Random thoughts thread

The Alien Songs Of Moldavite And Libyan Desert Glass


You chose the right field too.


I love this one

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This is what I got

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An invidio link this time because… screw youtube lol


i was thinking can my diet supplment all the fields i listen to?


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I listen to manly man and brain fields and ego diss, all these fields require food for the changes to happen, what if any diet is not able to supplment that many fields

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Of course it can

Your diet has supplemented your entire existence, man. Since before you were even born.

I’ve been doing a lot of research in regards of my own health problems and let me tell you that diet is the most important thing in that aspect.

Choose highly nutritious food, stop eating processed or packaged foods, stop eating food you are allergic to in any way or that you’re body has issues processing/digesting, eat foods low in hormone disrupting substances, stop eating sugar, etc

there’s a lot more but those are the things that have worked for me. Diet is a very very subjective thing.

You should pay attention to your health problems and if they aren’t genetic then it’s most likely your diet causing them.

personally im on a carnivore diet and so far so good, far better than eating carbs lol

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thx for your comment, yeah i bought a whole lot of supplments a while back, am hoping that covers me


I would use them as a way to prevent deficiencies.

Use plasma flaunt or max heal if you have them. They can help you too


Hello, @Maoshan_Wanderer will you please DM me?

Funny, today I really felt like called to rewatch Matrix trilogy, and guess what, Italian TV is playing it this evening

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I have the ig pic of quantum love and have it as wallpaper on my phone. How does it work exactly? Does looking at it or having it on the screen the same as playing it? I have quantum love for 24/7?

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I love him



maybe the next update of the matrix will bring us a built-in autotranslator in our eyes

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Mead is the best alocholic beverage in this world, period :D