Random thoughts thread

yeah because I love you I have to show only love because material things blind the way

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that’s a politicians job, I am just a guy that wants to sell an armor made from dragon bones and diamonds dude

How can I pay for it besides money

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The unholy orders dread the Cross

give me crypto :joy:

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Tanks for support @zea and mosquito


thank holy broly

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The place of the skull hath become paradise

nobody interested to buy? :pensive:

Ohm Tahray Tootahray Tooray Sarwah Ahyoor Poonyay Pushtahm Kooroo Soha

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This one was supposed to be a tempered glass mug

It didn’t break like the first picture, it just had a crack form and then the drink was spilling through the hairline fractured areas. I expected it to break on the seam/joint instead of arching through the side lol

Aw man, I missed the wild Theo sighting… but at least I can track his cyber footsteps…

Did he turn into a scammer when I wasn’t looking?



If this is a spiritual forum then you selfless souls will gift me Cyber Brain

Thank you :pray:


B@nned for begging lol

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Random thought:

It’s kind of cool the things you can do from atop of the tower.

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Ive only asked 100 times

People these days…

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That’s what I would expect too. Well then it is a weird pattern. My fracture is a straight line. Doesn’t spill anything even. It’s a cheap glass though (like a nutella one, but white brand xD).

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