Random thoughts thread

if you don’t need it then gift it to me

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he just tryna be like me fr

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I don’t have it, I’m not in the group.

But I’ve considered and then reconsidered making a project lol.

I’ve considered NFTs connected to violence in the past and they don’t quite sit well with me…

Maybe something like a Mirror’s Edge NFT emphasizing body awareness, escape/evasion, and defensive navigation skills lol —that might be something cool to try

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You must really like NFTs to keep track of them all…

Do you use any NFTs or fields for money/wealth?

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Maybe… I like to keep an eye on things that show up in case it might be helpful for my goals.

I think I’m basically good to go, though.

lol apropo enough, the wealth NFTs are all expensive. I have the 9 financial points. I haven’t had anything crazy happen from it, but I guess it might be keeping things stable for me

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How many NFTs ya got?

I was one of the people to buy it from the second round. I think I regret trading it. I never really thought about how to use it but I could’ve just made it into a dog tag or make a big printing of it (I don’t know the word) and hang it on the wall in my room.


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I think around 40… but then I sold a few…

38, now that I counted.

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I hate how I got rid of the phone with my old phantom wallet in it… I had The solifidier, astrologically inclined, the jawliner, and the quasi NFT

Now I keep thinking they must not work, lol.

The only way to know would be until I develop my sensitivity more to able to discern or pick up on the NFT’s protection and see if those NFT’s have it or not.

Or I could ask captain but he probably won’t answer lol

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What’s the one you use the most?

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They should work. But it would be easier to make the connection if you have local copies of the images/audios

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Thanks for the reassurance, lol. I don’t bother looking at the images… I been wanting to make some of them dog tags but I can’t use the money I have…

Or I look at the images for 10 secs while listening to their audios, lol.

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The most… I don’t know… I wear a bunch lol.

The Eternal and Ernest Neuron are a very good health pair that I keep around all the time.

The Immortal Path never leaves me.

I’ve gone back and forth between heavy engagement with Psychic Empathy and the Light of Mages, but they are more like training partners. I should probably spend more time on them, but I’ve been archiving a bunch of things from the internet lately out of paranoia that I might not get back to it if the internet ID laws pass in the future lol.

Caladrius, Asclepius, and Wu Wizard are always working in the background. I have them on rotation for me and my parents.

I recently traded a few things for the Suit of Olympus and I think that’s the first one to actually make a dent in getting my hair to regrow lol

I’ve focused heavily on the health, longevity, and healing ones, so they tend to be used on rotation.

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It’s actually dope how my energy sensitivity has increased the past days. I can feel something everytime I play a field.

I can’t wait until I reach the point of being able to make clear distinctions between different energies. But currently is just some energy, lol.

Which is already radical. I would’ve never thought I would be able to feel some metaphysical energy like this in my life, now it’s what I live for, lol. I am obssessed with psychic and metaphysical stuff now.

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how do you do that?

Do you repeat yourself everytime or do they do it automatically?

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My perception isn’t acute enough to micromanage things. I’ve just given the instruction that they switch who they pay attention to after a while. --Just so that their abilities can be applied to everyone and we can chip away at health issues from different angles.

–Oh wait, but the rotation comment was for different health fields. I just choose different things to focus on for a while and then switch.

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But I am asking if you only did it once and that’s it?

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You have them working 24/7 :joy: :joy:

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Hmm… strange things in the harmonics lately lol

I just had a glass mug have a thermal fracture.


–not this one (it’s a stock picture), but the crack followed a similar arch.


I didn’t know, thanks for letting me know

Wow you are so strong