Random thoughts thread

Good sensors I approve

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I sense that it’s time for you to go to bed

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I sense that you were born in 2000

in about 20, I slept in the middle of the day

Ha you thought it’s gonna be that easy haven’t you
I said in my 30S not 30

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I sense that YOU were born in 2000

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you are a bad sensorer

Correct me then

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31 december 1999 at 23:59:59

and 59 seconds of seconds

Omg starseeding

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excuse my language

I dunno it’s like superhumans

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ok then

ok now I sense something

I sense you are gemini

Of course I am
Why else would I be so awesome

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ah now you are awesome
so you are not deja-vu
say hi to your camera from the FBI, you are caught now
you have the right to remain silent

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Brother in Christ I AM the FBI

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oh shi
hide the coca cola

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hello officer, how may I help you

Hello Saint Theophilos, we’ve been having rumors about you running a money laundering scheme using NFTs as a cover up

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its true