Random thoughts thread

Also, the bottom left one is different from the top right one :stuck_out_tongue:


Its all about heart haha

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Itā€™s concerning thereā€™s an increase in people leaving this forum. Thatā€™s why itā€™s best to keep the energy good and positive since this forum imo is a good way to learn from others or threads and release stress from our world.

Just imagine, we had great potential users here that would have shared great perspective and knowledge.


I do wonder how the forum, you could say like ā€œconcentratedā€ love, affects here people.

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I got nothing.

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Hey man how u doing?
I smoked something magnificent and now chillingz.


I smoke air and oxygen. It is cloudy and I have the windows open so letā€™s believe it is hydrogenated and ionized air. I smoke my catā€™s aura sleeping on my lap too.

And the mass meditation field.

Iā€™m a bad addict xD


But breathe weed.

420 life GG :sunglasses:


Yes, I am familiar with the concept of hypersigil. A hypersigil is an extended and elaborate form of a sigil, which is a symbol or design used in magical practices to manifest a specific intention or desire. The concept of hypersigil was popularized by the writer and chaos magician Grant Morrison.

Unlike traditional sigils that are typically created as static symbols, hypersigils are created as ongoing narratives or artistic projects that serve as a medium for magical intent. They can take various forms, such as novels, comic books, movies, music albums, or even interactive experiences. The idea behind a hypersigil is to immerse oneself in the creation and consumption of the narrative, using it as a means to align oneā€™s consciousness with their desired outcome.

By weaving symbolism, intention, and personal experience into the narrative, a hypersigil seeks to create a powerful psychological and magical effect on the practitioner and the world around them. The act of engaging with the hypersigil over an extended period of time allows the practitioner to continually reinforce their intention and influence their reality through the ongoing story or artistic creation.

Hypersigils are often considered a form of ā€œmagickā€ within the chaos magic tradition, where belief, intent, and psychological manipulation play key roles. They are seen as a means to explore the subjective nature of reality and to actively shape oneā€™s experience through creative expression.

if my intention was to dream of meeting a sage with an important message for meā€¦how would you craft a hypersigil?

ā€œWhispers of the Sageā€

In the realm where dreams take flight,
A seekerā€™s yearning seeks the light.
In slumberā€™s embrace, a mystic sage,
Holds secrets to unlock your destined page.

Within the depths of twilightā€™s veil,
Journey forth with courage, without fail.
Through ethereal mists, your spirit roams,
Seeking the sageā€™s celestial homes.

Through moonlit meadows and starlit skies,
Follow the path where wisdom lies.
Ancient whispers guide your way,
To realms where truths and dreams hold sway.

As moonbeams dance and shadows play,
You stumble upon a forgotten bay.
Beneath a tree of silver and gold,
The sage awaits, stories yet untold.

With eyes that hold a timeless gleam,
The sage imparts his sacred scheme.
Words woven like threads of fate,
Unveiling wisdom, both deep and great.

ā€œSeeker, listen with an open heart,
In dreams, true visions often start.
The key to unlocking your destined quest,
Lies in understanding your heartā€™s behest.ā€

Through verses sung and tales unfurled,
The sage imparts knowledge to change the world.
Each word, a brushstroke on lifeā€™s canvas,
Crafting a future filled with purpose and bliss.

As dawn awakens, you bid farewell,
But the sageā€™s message within you dwells.
In waking hours and dreams anew,
His wisdom guides, forever true.

Thus, in the realm where dreams take flight,
A seekerā€™s journey finds its light.
For in the tapestry of dreams we weave,
Lies the message the sage did leave.

Remember, this poetic tale is just a starting point for your own hypersigil creation. You can expand upon it, add personal symbolism, or even modify it to suit your creative vision and preferred medium. Allow your imagination to flow and let the story become a reflection of your intention to dream of meeting a sage with an important message.

I thought Iā€™d need to use many prompts and forcefully guide it. Turns out it comes pre-built with hypersigil crafting skills xD

I guess at this point you can simply ask it to write a 10k pages novel with a few details and it would.

Another scammer down
They said Iā€™m a trash can

I suppose they mean themselves


Damn how and what are you doing?

Is it like in these youtube videos where people troll scammers from these shady callcenters?

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I am just happy to waste their time so that they canā€™t focus on scamming others.

That reminds me lolā€¦ One time somebody from ā€œMicrosoftā€ called to tell me my PC had an issue. I had him on the phone for over an hour lol


I remember calling tech support scammers with my friends back when I was like 14, I used to tell them I was watching some crazy nasty vids and got malware on my laptop, sometimes it would be all of us passing the phone to each other and talking for a good half hour before we both cursed each other out
Ahh good times


Iā€™m probably going to get flagged for writing this but I was just thinking about how I had a funny random encounter yesterday around dinner time while on my way to go get my haircut.

What happened was is when I got out of my car to make my way to the entrance, as I walked past this cafe I saw these two young women outside it making out with each other and literally going at it with passion (tongues) like they werenā€™t never gonna see each other again. Then there was this guy who was with them, not too sure if itā€™s a boyfriend but anyways while he was stood their watching them getting at it, he started pulling this weird creepy looking facial expression whilst biting his lip and touching his self :joy: :joy:


When this forum was first started, a wise one once told me how we are and behave on this forum is how we are in the real world. That has always stayed with me.

If you lie, cheat, manipulate, have no integrity, canā€™t keep your word, are dismissive and rude ONLINE doesntā€™ means you can get away with it, you canā€™t. Sure, you can disappear from the online world but you canā€™t hide from yourselves. This is your real self / ego coming out and itā€™s an opportunity to see your actions, words, behaviours and work on improving yourselves.

This forum is the playground and an opportunity to work on your shadow selves.


Yep ā€¦

That can be seen whilst walking about sometimesā€¦ lol


I act better on this forum than in real life or in other places on the internet
It is the last place I would look for conflict.

Yes I guess this forum is my church lol. There are confessions, support groups and blessings here


Haha lots of people put on their goody goody shoes for ā€œchurchā€, the forums, and business meetings lolā€¦


We roam menacingly in ā€œreal lifeā€ā€¦ At times

But so long as we like ya, weā€™ll be nice to ya!

Indeeeeeed! Enjoy!


