Random thoughts thread

That would be too good to be true :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why are DIY slime recipes like: add contact lens solution…

Contact lens solution $20
Slime $5

I’m not making a 40 dollar slime

Actually if I add the cost of labour it becomes a $100 one

I wish there was a field for nausea

@Drift reply something cause I can’t anymore

I was asked to enter my city
They couldn’t access my location by themselves

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She doesn’t represent me. #notmyminister

Is she a lizardwoman
Or a frogwoman
Or a grasswoman
Or a grasshopper woman

With skills, if you use internet normally (without VPN), yes.

Even with VPN but that requires skill and resource power maybe.

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Just an orion-er. They’re like humans but with green skin.

All else I know about their physiology is their hearts have 6 valves…I don’t know about frogs, etc.

I’ll avoid that intent then for now.

This made me wonder

Why do we assume that alien races are more evolved than us? What if a lot of them are in the stone age and illiterate xD

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That I’m not sending healing down my bloodline if that’s a possible outcome…and since I’ve already experienced it out of nothing (pure empathy?) I’m not doing it for sure.

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What if they’re both?

But the reason is that we’re the result of their experiments, so ofc we look up to them as more advanced.

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I thought I’m a result of a monkey being bored as shit and just going “Ommmm” all day every day and reaching enlightment

But I like your theory better :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re thinking for a single nanosecond I’m going to explain the whole thing you’re tripping xD

But they also taught us stuff like agriculture and all so they always had a mentor role.

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Monkey got other-than-monkey soul incarnated in their bodies.

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Ah hol up you said you don’t like him

Nevermind then