Random thoughts thread

Aw that sucks

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Would you guys put crucible of stored trauma or internal alchemical crucible first in a stack together?

You guys believe in soulmate? Let’s say that its true but she’s million miles away. How tf are we supposed to meet, or wait?

:thinking: Well… the widest circumference of the earth is less than 25,000 miles… So… if she’s a million miles away, it sounds like she might be on another planet. You might need to consult JAAJ for a situation like that lol


I guess there are lots of definitions for that term. It all depends on what you want to believe. Do you believe in angels, in miracles? Do you believe that our NFT deities and servitors can help things happen?

It’s been said that two people on different sides of the planet can come up with the same idea at the same time. There is no shortage of miracles anywhere, as far as I know.

As far as soulmates go - what does that mean to you? Have you accepted someone else’s definition of what that means - and then tried to figure it out with logic?

What is it that you want? Figure that out first. From what I can determine the only thing that goes wrong in relationships is when people miss the signs - the first one being, why are you seeking it? Long story short, be the person down to your very core that you would want to spend an incredibly wonderful time with. If there’s some part of you you want to hide, use the brilliant tools of sapienmed to clear it out. Think of what you have to give and amplify it. If there is only now, see yourself with that person, enjoying life. You can send love, peace, joy, and the energy of fields to bless that one. And that’s just a couple of ideas. There are loads of them, but the most important is knowing that the person who can help you on the path is the one who will show up. Realize that that’s the blessing of love - to let the other be your mirror and you, theirs. Understanding that is just part of the joy of the perceived “other”.

Oh btw, they could be right next door. The more you use these tools, the better you will be at being the right person at just the right time. Or you could just find a really nice person . . .



I was gonna vent about something on the venting thread but I forgot what I was mad about



Perfection :ok_hand: natural zen lol



What even is anger

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Vibrate Vam to your Sacral Chakra while holding the Kamayaji Mudra around 5 to 10 minutes.

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Have you tried this?

Finally :relieved:

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You know you hit me like a hurricane
Since you hit me I won’t love again

Consciousness :eye:

AI is so dope


What is “Resolve"?

just remembered msn groups…it was what we nerdy kids did back then

lots of them

source of all knowledge in the world xD

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Commitment to a decision or being in flow in a way. Being on top of your game and having enough resources to solve something.

I just made a bunch of images using AI based on the description of some fields

Blueprint of life:

Should I post them on their respective thread? :thinking: