good, just wait till you get your hands on some more extravagant goodies :star_struck: (or just wait till you use more increased psychic function lol)

You have a bright future ;)

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Literally me but with my angel


Don’t we all here :)


Do you guys ever have anything similar

Oftentimes throughout the day I feel like I’m being hit with energy

Feels just like being slammed by a massive ocean wave

Except it’s energy

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yes it iz


What are you replying to


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to diz

Why do you think is that happening?

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I don’t know much about it

but it does happen

better to maintain a good energetic system to withstand all those things fo sho

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I want to eat

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Didn’t know PUBG used sect-building techniques as marketing deym


phone bigger than my laptop


tru dat
hlo hw r u

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