Random thoughts thread

Interesting, very interesting…
So, besides Karma, I have to rely on my own strength and abilities, for protection and any other purpose (evolution), since it is not 100% bullet proof, so to speak…

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Yeah, some people hack the natural order of things and create reality bubbles to which they lure others turning them into lost souls caught in Limbo… of course on the day of judgment, the Judge itself will intervene and correct all things, but until then, it’s a long and arduous path for those who just let themselves go.


Who is This Judge?
When will such a Judgement commence?
Or is it in an entirely different dimension, devoid of time (the judgment and the judge) or maybe the Highest Reality (or maybe higher strata of entire reality or existence)?

How will the judge judge us?
Is Everything corrupt in this Universe (or almost anyway)?

What will be “The Punishment” for transgressors, especially those who made things terrible for other beings?
Or maybe there Wil be many such “punishments” or Corrections (maybe this term is better)?

Will the correction be Eternal?
How, if corruption appeared once, if Evil appeared, how can it be stopped not to appear after “The Judgement”?

Are we the judge?
All that it is? Man, I find this really intriguing, I mean, a Judge, a Higher Justice, True Order, if these things would be true and not just beautiful words…

Is there an Expire/expiry date for the universe?

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The judge is the alpha and omega of the endless cycle of creation and expansion, and perpetual annihilation and destruction, it is the All, the ineffable. It just clicks reset, and everything turns into a soup.


And how is that fair?
Sorry, gotta ask.

Anyway, gotta go.
Thanks for answering (no sarcasm here).
I might return later or maybe tomorrow.
Good Night. :pray:

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You are talking of an entity beyond us in every way… fairness does not apply, nor do any laws or rules. It sets the rules, it sets the pace of the game.

Humanity is not used to this paradigm… but fret not, soon, AI will give us a wake up call, as will our interstellar and cross-temporal friends.


Hope they just turn off AI and we get the message and act like it didn’t happen xD

It isn’t legal anyway. The lawsuits are starting but…it seems money and whoever has an interest in AI that has power will save their asses. But that it is illegal, it is illegal 100% and they can’t even destroy the proof cause it is their dataset xD


“The people are retarded.”

I once read that magic was avoiding the consequences of what you did. Navigating the comeback wave in a way.


I watched chainsaw man it was cool

but I hate when I have to wait 2 years for another season, I usually dont continue watching when it comes out


I’m a anime watcher so I hate when I spoil myself lol.

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Then you forget what the show was about and have to back to previous season


Chad Alien Jing and Soul Core Restoration added to the Arsenal :sunglasses:

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Infinity’s link aka eternal

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Is the discovery of metaphysical practices and interest on spirituality a thing mainly for those who are living a challenging iteration in the game?

Many advanced people in those practice described their early life being quite challenging, some grown in abusive condition, some others in poverty, some others had to deal with plentiful of trauma and physical and mental issue.

Is that difficult because we are at the end of our journey here? And we are playing the hardest level on this plane of existence, and to surpass this level, the knowledge of exploiting the rules of the game was put on our path?

Why someone who has had an amazing life should be interested in metaphysics in the first instance? his game is so straightforward that there is no need to use any kind of exploit if you are playing in super easy mode.

While, if you are playing the hardest possible game, to achieve the same amazing life you got to have an understanding of the game rules and structure to exploit them.

Maybe we are closer to the end, and this is just the path made by our higher conscious to challenge its game skills.

Idkkkk just a random thought while taking a poop



Alice Blake Art on Instagram: "Don’t get orc commissions very often but absolutely love drawing them. Used to main orcs in dnd for a while too, so I’m so pleased about this piece 💚 #dndcharacter #dndcharacterart #dndart #characterdesign #characterart #conceptart #orc"

Meet the Gi’Orconda, aka Orc’a Lisa

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Get off reddit bruh… That app is rotting your brain

“Everything is intentional”.

Yes, that’s the master key.

Arigato, Dureamoweevah Sama.

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Some low life entities just tried to mess with me this night, 2 loops of negative entity/bad spirit/demonic Removal (banishing frequency)

Om Namah Shivaya (chanting)

The mfs weren’t so tough anymore, stupid ass entities lol, Yo, you’re not messing with me, but with Dreamweaver creations…
Plus with Mahadeva

Not so tough anymore…



Edit: I also activated a shield, as soon as I did, they were gone - it’s the free shield provided by @Maoshan_Wanderer, the one with Sekhmet Protection and the Red Triangle - Amazing Shield(ING) - Thanks Again, Captain And Maoshan. :pray:
And Thank You Goddess/Divine Mother. :pray:

(I have a feeling that I will need it in the future as well)