Random thoughts thread



I need the shielding 3.0 mp3 file anyone has it?

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…my neighbors are screaming that they want a divorce

and the good summer continues boiz and girlz


Holy shit its u man,

long time no talk

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Sup mr.steve how you been doing?

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U know who i am? @anon40658443

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guess thats a no cause u called me steve?

U know my real name is not steve, cause am arab. so its impossible.

Lol, i think philp was the first to notice,

bro was like this guys spelling is bad, their is no way his name is steve

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I know man

dururururur inspector gadget dururururururur TU TU

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haram to say fake name

abdul is your name now

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People just assume am not born in this country cause my speech is bad, you should see their faces when i tell them the opposite

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Thats my sisters name. :pensive:

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but you have a brother only no?

or…both genders?

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huh, i was joking

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reported because I feel offended

plus now my gender is alligator sandwich with extra lettuce and mayo

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happen to have shielding 3.0 mp3 because I need it?

that’s sad, I deleted it accidentaly and now I am unshielded. A warrior without a shield.


how brain journey goes?

@Dyslexic_Professor do you know anyone with the shielding? because I am out of messages

@Dyslexic_Professor I did but no one answered.

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I deleted it because i dont have it anymore :moyai:

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Message on the shielding thread, somone will send it

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Rip Saint has lost his touch. not one random thought in 7 hours, did u go brain dead?

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I think new accounts cannot post alot


oh shit i didnt see his message, on one half