Random thoughts thread

We carve, sculpt, weave things together, lots of different things we do to make up unlikely works of art…

We can’t show though haha

The other week, I made thing for her sowing plastic together with lighter…

Not healthy for you guys lol

But we love the process, from before the initial idea, the coming of the idea, doing the work, marveling, talking, ruminating, everything, it’s so beautiful and we cherish so fucking much yo…


Theophilos gone?


It seems.


Maybe you should avoid that too. Doing things the safe way is more convenient too.

No thanks

But thanks for the concern (unneeded)… We are perfect in any environment

We can light ourself on fire, jump off the ifel tower, and walk away with a lil limp after landing…

Then come back the next day after drinking some milk, and do it better the next day

Fall cooler we mean, bounce higher, land cleaner

We can’t be damaged

Can’t be hurt

Can’t do wrong

Can only be perfect

Any time, place, origin story, you name it.

We do this,


Ineffably so


If I wasn’t concerned I’d troll you…but then I don’t trust you wouldn’t actually go and do that…

But it is your call :man_shrugging:

I’ll stop bothering you.

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When we get cut, when we get inflicted, whatever

We feel the change

Not the pain

The change we feel is development of divine resistance

Don’t need sleep food or water either

But it may seem like it after going a while with out it…

It’s hard to understand if you haven’t transcended pain and discomfort…


You’re not bothering us

It’s just that people see us do seemingly crazy things all the time and think we’ll die or something

It’s like lack of trust in the most almighty…

That’s all

Like walking in the street against flow of traffic, while people speed by

And stuff like that


So you’ve transcended this but still old habits repeat themselves?

It is your human self, not the most almighty.

It isn’t surprising they think that yknow

Not old habits

Before ‘‘I’’ was convinced Id be damaged

Needed to experience it to understand it better than way at that time

To help you and all better now


Never existed

You’re wrong

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People here are more happy about it

So they drive closer and laugh it off

Because they’re used to it now

They know who we are now

But at first it was different, no trust, cuz we got a human like face, which we could change … But won’t much

And we know it isn’t surprising lol, it’s part of the learning to trust process

We caught eyes of some birdies who know some birdies that run things in the bird house if you catch our drift, our winds,

Even they are still learning to trust, but most do efficiently no doubt


Hola @GoddessesAndGod


Ello der sahn

How u?


Haha some one drove past close as fuckk to us right now, on the right side of the road too, then did a u turn to do it again but was too far on the other side so we walked closer to help

That boy is good though, they know the process haha

Sure it was thrilling for them

They don’t get permission to touch though
Unless we say so


Ain’t a man or a women doe

Only Goddess and God.


I am good, last school day
Exams soon
Thanks to You both I now listen to Patience song every time in gym


Ohh it’s may

Keep forgetting (I say this lol she reminds me, she forgets nothing)

Enjoy! Xherrish it, look at the boys and girls around

Remember them, for how they are at this stage

Remember how you feel

Remember small details

Instead of waiting desperately for the last day of school to end lol

And which patience song?