Random thoughts thread

So that’s why I only ever see the void xD


Aaah you’re using them fancy brain fields

Is it worth it, you think?

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What’s the best brain field for spiritual growth/enlightenment?

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I got some math formulas and patterns in gold, before zooming in on a water planet once. Planet had rings of clouds around…it was really watery. Population was like…all grays? Like humans but with a different skin. Skin was psychically sensitive so to speak. Telempathy happened through touch…damn they were like pearl people but less human and “beautiful” (for human standards).

I know there are aliens like these in some franchise (Stargate I think), but they’re green and even less human. These guys just had no nose xD but they didn’t look like Voldemort at all.

Cool guys.

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Literally all of them work together and build on each other…you don’t have a best one. You better get a few key ones but honestly…boosting and everything does the work for real.

Don’t lmao me :rage:

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oh btw these guys were way taller than humans so not really the grays xD

You be like"I’m not energy sensitive at all" yet traveling to other galaxies in your mind :roll_eyes:

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SaintTheophilos had an experience with that xD

I haven’t used Shen enough.

I like the hypnogogic or dream imagery…I don’t need to have a full first contact xD

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This was before fields and it is just dreaming.

It also happens when you meditate and stuff.

Also don’t mix enlightenment with psychic woo woo…I’m just saying in case you’re asking not for what you want.

I be tripping too xD

Where does astral travel fit in here?

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Woo woo

Ok I need woo woo
What brain field for woo woo pls

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Yeah I couldn’t go high enough to meet them halfway…and also not missing the radiation either. Not even missing visuals. A deep felt connection is better.

Knowing what I could handle before messing up is the best xD

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I tried DrVirtual7 and it gave me a headache

Must be a good sign

“Batman superpowers subliminal”

His superpower is being fucking loaded mhm


Bruh lol


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I meant vibrationally xD. Yeah there’s no need for anything to show up if you go high enough…but our physical bodies ain’t made for that so.

Must be the USA xD