Random thoughts thread

I saw from the video you linked so it isn’t completely unexpected.

But I knew you would find it from that channel so I made you remember the street fighter video when you were feeling down.

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ok then I will tell you the truth, haven’t watched it

but I watched similar concept videos and I listened conceptual realizations so its like I saw it already

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So I heard the excalibur for first time (I think I heard 2 minutes when it was released)

so my mother mentioned king arthur
the tv showed king arthur as a comedy scetch for cereals
a girl sent me a tarot reading that mentioned king arthur and being divinely choosen or something like that.

next on the list I will find a sword out of nowhere.

maybe of course I am a step closer to conquering the world.

I will remember you all when I do

thank you




whats up lil broski?






Haven’t grown by using Skyscraper yet (at all)
But hope to




sleep more man

the sleep will nourish the kiddos and the sun the sheeps


doing good

just watching the tarot reading I mentioned because I didn’t listened I just opened till I heard the king arthur name. So it must be something really.


Good night
Going to sleep then
Thanks bye
It may be because of gym as well, too much energy goes to building mooscles


:cow: :mechanical_arm:


aaah it says something comes in my path that is my soul mission yes yes

my soul mission it is of course

the mission is to get the bag


oh the tarot lady said nothing at all just general statements

so back to logic and chess

I been thinking of stopping having the king since humans now have 69420 genders I will have a double queen and the knights will be pansexual rooks. Of course the rooks will remain as they are because the rooks are voidgender


There is a modern misconstrual of what Karma actually is… some people treat it as an ultimate force of justice, which isn’t entirely correct …

In truth, out of the 5 elements (Akasa, Tejas, Waju, Apas and Prithvi), Akasa, or the quintessence, regulates the activities of all other elements using, among a few other things, the law of Karma, which, to Initiates, is also called the Law of Cause and Effect. While in theory, considering the nature of forces exerted, “evil” does usually bounce back as “evil”, a mage versed in the power of the elements would have enough discernment to make sure that the force is exerted in such a way that unfavorable retaliation is avoided… Of course, considering that this requires tremendous amounts of preparation, more often than not, mages are ill-advised against using Black/Negative Elemental magic. The point being, while Karma is a divine law that rules over many aspects of our lives, don’t count on it to be your sole safeguard against all wrong-doing, it is a fair law, and as such, it allows for nullification to be performed with the application of sufficient energy and focus, so I think it would be wise that one would have to work on growing one’s own abilities instead of solely relying on this high law for protection.


Interesting, very interesting…
So, besides Karma, I have to rely on my own strength and abilities, for protection and any other purpose (evolution), since it is not 100% bullet proof, so to speak…

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Yeah, some people hack the natural order of things and create reality bubbles to which they lure others turning them into lost souls caught in Limbo… of course on the day of judgment, the Judge itself will intervene and correct all things, but until then, it’s a long and arduous path for those who just let themselves go.


Who is This Judge?
When will such a Judgement commence?
Or is it in an entirely different dimension, devoid of time (the judgment and the judge) or maybe the Highest Reality (or maybe higher strata of entire reality or existence)?

How will the judge judge us?
Is Everything corrupt in this Universe (or almost anyway)?

What will be “The Punishment” for transgressors, especially those who made things terrible for other beings?
Or maybe there Wil be many such “punishments” or Corrections (maybe this term is better)?

Will the correction be Eternal?
How, if corruption appeared once, if Evil appeared, how can it be stopped not to appear after “The Judgement”?

Are we the judge?
All that it is? Man, I find this really intriguing, I mean, a Judge, a Higher Justice, True Order, if these things would be true and not just beautiful words…

Is there an Expire/expiry date for the universe?

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The judge is the alpha and omega of the endless cycle of creation and expansion, and perpetual annihilation and destruction, it is the All, the ineffable. It just clicks reset, and everything turns into a soup.