Random thoughts thread

I’m not aware of this one. Can you please elaborate?

Were you using any specific guided meditation?

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I really don’t remember how this meditation was at all xD

Yeah I thought you meant Burt Goldman’s quantum jumping. I had several of his products (old dead laptop…must recover some day xD).

He has a youtube channel. The cell rejuvenation was rather an abstract one compared to the others.

It is also very similar to the Silva technique. In Silva, they used something called the lab (a metaphor as context for working with the subconscious mind). In most other literature, it is the “inner garden”.

Quantum jumping uses something similar. But in the end, you “go to level”, then cross a door to meet your parallel self, learn from them, etc.

I remember a similar one that was “higher vibe” than that, but not the specifics. I remember seeing myself in a place with greenery like Ireland, Galicia or Hawaii. And then a sort of energy portal.

I also do just by intention. Another visualization for this is to imagine floating outside the body, going up until you see planet earth, and then coming back down except it is a parallel one. Then you reverse or simply open eyes in the new earth (this one turns the spooky up).


He isn’t wrong with the warning xD
I don’t visualize 2 earths either, only one…I just imagine/decide that it has shifted.

Door one not so much, but then may give dreams or something. The more you think about parallel universes the more weird things and “insights” you get. Mix this with other meditation, symbols or energy work, and you will trip nuts…but in reality.

But in the end, I think it is a trick to identify with a new identity. Which is why intention, and playing the part/acting as if works just as well.

All this other stuff I learnt from Frederick Dodson.

I recommend you check their youtube channels, and Dodson’s website too. Both have nice material, so take what resonates most though.

Oh I forgot to mention, anything to access past lives, future lives, life between lives, can be used for parallel universes. If it is imagination based. If you’re using attention…better not to shift back and forth too much.

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Random thought:

If the fields use neutral energy…aren’t we getting a positive side-effect of some neutralization of polarities any time we use fields? Some may bring up stuff to process and then release but the neutrality only helps.

Aren’t we becoming more aligned and compatible with neutral energy?

Can’t say many fields don’t work for me. But when I started, I gave up on some cause they didn’t give instant spectacular results (could be wrong expectations, or less compatibility with neutral energy as I’m thinking now). But now they do, and I can see how long-term, or even only using them here and there give me great upgrades.

Could be my health state at the time too.

Anyway, don’t sleep on the old neuro fields (the less than spectacular for me that now I love xD).

Another result I’ve had is…I got some concerning pain out of nowhere. The kind I’d go to the doctor for…but my last time there wasn’t succesful…it takes months to be checked, etc…so I know either the fields fix this, or I’m screwed.

So I started using all sorts of fields (now I don’t know which ones did the most but I think I had a bit of everything so I just improved by layers…also wanted to tackle this quickly, as it was going down south way too fast).

Then I started using Bushmen Medicine. I’ve been like in a rut for like a month, like living in sludge (great summer weather xD). That field took care of that. Not only did it give me more energy…but like directed energy (to work, to be productive, work on purpose and goals). It seems all the other fields were working inside this sludge and this got everything totally unstuck.

The energy and aliveness is just another positive side-effect.

So, not only does it give energy and brings you back to your path, and not only does it make all the other fields more effective (at least the physical treatment ones…they seemed to be lacking like a healing charge or smth…this field did it).

I’ve healed physical stuff a few times with it. I have no idea how. This is energy healing…but it seems it directs stem cells, makes your body release the right chemicals, gives a healing charge, accelerates healing, and has emotional improvement too, which makes healing all much more worth it.

It is like a servitor that uses the right field for you? I don’t have Caladrius, but it feels like a mini-Caladrius.

So yeah…for those that don’t have x,y,z healing field that they think will be “the one”…please don’t underestimate this one. It’s crazy how it works.


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Triple posting to summon Theophilos the Saint.

And now randomness aboard.

It’s crazy indeed…as if they were waiters xD

your own subliminals?

I heard chi is like template reality, while jing is manifested reality. That makes me wonder if jing can be used to manifest…but how? The jing in the audios seems to be purely biological, going straight to body and enlivening it (I totally made up that word).

Anyways…would be nice to have a chi-jing manifesting technique. Those qigong and tao sorcery guys probably have a whole method on it.

I thought you were telling how to locate myofascial release points xD

man this has become the only way of life…we need some rest
seems modern life is harder than whatever ancient warriors went through at times xD


Tipping culture so horrible that it made it to the news.


I don’t even go to places anymore that ask you to tip upon pickup or while ordering in there. So uncomfortable


I sense Drift getting more confident, and I dig it.


I think you sense my sleep deprivation that uninhibits me like alcohol does to normies xD

But thanks I intend to live up to the new standard. And thanks for the support/encouraging words.

But if I’m more talkative now it truly is a loose tongue xD


Great explanation and evaluation, Jing does what you described, on the body level.

Idk how it can be used for manifestation though.
Hmm, maybe it can be used by getting accustomed to Its feel, to it’s energy and through imagination or autosuggestion, to reach certain physical/material goals, mostly body related (I assume), but maybe something more, Idk, it’s just a guess.


A field for your car, charge it to create a Transformer field would be cool. Add im perks to call/manifest your own car/transformer and stuff like that

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Woo freaking Hoo! Today is gon be such a pretty and beautiful daaaaay!!! :smiley: Have a good day everyone. :heart:



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Can Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant Ver 2.0 whiten my skin permanently?

Nah. Been using it for a year. And the results fade if you saying about skin whitening effect.

Try the gluta hye from Vaseline. It’s fast.

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Fields are crazy.


Was playing NGF and watching this lol