Random thoughts thread

:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

Do you guys know if Theo is back


not an answer to anyone…just found it when looking for


Although Dr. Freeman is no longer under contract with us, as he now serves another - company - … hm? we do wish to share a few things that he left, for you, which are the true wealth of his previous… employment, mhm?







Your obsession with bread crumbs will only leave you starved … bread crumbs, as you know, are for pets … we are merely sharing this as it serves the best interest of our employers, mhm?

What you do with this… well, let’s just say it isn’t under our contract’s binding provisions, hm?

Edit: consider this our addendum, as we are having a bit of fun, in this “space”, mhm?


Only if that was true


Chaos, madness and mayhem :metal:


Feeding instinct?


If you’re part of creative group project , come up with a name and explain the logical and philosophical reasoning behind it but then one member of group add one more concept & reasoning to it and change the name a bit which you and the whole group also like… then my question is who will be the owner (or founder) of that said name? Can anyone please shed some light on this.

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The one with more resources.

I don’t know where you’re asking from (I mean, different countries, different laws), but I’ve seen examples of both of those persons being the founders or owners.

The one that made the little improvement would become the founder and then fabricate some proof he also had the original idea…the law will probably be in their favour as they probably did become the founder, have money, and own everything by now…so the original creator will look like someone resented cause they got kicked out and their ideas weren’t accepted…sad but happens.

Then there are people that steal a whole lot of money and work from another cause they had the original idea.

But then it depends on what you’re doing at that point. I’m talking about whole things here…a name…I’m not sure.

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You will own everything you can buy…wether yours or other’s.

aka I have no idea. You guys bette get along well and are a cohesive group or…if you end up going to court and stuff…any outcome is possible.

But I would say…original idea is the legal owner, I believe. But again…I’m talking about big stuff here…like a company…someone can say they used some original idea but they built on it and their company isn’t dependent on that ide.

But since it’s only a name…It’s either both persons or the one that made the improvement (since it is the final name).

They make movies about this shz xD…so I have no idea who it would be. And that’s my source, movies. I’m no lawyer xD

aka ignore everything I said. Sorry.

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Thanks for your response! I enjoyed reading it haha I kinda think the final version one can be considered owner but then that would be unfair to the one who laid out the whole foundation so I believe this can be the solution.

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No one. It was a mutual contribution, ideas evolve and build upon each other. Isn’t that what the group is supposed to be about? (Collaborative Perspective)


The first person gets ownership and the second person gets credited accordingly. (Individualistic Perspective)

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My favourite Sapien Medicine field

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Guys I came up with the best projects, lets make a time machine NFT, and one to completely stop time, maybe a Flash servitor like from the mew movie with Dark Knight

And yes flash turns into dark knight in the movie, all black flash

I called spidey being Dark Knight when he gets his demon I mean Venom

Watched Pokemon live action yesterday

Its based on a true story, everyone has there own, even Franz bardon wrote, every one has their own gennie or guardian angel. Call it and ot will give strong first impression. Mine scared the shit out of me, thought someone summoned a grim reaper till it clicked that I called him few hours before

Going back to the past and future and being able to interact with it and even change it?