Random thoughts thread

I can’t find the comment but it resets the brain cells propability, No new cell, that’s destroy and make another cell.

it’s an analogy

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but of course this one is for brain growth not for priming the healing

A comment from sammy said it brings the cells back to baseline and then they can be rewired in whatever way

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What do you call brain growth?

If project mental health fixes your brain imagine doing so while your brain is already ready to be worked on from superhuman genius

I dont know what other mental health audio works on the brain

But new perspectives and outlook retrainer could be added after superhuman genius too

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healing and growth are separate things man

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yeah yeah outlook retrainer is good also

Guys I need your help

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I’m trying to convince a friend to use morphic fields because he needs it.

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Okay but what is the difference at the brain level?

Isn’t it all mostly re-wiring?

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Your welcome bro


But he thinks morphic are entities because sapien uses Sigils

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I really don’t know how to convince him, his mental health is really bad.

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Then he should seek professional help, no?

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Not funny.

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not really, you just heal the brain, the rewiring is for ackquiring a new skill.

you rigthly take the analogy that if you use your brain your brain will grow when you rest it. Like muscle analogy your muscles become bigger when you rest and heal them.

but you don’t push for something to grow, to make your brain rewired for something specific like a skill. You just make it healthy. So your brain remain the same but fuctions better. Or better to say your function fully restores to the baseline of what you are. If you want to do anything after healing then yeah you can do it and listen to superhuman genius but the super human genius will give you more growth for the fields to come not more heal. Like steroid for muscles.

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Okay sorry

but if he thinks fields are entities then what else can you do?

If i thought entities were real i would be scared

I would say start questioning him about the entities until he starts saying nonsense and then you say “see? It’s not what you think. I have been using for a long time and I’m better than before. You know how I was before”


Yeah your right


I gave him this source

Morphic Resonance.

And he said “that’s some demonic shit” ffs man


yeah man, you can’t pressure him to listen. He then have to concistently use it by himself and he won’t do it if he doesn’t want to.