Random thoughts thread


still here waiting my account to vanish so I can surf through the waves of life

to live to my fullest potential (and sometimes I get bored to play brawler stars)

but now I am bored so I will say whatever

this is a song I will dedicate to the love of my life :

Oh beauty of heavens upon earth
shine bright so I can see ahead
Your love makes me my soul strong
I will lead the path for you alone

Oh you blaze my soul on fire
I hope I am the only one you desire
Cause I want to make you mine
Donā€™t tell the extreme feminists though (alright?)

Oh God what a blessing I recieved?
Only you know the love I see
You knew I would find her around the corner
and laugthed at the despair I had on the moment

And now I will go and eat black eyed beans, extra olive oil, extra fresh onions


I used search bar to look for new health stack :367b3710db3b4b0fa8a204f2d71339993


how? they havenā€™t grown and you eat them raw? how you get extra fresh onions? xD

most romantic line my man

it was a good poem though, did someone inspire it? :eyes:

It says health stack on the post, so I believe you. But Iā€™m watching you :face_with_monocle:

*A blessing in disguise*


I meant in quantity

Yes. You. Marry me? :pleading_face::pleading_face:

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feel so dumb right now

ok i forgive you for making me feel dumb xD

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Anyone interested in league of legends?

An enthusiast that want to have many skins,all champions, freedom of movement to regions without paying but you are too bored to play that much?

Fear no more. A trusted member (me) has your solution. (Also a saint so you can trust me).

I give you my account and you change to your email and password of preference, I take the money and buy a grounding mat to sleep well at nights.

Donā€™t lose the opportunity to be the OG with an account of 9 years. Name it whatever you want, move it wherever you want and do it whatever you want.

You want to have an excuse to leave your girlfriend for awhile? The account is here for you.

You donā€™t have anything else to do and want to mindlessly play while thinking about your plans? The account is here for you.

Wanna just brag to your friends that you have an account worth of 1500 euro and they are just scrubs? You know it already the account will do that for you.

Buy now. One time limited offer.

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thatā€™s not an answer, I am waiting

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Answer is yes ofc, darling.

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Watch One Piece, itā€™s short @SaintTheo


:ring: :heart_eyes:

mamaaaaaaaaaaaa i am getting married go and bake a cakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Gonna watch it too while I listen real quick to a field.

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its short like lebron james


I was gonna watch bleach but itā€™s too short too.


Seriously, itā€™s worth it
I was watching even fillers


death note is a good choice

when I finished the chainsaw man I just clicked at random animes

you really wont believe what my eyes saw

one was in the matrix and was trying to seduce the matrix machine

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And Bleach is worth it fully


well might as well search for the fights of luffy as always

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what? a character trying to seduce the matrix machine?

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yes, someone got out of the matrix then a little guy that controls the world appeared then he tried to flirt with the thing

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