don’t you have it yet? I saw you made comments on the thread
Saint Michael doesn’t talk to me these days for some reason
So I play angelic intercession instead
How you being Noesis? Everything good?
That’s sad to hear.
Things are alright, I guess… right now, none of my devices can access the internet, so I’m on borrowed hardware lol
That’s nice to take a break a little. How is going with the NFT? Became an alchemist?
The NFTs are cool. I’m still coping with the crater in my bank account, but that’s alright. I got a promotion while I was away from the forum, so hopefully I can rebuild my finances lol.
I guess I’m an alchemist… an internal one. That path goes at the rate of the universe, so there’s no forcing it or accelerating it. It only works when the person is doing their own work lol
–edit, gotta go. Someone wants their hardware back
see ya fam, happy to hear from you
Imagine freitql coming out of nowhere now
am jk
hello freitql
are you are really?
what’s your favorite food?
aftothysia gkángster
Self sacrifice gangster
ye ye something like that
άπληστος* ?
you are bored but aint you bored to have a name like bored?
that’s a bit bored-like boredness,you got bored a little? I am more bored, boredness is my thing
= greedy
Bored because it’s boring because im bored of being bored because it’s boring