Random thoughts thread

hahahahahaha you didn’t expect that


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Please lie down on the floor sir and uhhh drop your laptop

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I am on a big tower pc with 32 inch screen and I am 10 cm away from the screen because I have my chair too close

my pc is with windows 7 :sunglasses:

Is 32 inch big

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its a television screen

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because I am a famous television persona of course

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Lmao deadass

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What channel are you on? I knew you’re the bald dude

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it is this big

I have long hair

I need a banana for scale

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No way
Never cut it

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I have short hair, sorry for lying :lying_face:

That’s fine, I’m used to liars…

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that’s deep man,
I am a Saint,
you can confess your sins and all your worries to me

but I am not a rapper

I ran out of weed father

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stop sinning already man

But all the funny people are in hell I wanna join