you have dragon soulstarremnantofrome?
Maybe soon, Idk.
I know they are Powerful.
Donât make, I found cigarettes under his bed
I raised him so good and he is all acting up, hormones gonna be hormones but its like I got stabbed
Well, heâs a dragon, how else heâs gonna spit fire?
Let him train
I signed him up for martial arts training but he want to play volley man
Quite chill he is.
sir yes sir
How to train your dragon (never saw it/them actually, judging just by the title) is becoming a fact.
havent seen it either
Sometimes I am amazed at the things i read in this community: dragons, Servitors, ets, Angels, Devas, man, Harry Potter got nothing on us.
And they are for real.
Unseen maybe.
But real.
Unprecedented interesting stuff
Unapologeticly awesome
Undeniably magestic
Like first time I read about NFTs, and some fields, 8 was like, hold on, Whaaa?
I had no idea back then, not thst now Iâm 10 levels above, no, just a little bit more knowing.
Whereâs thst from?
I donât know, I just changed my pc background to that because its calming,
I had the doomguy for some months
what field made you say âwhoaaaaaaaâ
A lot.
Intercessions - hold on, this guy (Captain) is able to call upon Everyone/Everything?
I mean, in my book, there were people who work with Angels, some with Devas and some weird ones with ets, but not with all of them lol
Now that I remembered
Fun fact, in google store there are apps for air condition controler, if anyone loses their controller for it you can search and download the app for it and abra cadabra magical boom bam.
You use them regurarly?
Mostly Angels, sometimes Devas and Ets as well.