Random thoughts thread

I usually don’t really give lot of attention of full moon or the way moon change. The reason is that moon is moving very fast.

A planet that moves fast don’t really affect much more than just mentally.

But on 30 October there will be lot of things going on there. Still depending on each of natal chart. But lot of people will deal with lucid dreams.

Nfts. Will also slowly dying. The reason is that rahu is beginning to leave aries. Which is why such Artificial intelligence and nfts booming a lot since rahu entered aries. Now all of them will be left in the dark. You’ll see it.


Thank you very much! :)

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Yeah, I actually read some of that thread a while ago.

There are waaay to many possibilities for what happens after we die and of course regarding “the truth”, we have a million beliefs, speculations and above all, experiences and knowledge.

My personal view is that none of us has the complete picture and Idk if it’s even possible to know everything, while living in a mortal body.

Let’s say that certain beings did/have indeed orchestrated so that we are caught in a reincarnation trap (plus other possibilities, including fabricated/engineered realms and after life experiences, to keep us subdued, for whatever purposes), OK, then/so what?

We still have cruel and inhumane leaders while alive (while incarnated here on Earth), we have wars, cruelty, poverty, sickness, suffering, all sorts of horrible treatments applied to humans and other species and to the whole Environment, (and humanity still behaves so badly towards animals - I hope some day we will transcend the need to eat meat, so much suffering could be avoided, at the very least, it wouldn’t be humans killing and torturing other species anymore), so I view “Higher” or (rather) “Lower”/other Beings as just another piece or other pieces to the Puzzle of Life (to the fish, pigs, cows and all the other species we slaughter, we are no better than Reptilians) - for me, they are a stepping stone, not gods to worship, nor demons to fear, they just are (a part of life) and i move on, I live my life and I find beauty, besides all the evil present in them and us and in this world/reality or even despite dark possibilities awaiting after death - it’s all temporary, it can all be surpassed, somehow anyway.

And this was a not so bright scenario.
The truth is that they and any other “evil” beings, can be a test for us, for advanced life forms in general, a test to see if we can be allowed to live in/on better worlds, better realms.

Anyway, this Realm isn’t all bad and suffering, it has SO MUCH Beauty, So Much Joy, So Many Possibilities to Explore - We Are Divine Beings, not just mere tools for some Archons.



But let me add another.

Because the 12th house represents far distance travel.

Lot of travel will happen a lot for most of people. But because the nature of Pisces. Is about spirituality. And duality. You will see lot of people travel for spiritual trips.

The duality will teach us how to do more of helping the needy. Ect ect. And so forth

Going to temple or whatever church. Far away ect ect. Even you who read this might have a plan to have some trips soon or even planning to do so. Lol


I love deadlifts so much

I’ll marry them


Hello everyone

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Hello you :wave:

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It’s interesting how the forum slows down when there’s a break from NFT projects and then roars back to life when it’s NFT season again.


Hi, All! :v:


I would have expected Theo to stay longer… or reappear sooner… or something…

Oh well








Trump went to prison :open_mouth:

Sackler never went to prison (I watched Painkiller lol)

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Did he, I thought it was just the mug shot?

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No idea actually lol

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about time


Am a bored gangsta

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