Random thoughts thread

You have a new pic
I didnt know u were @Drift

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I’ve decided to not be affected by xmas xD

Anyway, yes…I may even change it again…what a crazy world eh? xD

That happened to me too…remember I once asked guys to stop changing their profile pics cause then I couldnt tell them apart xD

But you guys had the same nicknames too.

Owl and littleowl…the fuck guys…

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Yep that’s how I knew who you are xD

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Lil flex, capt got me looking good :blush::+1: my hero!!!

B12 vitamin very good.

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Yes, they take physical form but with 1 catch. If you cheat, your dead. Read about Yu ourselves, never go by what ppl say. I recommend Franz Batdon

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Very powerful fields

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try looping the video xD

Nothing as thrilling as being “institutionalized” :ok_hand:


Kung Fu +99

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Just finished the shaolin video you sent in the other thread.

I fully support them, they’re doing the right thing xD

People saying Shaolin is all about meditation always used to get on my nerves. I’m glad that video exists.

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Did you practice?

I read their history in detail from multiple sources.

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For the lazy learner/non-reader

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