Random thoughts thread

I almost forgot…

I had a dream that I was a slave or something LoL

I think this family of like 6 kidnapped me and someone else. These people were crazy, I don’t remember how or why but that’s what I remember. We were like in a farm or something.

Eventually I killed their youngest son while they were outside picking up crops lol

I’m a murderer man…

I remember my heart racing so damn fast I thought I was gonna get caught. I was so scared of what they would do to me if they caught me. Then I somehow got out and outside looked normal, like regular streets, neighborhood, etc.

I just wanted to find a cop :cry: I was SCREAMING for help. It reminds me of that guy that got away from Jeffrey Dahmer. I feel so bad for him, it must been so damn terrifying.

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I think this can show you that you’ve got power in your own hands should push come to shove, should no one ‘responsible to help’ be around. Remember this.

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How do I bring out my repressed anger?
Controlling it or taming it down is not what I’m after atm.
I want to know it.

Rent an art studio get some red, orange and yellow paint. Play fields to release emotion and GO

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Ugh it seems like release fields have not worked (as expected) thus far… I might have to just put one in a playlist and play it daily and then wait for it…

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Maybe ego dissolution will goad you into it

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There have been a few dreams where I stand up for myself and face whatever fear is there

Before all I used to do was literally run away

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Be my cat.

See an alien.

Go crazy.


Purr and mark the place where the alien exactly appeared.

Clean the place.

What does this behaviour means?


No idea, but the alien seems to be the least weird part of it.


That’s life in this house xD

It be looking all cute until

Damn I just remembered I had some sticker albums from this movie xD


I keep killing people in my dreams lol

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Better in dreams than in real life… it keeps the jail time down



for sure!


this song makes me feel like I was a bad boyfriend :pensive: :pensive:

energy sensitivity >>>>


Looks like news spreads quickly lol


Doesn’t even appear to me.

What was it about?

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That’s unlucky for you… it looks like a few of the previous private projects were brought to the front of the store. There weren’t too many; most were sold out, some quickly sold out, and a few are hanging in there.

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It’s not unlucky though…I wouldn’t buy any xD

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